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The thought that plagues me as I read this:

If this plan works, nobody will know its there and everyone who tries to tell the truth will seem insane.

And in a broader social context, they will arguably BE insane.

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

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Some of us are watching the horror unfold before our eyes in real time, desperately, frantically trying to raise the alarm to awaken the oblivious, soma-laced masses. I fear our attempts will be fruitless. The inexorable drip of paradigm shift, the totalitarian tiptoe, continues undetected by the complaint and distracted non player characters. Perhaps their BMI is already activated? Those resistant to hypnosis and savvy to a magician’s sleight of hand still clinging on by their fingertips at humanity’s precipice, praying for time, or a seismic event, a white pill that releases the captives from the matrix and forces them to admit that 2+2=4, that there are only four lights. But with every passing day, with every truth exposed as a lie, conspiracy unveiled as fact that fails to pique the interest of the mentally imprisoned, the nearer we are to handing the keys to our elite overlords.

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Throughout our relatively short history as "sapiens"we have had many shifts into cultlike madness that resembles the troubles of today.

The Crusades are one of many examples. Of course it can be argued that the sheer existential power of the Church at that time played a role-- but one must understand that power does not exist in a vacuum.

How much direct control over the masses do the whims of the elite truly exert?

Or do they watch the skies and spy on the people, noting the stirrings of dark psychology, teasing apart the fragile bits of Group Narrative to enflame these evil forces in order to proscribe the New Cure?

Are we dealing with Scientists or Priests here?

Is there even a difference?

Or to really nail down my current troubles: is this a biological problem? is humanity subject to mass hysteria in genetic cycles to keep population in check?

Sorry Im going off into the weeds here but this shit keeps me up at night...

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Anon Y. Mouse, this shit keeps me up at night as well. Just can’t shake it.

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