Meat on the bones of it all, for sure. And not an ounce of fat. I can't imagine a more succinct survey of the last hundred years of servitude... though it necessarily, I suppose, leaves out a few other theatres barely mentioned (Nicaragua...>> Central and South America) or not at all (East Timor, Indonesia, etc.). I especially appreciate…
Meat on the bones of it all, for sure. And not an ounce of fat. I can't imagine a more succinct survey of the last hundred years of servitude... though it necessarily, I suppose, leaves out a few other theatres barely mentioned (Nicaragua...>> Central and South America) or not at all (East Timor, Indonesia, etc.). I especially appreciate the insight of connection between and organized crime. You have admirably fleshed out Gen. Smedley Butler's thesis: War is a Racket.
Meat on the bones of it all, for sure. And not an ounce of fat. I can't imagine a more succinct survey of the last hundred years of servitude... though it necessarily, I suppose, leaves out a few other theatres barely mentioned (Nicaragua...>> Central and South America) or not at all (East Timor, Indonesia, etc.). I especially appreciate the insight of connection between and organized crime. You have admirably fleshed out Gen. Smedley Butler's thesis: War is a Racket.