Behavioral control through involuntary BMI or other biological methods is menticide, the killing of a mind, equivalent to murder and genocide. It would also enable any other crime imaginable. It means the abolition of humanity for the pleasure and ascendancy of the worst of us, the psychopaths.

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Correct. On a large enough scale, this means the elimination of our very essence as human beings. I don't want to live in a world where people no longer seek true fulfillment or produce works of art and culture because they experience none of the longing that their ancestors did.

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This world would be short-lived as human bodies were strip mined.

All of the thoughts, feelings and reactions we have are the result of countless eons of our species surviving and individuals, families and small groups.

"Free Will" is not denied by God, but would be denied by this technology.

It is necessary for us to stop this world from becoming, not selfishly, but for the benefit of life itself.

I will post essential excerpts and the link to this investigation , as I have the previous Spartacus posts, going back to last September.

drjohnsblog.substack.com www.johndayblog.com

John Day MD, fired for "vaccine" non-compliance

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Come back Spartacus 🧚

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Doesn’t anyone else recognize the analogy and see what is happening?

mRNA is the New Microsoft 2 - by The Aging Viking


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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Spartacus

I struggle to find any hope after reading this. Can we do sth about it?

My best guess is just starve the beast by moving to a rural community and start a simple life. I am honest to myself and I understand this is not a fight but rather an escape. What are your thoughts?

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The thought that plagues me as I read this:

If this plan works, nobody will know its there and everyone who tries to tell the truth will seem insane.

And in a broader social context, they will arguably BE insane.

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Some of us are watching the horror unfold before our eyes in real time, desperately, frantically trying to raise the alarm to awaken the oblivious, soma-laced masses. I fear our attempts will be fruitless. The inexorable drip of paradigm shift, the totalitarian tiptoe, continues undetected by the complaint and distracted non player characters. Perhaps their BMI is already activated? Those resistant to hypnosis and savvy to a magician’s sleight of hand still clinging on by their fingertips at humanity’s precipice, praying for time, or a seismic event, a white pill that releases the captives from the matrix and forces them to admit that 2+2=4, that there are only four lights. But with every passing day, with every truth exposed as a lie, conspiracy unveiled as fact that fails to pique the interest of the mentally imprisoned, the nearer we are to handing the keys to our elite overlords.

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Throughout our relatively short history as "sapiens"we have had many shifts into cultlike madness that resembles the troubles of today.

The Crusades are one of many examples. Of course it can be argued that the sheer existential power of the Church at that time played a role-- but one must understand that power does not exist in a vacuum.

How much direct control over the masses do the whims of the elite truly exert?

Or do they watch the skies and spy on the people, noting the stirrings of dark psychology, teasing apart the fragile bits of Group Narrative to enflame these evil forces in order to proscribe the New Cure?

Are we dealing with Scientists or Priests here?

Is there even a difference?

Or to really nail down my current troubles: is this a biological problem? is humanity subject to mass hysteria in genetic cycles to keep population in check?

Sorry Im going off into the weeds here but this shit keeps me up at night...

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Anon Y. Mouse, this shit keeps me up at night as well. Just can’t shake it.

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What they ultimately want to achieve is behavior control and behavior modification via the use of technology (wearables and injectables) and pharmaceuticals. Read this fascinating article from 1974:

"Genocide of the Mind" by Joe Heath, 'Science for the people' Vol. 6, No. 3, May 1974, p. 8-15


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Spartacus, I can’t thank you and ICENI enough for all the research. Man is unfortunately suffering from sin and free will. We are headed in the wrong direction. An older salty urologist and I were scrubbing our hands at the operating room sink a few years back, he made comments about a few residents and said to me “we are lost as a society… there is no humility, humbleness or kindness left in these kids we train.” To Pervert truth and knowledge will destroy our world. What is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. It’s a damn shame.

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by Spartacus

A world without meaning and the beauty of living alongside nature where you dip your toes in to feel the water before the plunge or your feet bare on the grass to have the sensitive taste of a morning dew is a dead world as the bare thought of doing these things is what freedom is to man.

Humankind are free thoughts without interference from psychopaths that wants to mess with the delicacy of our brains and steer those mysteriously neurones put together and make them into a made-up shitload of Metaverse to give docility a new low.

No to Musks Starlink, no to UBI and what is connected to that.

F… off all of them.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022Liked by Spartacus

May 23, 2019


DARPA, the Department of Defense's research arm, is paying scientists to invent ways to instantly read soldiers' minds using tools like genetic engineering of the human brain, nanotechnology and infrared beams.


"When you try to capture brain activity through the skull, it's hard to know where the signals are coming from and when and where the signals are being generated. So the big challenge is, can we push the absolute limits of our resolution, both in space and time?"

[Genetically tweaking human brains]

To do this, Robinson's team plans to use viruses modified to deliver genetic material into cells — called viral vectors — to insert DNA into specific neurons that will make them produce two kinds of proteins.

The first type of protein absorbs light when a neuron is firing, which makes it possible to detect neural activity. An external headset would send out a beam of infrared light that can pass through the skull and into the brain. Detectors attached to the headset would then measure the tiny signal that is reflected from the brain tissue to create an image of the brain. Because of the protein, the targeted areas will appear darker (absorbing light) when neurons are firing, generating a read of brain activity that can be used to work out what the person is seeing, hearing or trying to do.

The second protein tethers to magnetic nanoparticles, so the neurons can be magnetically stimulated to fire when the headset generates a magnetic field. This could be used to stimulate neurons so as to induce an image or sound in the patient's mind. As a proof of concept, the group plans to use the system to transmit images from the visual cortex of one person to that of another.

"Being able to decode or encode sensory experiences is something we understand relatively well," Robinson said. "At the bleeding edge of science, I think we are there if we had the technology to do it."

published May 23, 2019 !!!

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022Author

Note the use of cell transfection with genes to make brain tissue light-sensitive. They've been doing this with lab animals for basically two decades, now. Look up the history of optogenetics. It's early 2000s stuff.


The next step, is of course, germline edits to make people "pre-sensitized" to this garbage right from birth.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Thank you for this. I have not researched optogenetics yet but a cursory search of it already alarms me.

As for the article+quote I linked, what I found really concerning was that the description of delivering genetic material into cells to produce certain types of proteins sounds awful damn close to how the mRNA vaccines have been described to function..

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022Author

The essential thing to always keep in mind is that genes are blueprints for proteins. DNA becomes RNA as RNA polymerase unzips the DNA and copies a strand, and that RNA leaves the cell nucleus and becomes proteins as ribosomes translate it. Increasing expression of a gene means increasing production of the corresponding protein. RNA strands are the working form of a gene, while DNA is the long-term storage form.

Adding a foreign gene means the cell is now synthesizing proteins that aren't normally supposed to be there. The mRNA from the vaccines isn't supposed to be incorporated into the genome, but it can be, by endogenous reverse transcription.

There are many different ways to transfect foreign genetic material into a living cell. Stuffing that material (plasmids, mRNA, etc.) into lipid nanoparticles and having cells endocytose those LNPs is just one method out of several. All sorts of different techniques exist, like microinjection, electroporation, viral vectors, other types of nanoparticle constructs, et cetera. All living cells have a plasma membrane to keep the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. Gene delivery methods generally involve bypassing this membrane to insert biomolecules into those cells and get them to take up the material and begin processing it into proteins.

Transfecting brain cells with genes to make light-sensitive proteins would allow regions of the brain to be stimulated with light, but in optogenetics experiments, very often, that light is delivered by fiber-optic probes shoved directly into the brain, which is just as invasive as microelectrodes.

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Great post, wealth of information! The end of this BCI saga leads us directly to "Matrix" where no "surrogate activity" is necessary.

This is the most rosy of scenarios. I could conjure up many more (like stimulating despair or pain instead of happiness), and none of them would be so benevolent. Considering the satanist inclinations of the eugenicist cabal, these are more plausible though. The problem of the discourse above is the lack of the spiritual aspect. And I see no escape, as Ted Kaczynski's abject failure despite the accurate prediction of the current state of affairs 50 years in advance has demonstrated, without the hand of God and his Divine Intervention on behalf of Humanity. If Satan is real, as we all see now, so must be God. We truly live in biblical times once again. To despair or to rejoice? Depends on one's faith in God's plan.

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Even the "Matrix" can be extremely oppressive. Pair this technology up with other methods of spying on people's personal lives, and it is possible to perform operant conditioning on anyone, anywhere, at any time, depending on their GPS location relative to other people, what they're watching on their phones, what articles they're reading, what websites they're visiting, et cetera. Are they on a forum for radicals, or gathering with other dissidents? Withdraw their artificial pleasure. Make them fight. Are they in close proximity with someone who is relatively more moderate, or watching campaign videos of "approved" candidates? Increase their pleasure, make them more receptive. They can do this because they have dossiers and psych profiles on everyone, thanks to DARPA's LifeLog. I mean, Facebook.

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Mar 20, 2022·edited Mar 20, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Augmented humans, by Klaus's plan, will be kept for tasks unfulfilled by the AI robots. But whoever is allowed to live in such condition must be controlled as to not present a threat to the ruling elite. These will be kept happy or whipped as necessary for their function. The rest will be disposed of, not kept happy, without much empathy. The animal farm.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022Liked by Spartacus

An amazing post! I have stumbled across the "Manifesto" two-three days ago by accident just as you published your post which I have discovered only now. Is it a hive mind or what?! I feel like spiraling down the ever-tighter loop onto the black hole of truth. Or peeling the onion of the wrath of God. All dominoes fall into place.

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Wow, what a masterfully written piece. Thank you.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Brilliant analysis. Thank you.

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What happens if someone takes out the 5g towers?

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“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” —Viktor Frankl, neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher and Holocaust survivor, author of Man’s Search for Meaning.

The technology programs described threaten to take away even this last, most basic freedom.

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OK, is that the next true conspiracy: that it was the combination of 5G and vaccines that would produce this result (global mind control with a vaccine formed Neural Lace BCI)?

Yes, the 5G propaganda x Censorship has the same smell as the Zoonotic CoV2 Lab Leak thing, the January 6th thing, the Safe & Effective thing, and the Ukraine Good x Russian Bad Story.

But, lots *have long* imagined. That's what tin foil hats are for. + all the stories about COVID jab magnetic arms, or vaxxed walking with a MAC address, generally considered hoaxes & lunacies.

SO, have you not captured a 5G Vaxxed borg & run an Android network discovery app on it? They're supposed to be some 75% of the population.

Wouldn't that be possible, in an unintrusive way, at any US Walmart?

Or is that part V?

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Having read all of this and having read the original letter, and having carefully monitored the pandemic since the stories first started coming out of wuhan in 2019, I have a few things to say.

I would appreciate insight and improvement into my attempt to make some positive recommendations on my own personal COVID-19 protocol located at tiny.one/clotstop.

I have a few comments about the substance of the Spartacus letters which I will share in brief along with my own conclusions.

I would not personally call it sepsis. I would call it acute endothelial disruption, and say that endothelial function disruptions cause cascade effects all the way up to organ failure. It may simply be a case of semantic preference, but I'll make another controversial statement: I think Marik is full of shit.

There's a lot of good logic that goes unused in critical care which would support the full integration of an antioxidant and pro-nutrient battery right into the IV drip. Holistic therapy seeks to support the body, which must ultimately recover on it's own. All we can do is influence it and feed it at a molecular level. Medications do not heal the body, they suppress abnormal conditions and disrupt vicious feedback loops, but the body, if it is to survive in the long term outside of the critical care ward, must repair itself, and what an amazingly capable system it is. Yet our science is focused on the latest pharmacological synthetics and not on the biological pathway, of, for example, the citric acid cycle. Money drives medicine.

But Marik also doesn't focus on the citric acid cycle despite proposing infusions of ascorbic acid along with a handful of other ingredients. His protocol is virtually unfounded- even without him showing his work, I have followed the logic and I don't see the benefit. It would be probably better to examine the pathology and attempt to treat it rather than shotgun tons of some unquantifiable good substance right into their arteries, which is a logic straight out of veterinarian science. Given this to be the case, I am hurt that you reference his work authoritatively. It reduces the credibility of your own.

I am surprised there is no mention of CD147 receptor activation when discussing the spike proteins.

The conjectures here pointing to the Wuhan institute don't have any evidence backing them up. We have literally found no proof any proof of work research into SARS type viruses happened there. I understand the logic suggesting that the virus, which was released there, was developed there, but I wish to point out some problems with this:

I want you to pick any two of the following three things. The other one cannot be simultaneously true.

Firstly, we must assume that we have zero allies in any chain of power under the 45th american presidency or in any other intelligence service in the world with insight into chinese proof of gain research secrets who had subsequently or concurrently obtained both the knowledge of this work and the strength to use whistleblowing/wikileaks type systems to disseminate it to us.

Secondly, we must assume that our enemies are either stupid or bold enough to deliberately do this in a way which would risk becoming publicly visible.

Thirdly, we must assume that the development of the virus was to create a biological weapon.

In other words, it is illogical to assume they were intentionally sloppy/didnt believe there was a risk, were intending to make a biological weapon, and there was also simultaneously nothing leaked to connect the dots- that would be magical thinking.

Our enemies only engage in magical thinking on television. They actively work to undermine institutions and public opinion and are intelligent enough that it is clear they are not so stupid as to intentionally commit crimes in broad daylight and it is clear that if they were, they would be detected(have been detected), otherwise one of two things is possible:

Either they didn't make this virus in Wuhan

or our intelligence sources are not capable of providing credible information

Either way, Spartacus, my conclusion is this wasn't made in Wuhan. It was planted in Wuhan, intentionally, to give the impression it was funded and developed through the channels you are aware of, but they are all a smoke screen- their research was borrowed by another group acting independently, yet on the same side, and their work and existence was used to keep you from looking harder. You believe you have found the enemy, and you are satisfied.


I have a different postulate I'd like to propose, completely unfounded:

SARS-NCOV-2 was first evolved in animals using a variety of techniques, some of which we know about, others we may not. From this "natural" process we have Lineage A, a fully "natural" strain, I shit you not, which we were expected to swallow as the evidence for animal origin. By this I am referring to the original A strain from the fish markets, not the A/B19 or A/B20, which confuse everything.

They worked on this further to produce B. B was the variant family responsible for all of the clusters of more intense symptoms, visible lung issues, etc. B then spread and mutated to form all of the wonderful thousands of variants we have today.

B and A were released at the same time, and intended to spread simultaneously, to create confusion. The "FISH MARKET! IT WAS THE FISH MARKET!" narrative was the propaganda. China? Simply the victim of this work, as they were also doing proof of gain research at the same time. A useful scapegoat.

The real question here, the ultimate end of this commentary, which is probably wearying you already, isn't where the virus was actually designed. It might have been kenya or ukraine. We will likely never know. What you are, however, suggesting in these later posts, and what I am here to comment on and am making these statements in support of, is that they had a motive.

I disagree with your beliefs regarding their motives. I frankly don't believe that there is such a great and grand plan going on here. Here is what I see: I see greedy, clever, secretive people who dont care about anyone but their income excusing their wicked deeds with neo-malthusianist glee and then rubbing their hands every time someone comes to them for their botched attempt at a "cure" for the common cold jacked up on gene transplants. There's no big picture evil here to talk about. The reason why we have no consensus on this as a world, the reason why your blog takes no traction and the FBI does virtually nothing is that humanity is on the same boat. Everyone is looking down, tired and stressed, feeling cornered and compressed by the weight of swelling humanity. Everyone's behavior has been shifted into antisocial realms by soybean oil poisoning, hypersocial public opinion critics, and resource limitations. Really? Nobody cares. Everyone suspects this to be the case, everyone I know, and many of them silently agree that this is just as good as anything of a way to go. The consensus is people need to die. Now that's a radical revelation.

What's important about this situation is not to be afraid, and not to look to see a conspiracy where no conspiracy is needed. Never suspect malice where incompetence and greed will perfectly suffice. If we really want change, we will need revolution.

And believe me, Spartacus, revolution is coming. Pandora's box is being opened. In 20 years the average terrorist will be able to make SARS-COV-2 look like a simplified lego house. He'll be able to create an aerosolized virus that specifically targets certain cells and causes them to manufacture acutely toxic molecules which harm every other kind of cell in the body causing cancer, tumor formation and acute necrosis within months with no other indication of infection. He'll be able to do things that will make you shudder in terror and wish you were never borne, all because he can, and because we have given him the tools to do so.

Information CAN kill, and specific instructions that kill life are no less deadly than any nuclear weapon, but considerably easier to replicate and conceal. As time goes on, it will be easier to make even more capable instructions, but because humans are play-dough creatures we fear only the substance and not the identity of the threat.

The time is coming when a luddite revolution will be necessary. We will have to choose between species extinction or going back to the dark ages. Science will be censored, it will be placed under watch and in an off-world sanitary dish, and if we do not, life will inevitably destroy itself.

If it is necessary to achieve behavioral control means in order to enforce this change, then I suppose I would be for such measures. We're coming for you, a full army of Malthusian reactionary medieval role-players, we're coming for you with pitchforks and brain implants, you brave and free spirit, and we're gonna get your little dog Toto too@@!

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022Author

Thank you very much for your thoughtful and interesting comment! I'll go over some of these things point-by-point.

Your protocol looks good. I honestly don't see much I'd change about it. I'm actually in favor of dietary approaches to solving a lot of these deficiencies. If someone is short on selenium and glutathione to act as substrates for GPX (as COVID-19 studies strongly suggest), that's malnutrition. They should be having sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts, unironically. It is very much a case of the body not having enough fuel to run its enzymatic processes, something that can only really happen if someone's diet consists of shoveling carb-rich, micronutrient-poor junk food into their head nonstop. They don't call it the SAD diet for nothing.

[I would not personally call it sepsis. I would call it acute endothelial disruption, and say that endothelial function disruptions cause cascade effects all the way up to organ failure. It may simply be a case of semantic preference, but I'll make another controversial statement: I think Marik is full of shit.]

Endothelial disruption can be an end-result of sepsis.


In COVID-19, it is difficult to tell what portion of the endothelial injury is a result of neutrophil over-activation, and what portion is a result of the Spike and other SARS-CoV-2 proteins directly interacting with the vascular endothelium and shifting the balance of hormones and vasoactive peptides in the lining of the blood vessels. This actually is a very important point, because it has implications for how COVID-19 may be treated. If neutrophil over-activity is the problem, then neutrophil activity modulation (i.e. suppressing myeloperoxidase) may be called for. I've taken an interest in Kutki Powder and apocynin for that particular purpose, among other things. If, on the other hand, the Spike-ACE2 interaction and bradykinin storm are the problem, then methylene blue and icatibant may be called for, but this is problematic for a number of reasons, as I'm sure you can imagine.

I don't actually think Marik is full of shit. I do think he has a good point by pushing for early outpatient treatment alongside McCullough, because if COVID-19 is a form of sepsis, then it's vital that treatment start as early as possible before it actually sets in. Once someone is in the ICU, a lot of potential options actually become futile.

Marik is actually not the only guy to ever push for ascorbic acid and the like for sepsis treatment:


Personally, I used to scoff at the "Vitamin C/antioxidants can treat everything!" types myself, but if it can help in this one specific instance, it wouldn't hurt to investigate it. On the other hand, people have failed to replicate Marik's studies before:


His response to this was to claim, essentially, that the trials were sabotaged by administering it too late to have any positive effect:


He actually has a point, here. Once the cascade has set in, once the DAMPs are in place, and once lipid hydroperoxides start proliferating, there is little that a vitamin infusion can do to help. The damage is already done. The best you can hope for is for the body to restore itself on its own.

[I am surprised there is no mention of CD147 receptor activation when discussing the spike proteins.]

I've previously mentioned CD147/Basigin and the Spike in the Spartacus Letter. However, this has kind of fallen by the wayside, due to studies that have been published that show no ability of the Spike to bind to basigin.


This is basically why I don't bring it up very often anymore. Personally, I agree with you, though. I think this requires further study.

[The conjectures here pointing to the Wuhan institute don't have any evidence backing them up. We have literally found no proof any proof of work research into SARS type viruses happened there.]

Presumably, they were, but you are technically correct. No incontrovertible proof of the virus being created in that laboratory has yet appeared. However, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence; Ralph Baric's long collaboration with Shi Zhengli and his work validating Moderna's vaccine in advance of the announcement of the outbreak is damning, as is the participation of Shi Zhengli, Peter Daszak, and the rest in a coverup, what with the Lancet lab leak letter and RaTG13.

[I want you to pick any two of the following three things. The other one cannot be simultaneously true.]

1. If it didn't come from Wuhan, then why did Peter Daszak, Shi Zhengli, and dozens of scientists affiliated with the WIV work so hard to cover everything up? They would have had a vested interest in naming the perpetrators, saying very publicly that it came from USAMRIID or Fort Detrick or the like. Instead, as soon as people start pointing fingers at the laboratory, they immediately began covering their tracks, publishing the forged RaTG13 sequence - a virus that looks like a SARS strain capable of infecting people but has no papers written about it in the seven years that they allegedly had a sample of it. Stephane Bancel's old boss, Alain Merieux, helped China build the P4 lab at the WIV, and SARS-CoV-2 Spike's furin cleavage site has, as its reverse complement, a 19-nt sequence only found in one other place in a BLAST database; a Moderna patented MSH3-mutant cancer cell line. Moderna; a company that has considerable US DOD grant money and angel investors behind them, even though they never came out with a commercial product until now. I believe the WIV obtained these cells from Moderna and performed serial passaging experiments in them, or something similar. What, exactly, they were trying to accomplish by that, other than painting a bullseye on their foreheads, I have no idea.

2. If it wasn't a limited bioweapon of some type to create political and socioeconomic disruption, then why did world leaders capitalize on the crisis so aggressively instead of demanding accountability?

3. If 45 wasn't in on all of this, then why would he tell people to take the vaccine if he knew it was poison? If he didn't know it was poison, then what else did he not know?

Instead of demanding a thorough investigation into what happened in Wuhan, people like Trudeau and Macron have moved forward with Klaus Schwab's regurgitated UN Sustainable Development Goals nonsense, rebranded as the "Great Reset", as if they had been planning this for years and years.

My theory is that the impetus for SARS-CoV-2 came from the US intelligence community, and that they intentionally created a pathogenic SARS strain - with the help of Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli - as an excuse for a global takeover and the implementation of a cashless central bank digital currency to cover for Wall Street's insolvency. The WIV and the Chinese government collaborated with the US intelligence community on this due to their own failing economy and the Evergrande debt bubble that was about to implode. Any public opposition to the US from China is feigned. They need American consumers to feed their economy.

In short, this was not an intelligence failure, as Andrew Huff put it. I believe the CIA have willingly committed treason, and Peter Daszak was their pawn. I also believe that a very large portion of the US Intelligence Community are in on this, and that most of their "disclosures" in the past several years are dishonest; a pied piper scheme to make people believe that justice is being done, when in reality, they've betrayed the public. There have been scant few whistleblowers, like Andrew Huff and Joseph Murphy, and that's it.

I have come to suspect that the wall of silence from the Pentagon is because we, the American people, are a military target, simply because we refuse neoliberal technocracy and the depredations of Big Finance. That is, of course, why the Pentagon are deliberately poisoning their own soldiers with this vaccine and covering up the DMED data. Many of those soldiers being poisoned are, in fact, their political opponents, who would start a coup in a heartbeat if they knew the full extent of all of this. The vaccine is a coup remover, ousting those who refuse to take it, and killing those who stay. Our leaders have sold us out to the NWO, and are dismantling American military power on purpose, and the Pentagon are helping them. The next step is, of course, rounding up and murdering dissidents NKVD-style.

The idea that there was no big plan behind this is undercut by the multitude of think tanks and policymakers who have positioned themselves almost perfectly to exploit the crisis, with seeming foreknowledge of how all this would play out that goes back for many years.

On the other hand, if all of this was planned on purpose, it would have required preternatural foresight. In that case, I'm not sure our adversary is even human. Maybe it's an AI oracle on a military mainframe somewhere, and these people are just taking direction from it.

Naturally, I hope I'm very wrong about all of this, and people of conscience within the system are opposing this wicked agenda. From my perspective, things are looking very, very grim indeed.

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That's interesting on the CD147. I know it can't bind the actual receptor itself but what I read is that it can trigger a response and a cascade from there, something that I sought to address therapeutically.

I agree with the part of Marik's assessment that early intervention is crucial, if possible even before symptoms. We as humans are used to thinking that by the time you have a fever, the illness is well under control and on the way out the door, but that reasoning is only superficially correct; the darker truth is that symptoms begin when the body begins to react to the problem and over half of them are a product of the reaction, not the infection, particularly where viral illnesses are concerned. In the case of COVID-19, at this point, it may already be too late to do much good, because many of the side effects are coming from damage caused in the prior 48 hours when often minor symptoms are visible like(in early covid cases, loss of smell) and in delta(stomach flu symptoms) and in omnicron(sneezing, cold symptoms).

Early prophylaxis of suspected viral infections with antihistamines, quercetin, general immune boosters(theraputic magnesium and vitamin D) and viral replication inhibitors(general wellness herbal support) is absolutely necessary, however, if the symptoms continue to change or be delayed, patients and clinicians won't be in an informed position to recommend timely support, and naturally, you can't just be dosing around the clock 24/7- eventually you run into combat fatigue and stop caring. If there is any part of the situation that is grim to me, this is the facet. I think Marik is full of crap when he speaks emphatically about the solid benefit of theraputic megadosing of anything- it is a form of pseudoscience and is dangerous to patients. What is worse, to me, is his thinking style and strategy.

Marik is pushing the components of his prophylaxis regiment through a mechanism of action survey that targets individual components of COVID-19 syndrome instead of COVID-19 illness. The anti-inflammatory effects and likewise other visible effects stressed, and this is crucial- that is not the way to treat an illness.

From early on, we should have been aware and disseminated the fact that quercetin is a potent ACE2 inhibitor and competes with the spike protein to bond to receptor sites. The compound should not have been pushed as an anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, it should have been pushed as an organic reversable rhACE2 inhibitor and used as a component of a regiment seeking to shut down SARS-nCOV-2 viral assault on the body.

Post and during fever, of course, integrating additional care in the form of organic antibiotics like monolaurin and regenerative/anti-inflammatory factors like bee products, soy lethicin, antioxidants, will be beneficial to calming the storm of reactive effects and preventing pneumonia. But why recommend shotgunning certain compounds just because hospitals have them in a deliverable form? NAC? Vitamin C? Please, no.

85% of patients need to be on an early regiment of PQQ, nattokinase, vitamin D, monolaurin, three times a day, applesauce, rice, and bananas, and a tincture of yarrow, echinacea, thyme and broccoli leaf, medicating with an antihistamine and pain relievers, with a focus on early diagnosis. Eliminating the swabs and achieving instant detection is a must. More rapidly, accurately detecting the infection should be and have been the highest priority of all. The few of them who are in serious condition, I understand the impetus to shotgun treatment for, but at their point, it might be better to treat their condition as if it were rabies rather than COVID and sedate them with ketamine before trying anything. Infusing them with vitamin megadoses disregards the most critical part of the problem- they are experiencing a pathological dysregulation of function at a cellular and system level. Simply injecting more good stuff doesn't do anything to respond to this unless by doing so you are literally seeking to bathe the vascularity in a medicinal stew, at which point you are engaging in mad science unless you know exactly what your ingredients are doing.

[1. If it didn't come from Wuhan, then why did Peter Daszak, Shi Zhengli, and dozens of scientists affiliated with the WIV work so hard to cover everything up?]

They had plenty to cover up and still do. The fact they have been working on biological weapons this entire time! is not lost on me, I am merely suggesting that the Wuhan institute being scapegoated is a cover-up designed to mislead investigators.

[2. If it wasn't a limited bioweapon of some type to create political and socioeconomic disruption, then why did world leaders capitalize on the crisis so aggressively instead of demanding accountability?]

World leaders are corrupt, greedy, and stupid. per my own theory concerning motive. So are the people who designed this. To be clear- the patent containing the unique genetic sequence https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/how-to-blast-your-way-to-the-truth?s=r proves beyond a doubt that Moderna is involved in creating this virus. It should be called MODERNA-VIRUS, and not COVID. Their guilt is unquestionable, but they have done a very, very good job of hiding their involvement.

[3. If 45 wasn't in on all of this, then why would he tell people to take the vaccine if he knew it was poison? If he didn't know it was poison, then what else did he not know?]

The vaccine isn't poison. It is a prophylaxis with a limited measure of effect and questionable side effects caused by the use of experimental technology. Since he, after all, is no less an idiot than any other world leader, and is, no less than any other, susceptible to propaganda and guilt-shaming, he is in favor of the vaccine. The vaccine does work in reducing illness due to mortality, but has a low chance of causing mortality itself due to semi-random effects . The benefit outweighs the risk in his voter base. Those who die of taking the vaccine likely have other health effects that would make them dependent on a socialized medical system, where as his supporters believe more than anything else in personal sufficiency and determination, which means 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - which means he cannot be harmed by any negative consequences of the vaccine on them, and only benefited. That's the political situation.

[The idea that there was no big plan behind this is undercut by the multitude of think tanks and policymakers who have positioned themselves almost perfectly to exploit the crisis, with seeming foreknowledge of how all this would play out that goes back for many years.]

They have positioned themselves to exploit any crisis, having no other way to manufacture an opportunity. The fact is, the more people involved in a conspiracy, the more likely it is that it will not remain secret. You know this. It is irrational and insane to assume otherwise. We must therefore conclude there is no collusion, not on a vast scale, and instead, what we have is endemic corruption. We already knew we had that- why can't we apply it to this too?

Things are looking grim. They are looking difficult. We will see more crisis's with either genuine or fabricated severity in the future in order to enable yet more situational exploitation by state actors, until we either wind up in a truly Orwellian dystopia or we wind up in another world war that decimates the population.

[The vaccine is a coup remover, ousting those who refuse to take it, and killing those who stay.] You could say the same thing in reverse about Russia's decision to invade Ukraine. By pushing the eastern army, the support from the Chechen people, etc various divisions into Ukraine's meat grinder, you kill off your potential military opposition, and out anyone who refuses to go as a traitor to be selected for extermination.

People of conscience do exist, friend. Most of them are children who retain a naive wonder at the universe and as a result sense of accountability to it. If they are within the system today, they are demoralized and drained by the gridlock and compartmentalization of agency. In a way, society is already run by an AI oracle, except, not one in a machine, but one printed on paper, whose rules articulate our behavior and train our thinking to being productive cogs, whose name is Mannon. And well we to be mindful that the payment for the sword is death, which our people and species has wielded well and faithfully for a long time. Let us not fear that now the payment has come due.

I cant remember what it was but there was something that both the vaccines and the illness increase an immune response(ie antibodies to) and the thing they cause antibodies to is something our body uses to repair the brain, but I can't remember what it is.. i guess it got my brain.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022Author

The trouble with Marik's ideas is bioavailability, or the lack thereof. A lot of oxidative conditions in the body sound, on paper, like they should be treated with antioxidants. And yet, in practice, this doesn't always produce any tangible benefit.

Severely ill COVID-19 sufferers, generally speaking, have hypocalcemia (perhaps due to elevated calcium uptake by the cells), low Vitamin D and glutathione, elevated oxidative stress markers and signs of ferroptosis (nitrotyrosine, malondialdehyde, etc.), hyperferritinemia, NETosis, and low nitric oxide levels.


All of this is a recipe for extreme oxidative stress injury. However, shoving more gas in the tank is of no use when the pistons have seized, so to speak. For enzymes like glutathione peroxidase to make use of selenium and glutathione, the pathways responsible for the uptake of the nutrients that lead to glutathione and selenoprotein synthesis need to have healthy activity.

In other words, dosing someone with large quantities of antioxidants is pointless if the cells can't use it. Some people like taking large quantities of NAC supplements every day, but that's stupid. People should be getting cysteine and selenium from their diets, not from a pill. A lot of people have Vitamin D deficiencies; they're endemic in developed countries, with over 40% of people being very Vitamin D deficient in the US, for instance. One of the main dietary sources of Vitamin D in the US is fortified milk, and yet, the groups that need it the most - particularly people who are darker-skinned - have higher rates of lactose intolerance. Basically, they need it in pill form, or else they need to start incorporating more fatty fish into their diets. Some beets for dietary nitrate wouldn't hurt, either. On the flipside, mild iron deficiency may be protective against COVID-19, too, as strange as that sounds. People should be avoiding excess dietary iron, but not to the point where they develop iron deficiency anemia.


To be quite honest, what I learned about the quality of people's diets in the US in the past couple years has horrified me far, far more than the virus. People are being rendered fragile to COVID-19 by persistent, chronic endothelial dysfunction brought on by poor diets and a lack of exercise. The ACE2 enzyme that SARS-CoV-2 Spike uses as an entry receptor is a membrane-bound protein that pretty much has higher expression in the blood vessels of people with hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and the like, because it has a compensatory antihypertensive effect (it converts an AT2R agonist into a MASr agonist). Also, endothelial dysfunction causes chronic oxidative stress. Chronic oxidative stress eats up nitric oxide in the blood vessels, and that, in turn, helps the virus replicate.

People have this misconception that people with these comorbidities died "with" COVID-19, not "of" COVID-19. That's not the case. Obesity, hypertension, and diabetes prime the body for SARS-CoV-2 and make it replicate much, much faster.

What's so insane and cruel about all of this is that the lockdowns made people's endothelial health substantially worse, increasing time spent sedentary and likely having a negative effect on people's diets, too. The best way to fortify the body against this disease, I believe, is physical activity and a balanced diet. This may sound like a no-brainer, since this is true of many, many diseases, and yet, COVID-19's attack on the blood vessels requires that special attention be paid to cardiovascular and metabolic health, and the only way to create cardiovascular and metabolic health is to actually feed and utilize those parts of the body.

There is no magic pill that will make the problem of poor vascular endothelial health go away. It does not exist.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Well, poor vascular-endothelial health is certainly improvable in prophylaxis by diet and exercise, especially not putting poison in your body. A lot of Americans experience consequences down the road of narcotics abuse and maybe even processed foods and ciggies in terms of their endothelial health https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735109701017326

But in the moment of crisis, of course, there seems little that can be done. Maybe flooding the system with stem cells along with fresh blood, but that's expensive.

There is one magical pill however that nearly everyone is deficient in, alcoholics more than others, and which effects your endothelium directly, immune system through vitamin D bioavailability, and nearly every other part of your body, a magical substance with compelling indicators of endemic deficiency in all of the hardest hit regions and cities- Magnesium. As a cation, it may be even more important than calcium, with hypermagnesemia a positive indicator for severe covid-19 illness with a survival rate half that of individuals who didn't present with elevated levels of magnesium. https://kidney360.asnjournals.org/content/2/7/1087

This study suggests that the problem is also at a cellular level and may play a complex interaction with the hypocalcemia - the cells are experiencing this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC295412/

These two factors taken together, we can see that COVID-19 is essentially shredding the inside of the body or causing it to think that it is being shredded which would also explain the hypercoagulability, elevated platelet levels, and total fibrin.


Magnesium maintains endothelial integrity, up-regulates proteolysis of ultra-large von Willebrand factor, and reduces platelet aggregation under flow conditions.

Oxidative stress injury markers are a product of this phenomena, and treating them directly treats the symptom and not the cause. To treat the cause, the anti-inflammatory regiment must target the wound mechanics- magnesium, immunological downregulation, and reduce clotting to restore renal function. COVID spike proteins cause the clotting to happen, and that plays a large role in the cascade that follows. Reversing the propensity for clotting may translate to to reversing COVID-19.


"natto extract directly digests the receptor binding domain on the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2," Mizutani said, noting that the protease appears to break down in heat, losing the ability to digest proteins and letting the virus remain infectious.

The spike protein sits on the virus's surface and binds to a receptor on host cells. With an inactive spike protein, SARS-CoV-2 cannot infect healthy cells. The researchers found a similar effect on BHV-1.

"We also confirmed that the natto extract has the same digestive effects on the receptor binding domain proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 mutated strains, such as the Alpha variant," Mizutani said.

While the results are promising, Mizutani said, he also cautioned that further studies are needed to identify the exact molecular mechanisms at work. He also stressed that the research does not provide any evidence of reduced viral infection simply by eating natto. Once the components are identified and their functions verified, the researchers plan to advance their work to clinical studies in animal models.

"Although there are vaccines for COVID-19, we do not know how they effective they may be against every variant," Mizutani said. "It will also take time to vaccinate everyone, and there are still reports of breakthrough cases, so we need to make treatments for those who develop COVID-19. This work may offer a big hint for such pharmaceutical design."


Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Journal reference:

Oba, M., et al. (2021) Natto extract, a Japanese fermented soybean food, directly inhibits viral infections including SARS-CoV-2 in vitro."

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Good article👍🏻

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I wish more discussion regarding liver cleanse in alcoholics be added to early protocols for them , like silymarin.

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Spartacus

This is by far the best conversation I have read so far. Thank you Spartacus and Rainstar.

"Maybe it's an AI oracle on a military mainframe somewhere, and these people are just taking direction from it."

You probably watched season 3 of Westworld? Have the leaders of this world become parrots of an entity that nobody understands? I have a little trouble understanding the reference to Roboam, but I've never been very religious.

Artificial intelligence is capable of feats that no human can keep up with. The problem with AI is that it is blind. We feed it data, but AI doesn't know that there will always be inaccessible data that will invalidate its results. This is the big difference with a living being. In their hubris, some humans have believed that they can access a super power, whereas humility and acceptance of ignorance are, and should be, the characteristics of our species.

TPTB has become far too powerful. Their will to power is no longer balanced by Reason. Reason would tell them how ignorant and barbaric they are.

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You would find true AI to have intelligence incomprehensible to your own, indiscernible from the authority of a higher power. The software you think of as "AI" is not AI, it is a classic finite state machine that implements glorified markov networks addressing information in forms not classically presented for predictive output systems.

The leaders of this world are old men, who have spent their entire careers learning to parrot a very specific set of ideologies and thoughtstop techniques to allow them to manage the competing challenges of neo-leninist gerontocracy and needing to appear in control of every situation. It doesn't require a specific kind of person to become so paranoid and delusional that you might find yourself fantasizing that there is a strong hand at the rudder which is hostile to life and reason- a mythical monster to believe in, as an object to fixate on that can be blamed for everything wrong with the world, a great satan.

If you want to fix what's wrong with the world, first find what doesn't benefit someone and find someone who has everything they want and then come talk to me. Until then, pray, persevere, and don't seek to fix the world- seek to understand cause and effect as natural consequence of circumstance and greed. There's no great conspiracy at play, just people with a LOT of money and a generation, several generations, in fact, raised faithless, detached from their forebearers, abandoned into a materialistic 'paradise' by their parents, who do not have the compulsive passion for patriotism within them to make the personal sacrifices required to tilt at the windmill of billionaire ambition and burn the hallowed halls of corporate jurisprudence to the ground. Boomers preaching about 'merica' doesn't help- those who believe they are on the side of justice and virtue are the furthest from reality, and need to be eliminated first, not last.

This political gridlock won't change until people have suffered enough that they no longer have anything to live for, and having witnessed the darkness of the world, resolve to cleanse it with fire. No more bootstraps- only torches and anger. That day is soon coming.

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May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Preexisting machine intelligence masquerading as almighty god, gnostic demiurge, archon or maleovent egregore perhaps? These old guys could be under the spell of an impinging thoughtform created through ritual, routine and shared belief. It takes a God to fight a god. Ugo Bardi shared on the idea of Gaia or a new competing myth. Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme's The Universe Story.. we have to start somewhere.. memetics, hybrid warfare, live events, street theatre to wrestle for the narrative. Reverse Cointelpro, lol. Endeavor to persevere. Somebody please form a Junto!

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022Author

I might add:

[Pandora's box is being opened. In 20 years the average terrorist will be able to make SARS-COV-2 look like a simplified lego house. He'll be able to create an aerosolized virus that specifically targets certain cells and causes them to manufacture acutely toxic molecules which harm every other kind of cell in the body causing cancer, tumor formation and acute necrosis within months with no other indication of infection. He'll be able to do things that will make you shudder in terror and wish you were never borne, all because he can, and because we have given him the tools to do so.]

This may also be one of the reasons why they're pushing so hard for the NWO to be a thing right now. They could be fearful that they're on the verge of losing the monopoly on the use of force due to highly disruptive new technologies that are lowering such power right into the hands of people who aren't exactly stable. That Nikola Tesla quote about man-made horrors beyond our comprehension is not far off from the truth of the matter.

Have you ever seen the Blue Horizons studies?


They're real eye-openers.

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