When you think about how much wealth was destroyed, how many dreams were shattered, and how many lives were taken in the last century through the mechanism of democide, and you imagine the paradise that could exist were it not for the cupidity and brutality of our leaders, you can't help but weep.

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Only one thought on this: don’t be angry at those who fall for it. Instead, pray and work for their enlightenment (as you do). Our institutions are part of a never ending psyop to find suckers to do the work. I fell into that machinery - and thought I was “doing the right thing.” It took Divine Intervention to have my eyes opened.

Keep it up.


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I've had long, drawn-out arguments with people about all of this in the past. The most common reaction I get is one of cold indifference. "Yes? And? This is normal."

Or, even worse, they cite Steven Pinker and some other Whig History nonsense and say "Don't worry, it's getting better".

That's the part that always gets me. The part where people shrug their shoulders and just accept that all of this is standard human behavior at work. It isn't, though. Systematic violence requires substantial, concerted effort. It requires promises of plunder for the victors and threats of execution for those who refuse to be conscripted.

Warfare is not the default setting. Humans overwhelmingly prefer peaceable socialization and basically have to be whipped into violence like fighting dogs. It is impossible to take brief, sporadic outbreaks of violence, such as bar fights or riots, which usually resolve themselves, and extrapolate that to warfare. War requires deliberate, systematic, mechanical removal of inhibitions and the crossing of social boundaries.

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I don't know if you've seen it, but there was a brilliant PBS series back in the early-80s called (simply) "War" narrated by Gwynne Dyer. Most relevant to your point was the episode (Ep. 2) called "Anybody's Son Will Do." It's still available on Youtube. It's how we turn ordinary high school students into killers.


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Also there is the phrase, what my grandfather was saying - Why would I bother? Why would they go after me? What I did to any of them? I work for German company, why would they bother me?

That was in April 1941. He was dead by June/July 1941.

The Big Shoots didn't bother about Jovan Shobot. But first neighbor, Balaban was the last name DID. He was the one to point the finger on my grandfather and say - YOU ARE SERB, you go to Orthodox Church.

And Ustash took him. He was gone.

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Thanks Spartacus

On a personal note my Grandfather was a Boy Soldier on the Somme

Wounded and Mustard Gassed he survived hence me, my children and grandchildren could be born

All those lives that never were

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Kakistocracy: government by, and for, the worst possible people.

Fuck ‘em.

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"Let the COVID-19 overreach be their final folly." 🙏

( It is inconceivable to me how the collective "we" normalize and accept the brutality of our leaders and "can't help but weep" while they keep killing us, getting richer, over & over & over again. (Spartacus, I wish I could share the testimony of 5 nuns (serbian orthodox) of what has been done to them by US/NATO soldiers at Kosovo.

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Spartacus, you are a great hero for humanity, as painful as the awakening is for oh so many. As a women who grew up in the fire of the Vietnam Era, who read the Pentagon Papers at 16, I have ALWAYS detested war, and every male and female warmongerer on Earth.

It is insane and only the insane or the mind-controlled, will go for it. Socipaths, psychopaths, "demons," those sick emotional plague, the anti-life principle or Wetico are the ones setting these horrors into motion. "Normies" cannot comprehend their thinking and actual behaviors, yet they are convinced by them to participate.

For a deep insight, even for you, on the origin of warfare on our beautiful planet Earth among human society, please consider getting a copy of James DeMeo's book "Saharasia" and read it throughly. It lays it out like no other, it's a theory he proves in my opinion, and it truly explains the "insanity" that is war. If we all understood this it might have a shot at stopping it!


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Oct 3, 2023
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None of us are without sin; it's how you handle that realization that matters.

And a lot of it also depends upon exactly what you did "in the war."

Despite agreeing with much of what Spartacus says, I don't think that means that my grandfather was a "bad" man (for example) for leaving his family and volunteering to fight in WW2. He liberated a death camp as his unit closed in on Germany in the aftermath of the Battle of the bulge in 1944. How does one factor that in the moral calculus?

IOW, Spartacus may have correctly identified the war profiteers as the truly bad people, but I don't think that means everyone who was swept up along in that carries the same culpability. There is no transitive property of Evil.

In the same way that the law protects the bona fide (ignorant) purchaser of stolen goods, for example. We don't say that the people who Bernie Madoff swindled (i.e. his victims) share his culpability, do we?

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Correct. Most normal people aren't even playing the same game as the war profiteer con men. These are two separate social games with two separate sets of rules, and the ones playing the hidden game don't let their victims look at the rulebook.

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We get separate economic playbooks, too. ;-)

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Oct 3, 2023
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I think that you're asking the right questions, but you seem to think that "the truth" exists in some Platonic-state that is knowable to ordinary men. Let me offer a story.

I was off the coast of what we called the "FRY" (the Former Republic of Yugoslavia) in 1995 when that all went to shit. I was part of the amphib task force that rescued a USAF pilot shot down while enforcing the no-fly zone over that country. We had no internet and very little understanding of the situation on the ground. Can you say definitively whether the no-fly zone was "evil", with no room for nuance? Fortunately, our helos didn't shoot anyone during that rescue, but if they had returned fire (the rescue aircraft were fired upon once they went inland) and killed someone, would you call that also "evil"? I have a hard time seeing that.

We had one guy in my unit who was getting a Master's and he was the only person I knew who had any books that even discussed the history of "FRY" and from all we could glean, it was a mess - with plenty of so-shit evil done by ALL sides in that civil war. Much of that blame for those starting conditions lies with Tito and many other leaders that far predates our arrival.

A Brit Major who was on the ground w/ peacekeepers in the UN enclaves came aboard our ship to explain what we would likely encounter if we tried to evacuate those enclaves.

He said: "The Serbs (BSA) will shoot at you for coming ashore. The BiH will shoot at you for coming into these particular areas. And the people we're protecting will mine the landing zones because if you take us out, they know that the BSA will move in and slaughter them. Therefore, you should understand that everyone there will try to kill you for their own separate reasons."

That's what war looks like "on the ground" I'm afraid. So who gets the blame for acting "evil" in such circumstances? Where is "The Truth" there? Do you blame the soldiers for having chosen service that on the surface is to "defend our own people" but gets turned into "using force in extremely murky and unclear circumstances." And then consider that those who refuse to participate in missions they consider wrongful are court-martialed and thrown in jail for disobedience. See, for example, U.S. v. New. https://www.armfor.uscourts.gov/opinions/2001Term/99-0640.htm)

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Except for the World Wars, and the Korean War, I've been alive for the majority of the events your masterful summary covers. What is more, unlike what seems to me to be an almost complete absence of awareness in the public at large, I've actively taken notice when the events occurred and I consigned to memory those events, the reports, the debates, criticisms and justifications, and also the propaganda, and over the years I've tended to those memories and I've sought to enhance that knowledge with the evidence that has been exhumed since.

I wish I had the authority with which I could invest with value my confirmation of the accuracy of all your details, the interpretation of the events, and especially the righteousness of your indignation, but I have nothing beyond that of a fellow human traveler who made the effort to be aware and has paid attention as the world turned. Instead of authority, you have my most solemn acknowledgment of this work, and my greatest respect.

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BRAVO! What an article. I think there's enough meat on those bones to put a chill in the heart of anyone who thinks they live in a democracy. The problem isn't so much the psychopaths at the top. It is the parasites who all live off the carcass of their kills.

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Great summary...but you could have covered a lot more about the Zionist control and involvement behind so much of it. 9/11 was a Mossad operation. How and why the US has been manipulated into so much conflict and war on their behalf, all disguised as fighting for "peace & security", as well as for "democracy & freedom", of course. The puppet masters and their agendas are a whole layer deeper...

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The trickery began when they artificially attached the old testament to the New Testament and made people believe that it was a Christian requirement to raise up “the chosen people”. There’s nothing Christian about judeo. Such a bizarre combo judeo-Christian.

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I love a good rant as much as anyone, .... but damn, I feel like I need a cigarette after that !

And I gave up cig's in 2015 lol

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Brilliant, informative article - thank you.

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I am in awe of the breadth of your historical knowledge, and consider you one of the most important writers here. Thank you for providing me with vital food for thought and research. I lived through all of these later historical milestones (70s and upwards), and have been completely and utterly unaware of the globalist/industrialist twist on it - other than on the most superficial level. And what a twist it is!

"Spookocracy". That's a new word for the ages. JFK didn't stand a chance. I doubt RFK does, either. I now genuinely understand the concerns for his safety. If, indeed, he does plan to finish what JFK started.

Your comment on water as the next resource to monetise and control, and source for EverWar, had me go absolutely cold. I had only recently circulated this clip to friends of mine:


God have mercy on us all. This is the existentialist crisis of existentialist crises. I, an atheist for some, then agnostic for the rest, of my life - am now fully back on side, and have set up emergency channels of prayer with my Maker (with apologies for my truculence) for our deliverance from this Evil. If we can't manage to shake it ourselves, we really need the help.

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I didn't even get into the Euromaidan. It was the same exact playbook as the Arab Spring, just a few years later.

Ukraine is basically worth a whole episode, though.

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True that! See Texas Bentley’s Telegram Channel for starters.

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Pox Americana.

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Meat on the bones of it all, for sure. And not an ounce of fat. I can't imagine a more succinct survey of the last hundred years of servitude... though it necessarily, I suppose, leaves out a few other theatres barely mentioned (Nicaragua...>> Central and South America) or not at all (East Timor, Indonesia, etc.). I especially appreciate the insight of connection between war.gov and organized crime. You have admirably fleshed out Gen. Smedley Butler's thesis: War is a Racket.

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Nice synopsis. I learned about these things gradually over a span of 20 years, and you mention a few that I suspected but about which I had no information.

I'm afraid there are follies yet to come, but thankfully not many. "Covid" is an end-marker, but not quite the end.

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Never to late to express your deep truth. I share the same disgust and horror.

One thing that helped to make this all possible is de-platforming people starting in earnest in the 1970s. Earl Butz was appointed Secretary of Agriculture, by President Nixon. There's a lot of white washing of his legacy, but it doesn't change the fact that he initiated the destruction of the small farmer, telling them to "Get Big or Get Out". All those small farms and small towns that provided services to the small farmers, just as the small farmer provide amazing food few can imagine today.

Those small villages and small farmer were sent to CAFOs called suburbs or cities. Corporate Agriculture, Pesticides, Mystery meat and food are what is being pushed as us with increasing ferocity. With our minds enslaved by cell phones, TV, Radio, Computers as well as the junk food just mentioned we are being groomed for slaughter.

As Dr. Shiva demonstrates, our children will live shorter lives than their parents. The wittling away at health and longevity of US citizen began in earnest in 1970s. It is time now to stop this nonsense.

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There is not enough DSM-5 codes to describe these rulers , leaders , government officials, ect ect ect … 😡

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What shall be the remedy?

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The first step is education. Whatever manner of brainwashing in the public school system is making people turn a blind eye to all of this as adults, kids should no longer be exposed to it.

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Getting back to all real stuff would make great strides. Get rid of the fakes, Fake News, Fake Education, Fake History, Fake Government, Fake Currency, abandon DC and strip the fringes off the flag. All of that combined would make a great Step One. lol

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If "Get rid of" is a euphemism for The Mother Of All Expropriations™ (thanks to Alex Krainer), and then tar and feathering followed by public hanging of all the perpetrators and the creators, sponsors, advocates, apologists, and beneficiaries of the fakery, then I absolutely agree.

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Yes, all of that would do nicely, .... although I generally lean towards scaphism, ...but I'm not all that picky. lol

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Scaphism! My word!

You, sir, have unsavoury predilection for the obscene! I'm rapidly warming to you!

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Eh, I have my moments. lol

It wouldn't even have to be a live feed. It takes so long that even a time-lapse camera would give everyone an opportunity to observe in their spare time.

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Then you get labeled as a conspiracy theorist and mocked by 75% of the population.

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70 of that 75% are just following the perceived leader. It's the 5% (probably less) of Progressive ultra extremists are the ones doing the mocking, and we only care what those nutjobs think because for now they hold the 70% in thrall.

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there is more truth in what you say here, than most people realize. Very significant and important comment.

"follow the leader" -- so part of the first step has to be to teach people to be aware of this human tendency and question anyone who holds themselves up to be a leader, and to pay attention to where their attention is being drawn by the leader, and then make themselves turn around to see what is in the shadows that the leader doesn't want them to see.

(might be a good leader, but it pays to learn discernment and not simply follow the crowd)

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Getting back to all real stuff would make great strides. Get rid of the fakes, Fake News, Fake Education, Fake History, Fake Government, Fake Currency, abandon DC and strip the fringes off the flag. That would make a great Step One. lol

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Perfect for my 17 year old boy/man who needs a little more history and government study and who I have been telling to stay away from the military. He can fight our gov. here at home I say.

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I’ve always thought water would be the next big thing to fight over. And the damn WEFers are now making noise re: water and control (because Covid didn’t work as well as they’d hoped).

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Beautifully written as always!!

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