That's interesting on the CD147. I know it can't bind the actual receptor itself but what I read is that it can trigger a response and a cascade from there, something that I sought to address therapeutically.
I agree with the part of Marik's assessment that early intervention is crucial, if possible even before symptoms. We as humans areā¦
That's interesting on the CD147. I know it can't bind the actual receptor itself but what I read is that it can trigger a response and a cascade from there, something that I sought to address therapeutically.
I agree with the part of Marik's assessment that early intervention is crucial, if possible even before symptoms. We as humans are used to thinking that by the time you have a fever, the illness is well under control and on the way out the door, but that reasoning is only superficially correct; the darker truth is that symptoms begin when the body begins to react to the problem and over half of them are a product of the reaction, not the infection, particularly where viral illnesses are concerned. In the case of COVID-19, at this point, it may already be too late to do much good, because many of the side effects are coming from damage caused in the prior 48 hours when often minor symptoms are visible like(in early covid cases, loss of smell) and in delta(stomach flu symptoms) and in omnicron(sneezing, cold symptoms).
Early prophylaxis of suspected viral infections with antihistamines, quercetin, general immune boosters(theraputic magnesium and vitamin D) and viral replication inhibitors(general wellness herbal support) is absolutely necessary, however, if the symptoms continue to change or be delayed, patients and clinicians won't be in an informed position to recommend timely support, and naturally, you can't just be dosing around the clock 24/7- eventually you run into combat fatigue and stop caring. If there is any part of the situation that is grim to me, this is the facet. I think Marik is full of crap when he speaks emphatically about the solid benefit of theraputic megadosing of anything- it is a form of pseudoscience and is dangerous to patients. What is worse, to me, is his thinking style and strategy.
Marik is pushing the components of his prophylaxis regiment through a mechanism of action survey that targets individual components of COVID-19 syndrome instead of COVID-19 illness. The anti-inflammatory effects and likewise other visible effects stressed, and this is crucial- that is not the way to treat an illness.
From early on, we should have been aware and disseminated the fact that quercetin is a potent ACE2 inhibitor and competes with the spike protein to bond to receptor sites. The compound should not have been pushed as an anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, it should have been pushed as an organic reversable rhACE2 inhibitor and used as a component of a regiment seeking to shut down SARS-nCOV-2 viral assault on the body.
Post and during fever, of course, integrating additional care in the form of organic antibiotics like monolaurin and regenerative/anti-inflammatory factors like bee products, soy lethicin, antioxidants, will be beneficial to calming the storm of reactive effects and preventing pneumonia. But why recommend shotgunning certain compounds just because hospitals have them in a deliverable form? NAC? Vitamin C? Please, no.
85% of patients need to be on an early regiment of PQQ, nattokinase, vitamin D, monolaurin, three times a day, applesauce, rice, and bananas, and a tincture of yarrow, echinacea, thyme and broccoli leaf, medicating with an antihistamine and pain relievers, with a focus on early diagnosis. Eliminating the swabs and achieving instant detection is a must. More rapidly, accurately detecting the infection should be and have been the highest priority of all. The few of them who are in serious condition, I understand the impetus to shotgun treatment for, but at their point, it might be better to treat their condition as if it were rabies rather than COVID and sedate them with ketamine before trying anything. Infusing them with vitamin megadoses disregards the most critical part of the problem- they are experiencing a pathological dysregulation of function at a cellular and system level. Simply injecting more good stuff doesn't do anything to respond to this unless by doing so you are literally seeking to bathe the vascularity in a medicinal stew, at which point you are engaging in mad science unless you know exactly what your ingredients are doing.
[1. If it didn't come from Wuhan, then why did Peter Daszak, Shi Zhengli, and dozens of scientists affiliated with the WIV work so hard to cover everything up?]
They had plenty to cover up and still do. The fact they have been working on biological weapons this entire time! is not lost on me, I am merely suggesting that the Wuhan institute being scapegoated is a cover-up designed to mislead investigators.
[2. If it wasn't a limited bioweapon of some type to create political and socioeconomic disruption, then why did world leaders capitalize on the crisis so aggressively instead of demanding accountability?]
World leaders are corrupt, greedy, and stupid. per my own theory concerning motive. So are the people who designed this. To be clear- the patent containing the unique genetic sequence proves beyond a doubt that Moderna is involved in creating this virus. It should be called MODERNA-VIRUS, and not COVID. Their guilt is unquestionable, but they have done a very, very good job of hiding their involvement.
[3. If 45 wasn't in on all of this, then why would he tell people to take the vaccine if he knew it was poison? If he didn't know it was poison, then what else did he not know?]
The vaccine isn't poison. It is a prophylaxis with a limited measure of effect and questionable side effects caused by the use of experimental technology. Since he, after all, is no less an idiot than any other world leader, and is, no less than any other, susceptible to propaganda and guilt-shaming, he is in favor of the vaccine. The vaccine does work in reducing illness due to mortality, but has a low chance of causing mortality itself due to semi-random effects . The benefit outweighs the risk in his voter base. Those who die of taking the vaccine likely have other health effects that would make them dependent on a socialized medical system, where as his supporters believe more than anything else in personal sufficiency and determination, which means 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - which means he cannot be harmed by any negative consequences of the vaccine on them, and only benefited. That's the political situation.
[The idea that there was no big plan behind this is undercut by the multitude of think tanks and policymakers who have positioned themselves almost perfectly to exploit the crisis, with seeming foreknowledge of how all this would play out that goes back for many years.]
They have positioned themselves to exploit any crisis, having no other way to manufacture an opportunity. The fact is, the more people involved in a conspiracy, the more likely it is that it will not remain secret. You know this. It is irrational and insane to assume otherwise. We must therefore conclude there is no collusion, not on a vast scale, and instead, what we have is endemic corruption. We already knew we had that- why can't we apply it to this too?
Things are looking grim. They are looking difficult. We will see more crisis's with either genuine or fabricated severity in the future in order to enable yet more situational exploitation by state actors, until we either wind up in a truly Orwellian dystopia or we wind up in another world war that decimates the population.
[The vaccine is a coup remover, ousting those who refuse to take it, and killing those who stay.] You could say the same thing in reverse about Russia's decision to invade Ukraine. By pushing the eastern army, the support from the Chechen people, etc various divisions into Ukraine's meat grinder, you kill off your potential military opposition, and out anyone who refuses to go as a traitor to be selected for extermination.
People of conscience do exist, friend. Most of them are children who retain a naive wonder at the universe and as a result sense of accountability to it. If they are within the system today, they are demoralized and drained by the gridlock and compartmentalization of agency. In a way, society is already run by an AI oracle, except, not one in a machine, but one printed on paper, whose rules articulate our behavior and train our thinking to being productive cogs, whose name is Mannon. And well we to be mindful that the payment for the sword is death, which our people and species has wielded well and faithfully for a long time. Let us not fear that now the payment has come due.
I cant remember what it was but there was something that both the vaccines and the illness increase an immune response(ie antibodies to) and the thing they cause antibodies to is something our body uses to repair the brain, but I can't remember what it is.. i guess it got my brain.
The trouble with Marik's ideas is bioavailability, or the lack thereof. A lot of oxidative conditions in the body sound, on paper, like they should be treated with antioxidants. And yet, in practice, this doesn't always produce any tangible benefit.
Severely ill COVID-19 sufferers, generally speaking, have hypocalcemia (perhaps due to elevated calcium uptake by the cells), low Vitamin D and glutathione, elevated oxidative stress markers and signs of ferroptosis (nitrotyrosine, malondialdehyde, etc.), hyperferritinemia, NETosis, and low nitric oxide levels.
All of this is a recipe for extreme oxidative stress injury. However, shoving more gas in the tank is of no use when the pistons have seized, so to speak. For enzymes like glutathione peroxidase to make use of selenium and glutathione, the pathways responsible for the uptake of the nutrients that lead to glutathione and selenoprotein synthesis need to have healthy activity.
In other words, dosing someone with large quantities of antioxidants is pointless if the cells can't use it. Some people like taking large quantities of NAC supplements every day, but that's stupid. People should be getting cysteine and selenium from their diets, not from a pill. A lot of people have Vitamin D deficiencies; they're endemic in developed countries, with over 40% of people being very Vitamin D deficient in the US, for instance. One of the main dietary sources of Vitamin D in the US is fortified milk, and yet, the groups that need it the most - particularly people who are darker-skinned - have higher rates of lactose intolerance. Basically, they need it in pill form, or else they need to start incorporating more fatty fish into their diets. Some beets for dietary nitrate wouldn't hurt, either. On the flipside, mild iron deficiency may be protective against COVID-19, too, as strange as that sounds. People should be avoiding excess dietary iron, but not to the point where they develop iron deficiency anemia.
To be quite honest, what I learned about the quality of people's diets in the US in the past couple years has horrified me far, far more than the virus. People are being rendered fragile to COVID-19 by persistent, chronic endothelial dysfunction brought on by poor diets and a lack of exercise. The ACE2 enzyme that SARS-CoV-2 Spike uses as an entry receptor is a membrane-bound protein that pretty much has higher expression in the blood vessels of people with hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and the like, because it has a compensatory antihypertensive effect (it converts an AT2R agonist into a MASr agonist). Also, endothelial dysfunction causes chronic oxidative stress. Chronic oxidative stress eats up nitric oxide in the blood vessels, and that, in turn, helps the virus replicate.
People have this misconception that people with these comorbidities died "with" COVID-19, not "of" COVID-19. That's not the case. Obesity, hypertension, and diabetes prime the body for SARS-CoV-2 and make it replicate much, much faster.
What's so insane and cruel about all of this is that the lockdowns made people's endothelial health substantially worse, increasing time spent sedentary and likely having a negative effect on people's diets, too. The best way to fortify the body against this disease, I believe, is physical activity and a balanced diet. This may sound like a no-brainer, since this is true of many, many diseases, and yet, COVID-19's attack on the blood vessels requires that special attention be paid to cardiovascular and metabolic health, and the only way to create cardiovascular and metabolic health is to actually feed and utilize those parts of the body.
There is no magic pill that will make the problem of poor vascular endothelial health go away. It does not exist.
Well, poor vascular-endothelial health is certainly improvable in prophylaxis by diet and exercise, especially not putting poison in your body. A lot of Americans experience consequences down the road of narcotics abuse and maybe even processed foods and ciggies in terms of their endothelial health
But in the moment of crisis, of course, there seems little that can be done. Maybe flooding the system with stem cells along with fresh blood, but that's expensive.
There is one magical pill however that nearly everyone is deficient in, alcoholics more than others, and which effects your endothelium directly, immune system through vitamin D bioavailability, and nearly every other part of your body, a magical substance with compelling indicators of endemic deficiency in all of the hardest hit regions and cities- Magnesium. As a cation, it may be even more important than calcium, with hypermagnesemia a positive indicator for severe covid-19 illness with a survival rate half that of individuals who didn't present with elevated levels of magnesium.
This study suggests that the problem is also at a cellular level and may play a complex interaction with the hypocalcemia - the cells are experiencing this.
These two factors taken together, we can see that COVID-19 is essentially shredding the inside of the body or causing it to think that it is being shredded which would also explain the hypercoagulability, elevated platelet levels, and total fibrin.
Magnesium maintains endothelial integrity, up-regulates proteolysis of ultra-large von Willebrand factor, and reduces platelet aggregation under flow conditions.
Oxidative stress injury markers are a product of this phenomena, and treating them directly treats the symptom and not the cause. To treat the cause, the anti-inflammatory regiment must target the wound mechanics- magnesium, immunological downregulation, and reduce clotting to restore renal function. COVID spike proteins cause the clotting to happen, and that plays a large role in the cascade that follows. Reversing the propensity for clotting may translate to to reversing COVID-19.
"natto extract directly digests the receptor binding domain on the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2," Mizutani said, noting that the protease appears to break down in heat, losing the ability to digest proteins and letting the virus remain infectious.
The spike protein sits on the virus's surface and binds to a receptor on host cells. With an inactive spike protein, SARS-CoV-2 cannot infect healthy cells. The researchers found a similar effect on BHV-1.
"We also confirmed that the natto extract has the same digestive effects on the receptor binding domain proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 mutated strains, such as the Alpha variant," Mizutani said.
While the results are promising, Mizutani said, he also cautioned that further studies are needed to identify the exact molecular mechanisms at work. He also stressed that the research does not provide any evidence of reduced viral infection simply by eating natto. Once the components are identified and their functions verified, the researchers plan to advance their work to clinical studies in animal models.
"Although there are vaccines for COVID-19, we do not know how they effective they may be against every variant," Mizutani said. "It will also take time to vaccinate everyone, and there are still reports of breakthrough cases, so we need to make treatments for those who develop COVID-19. This work may offer a big hint for such pharmaceutical design."
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Journal reference:
Oba, M., et al. (2021) Natto extract, a Japanese fermented soybean food, directly inhibits viral infections including SARS-CoV-2 in vitro."
That's interesting on the CD147. I know it can't bind the actual receptor itself but what I read is that it can trigger a response and a cascade from there, something that I sought to address therapeutically.
I agree with the part of Marik's assessment that early intervention is crucial, if possible even before symptoms. We as humans are used to thinking that by the time you have a fever, the illness is well under control and on the way out the door, but that reasoning is only superficially correct; the darker truth is that symptoms begin when the body begins to react to the problem and over half of them are a product of the reaction, not the infection, particularly where viral illnesses are concerned. In the case of COVID-19, at this point, it may already be too late to do much good, because many of the side effects are coming from damage caused in the prior 48 hours when often minor symptoms are visible like(in early covid cases, loss of smell) and in delta(stomach flu symptoms) and in omnicron(sneezing, cold symptoms).
Early prophylaxis of suspected viral infections with antihistamines, quercetin, general immune boosters(theraputic magnesium and vitamin D) and viral replication inhibitors(general wellness herbal support) is absolutely necessary, however, if the symptoms continue to change or be delayed, patients and clinicians won't be in an informed position to recommend timely support, and naturally, you can't just be dosing around the clock 24/7- eventually you run into combat fatigue and stop caring. If there is any part of the situation that is grim to me, this is the facet. I think Marik is full of crap when he speaks emphatically about the solid benefit of theraputic megadosing of anything- it is a form of pseudoscience and is dangerous to patients. What is worse, to me, is his thinking style and strategy.
Marik is pushing the components of his prophylaxis regiment through a mechanism of action survey that targets individual components of COVID-19 syndrome instead of COVID-19 illness. The anti-inflammatory effects and likewise other visible effects stressed, and this is crucial- that is not the way to treat an illness.
From early on, we should have been aware and disseminated the fact that quercetin is a potent ACE2 inhibitor and competes with the spike protein to bond to receptor sites. The compound should not have been pushed as an anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, it should have been pushed as an organic reversable rhACE2 inhibitor and used as a component of a regiment seeking to shut down SARS-nCOV-2 viral assault on the body.
Post and during fever, of course, integrating additional care in the form of organic antibiotics like monolaurin and regenerative/anti-inflammatory factors like bee products, soy lethicin, antioxidants, will be beneficial to calming the storm of reactive effects and preventing pneumonia. But why recommend shotgunning certain compounds just because hospitals have them in a deliverable form? NAC? Vitamin C? Please, no.
85% of patients need to be on an early regiment of PQQ, nattokinase, vitamin D, monolaurin, three times a day, applesauce, rice, and bananas, and a tincture of yarrow, echinacea, thyme and broccoli leaf, medicating with an antihistamine and pain relievers, with a focus on early diagnosis. Eliminating the swabs and achieving instant detection is a must. More rapidly, accurately detecting the infection should be and have been the highest priority of all. The few of them who are in serious condition, I understand the impetus to shotgun treatment for, but at their point, it might be better to treat their condition as if it were rabies rather than COVID and sedate them with ketamine before trying anything. Infusing them with vitamin megadoses disregards the most critical part of the problem- they are experiencing a pathological dysregulation of function at a cellular and system level. Simply injecting more good stuff doesn't do anything to respond to this unless by doing so you are literally seeking to bathe the vascularity in a medicinal stew, at which point you are engaging in mad science unless you know exactly what your ingredients are doing.
[1. If it didn't come from Wuhan, then why did Peter Daszak, Shi Zhengli, and dozens of scientists affiliated with the WIV work so hard to cover everything up?]
They had plenty to cover up and still do. The fact they have been working on biological weapons this entire time! is not lost on me, I am merely suggesting that the Wuhan institute being scapegoated is a cover-up designed to mislead investigators.
[2. If it wasn't a limited bioweapon of some type to create political and socioeconomic disruption, then why did world leaders capitalize on the crisis so aggressively instead of demanding accountability?]
World leaders are corrupt, greedy, and stupid. per my own theory concerning motive. So are the people who designed this. To be clear- the patent containing the unique genetic sequence proves beyond a doubt that Moderna is involved in creating this virus. It should be called MODERNA-VIRUS, and not COVID. Their guilt is unquestionable, but they have done a very, very good job of hiding their involvement.
[3. If 45 wasn't in on all of this, then why would he tell people to take the vaccine if he knew it was poison? If he didn't know it was poison, then what else did he not know?]
The vaccine isn't poison. It is a prophylaxis with a limited measure of effect and questionable side effects caused by the use of experimental technology. Since he, after all, is no less an idiot than any other world leader, and is, no less than any other, susceptible to propaganda and guilt-shaming, he is in favor of the vaccine. The vaccine does work in reducing illness due to mortality, but has a low chance of causing mortality itself due to semi-random effects . The benefit outweighs the risk in his voter base. Those who die of taking the vaccine likely have other health effects that would make them dependent on a socialized medical system, where as his supporters believe more than anything else in personal sufficiency and determination, which means 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - which means he cannot be harmed by any negative consequences of the vaccine on them, and only benefited. That's the political situation.
[The idea that there was no big plan behind this is undercut by the multitude of think tanks and policymakers who have positioned themselves almost perfectly to exploit the crisis, with seeming foreknowledge of how all this would play out that goes back for many years.]
They have positioned themselves to exploit any crisis, having no other way to manufacture an opportunity. The fact is, the more people involved in a conspiracy, the more likely it is that it will not remain secret. You know this. It is irrational and insane to assume otherwise. We must therefore conclude there is no collusion, not on a vast scale, and instead, what we have is endemic corruption. We already knew we had that- why can't we apply it to this too?
Things are looking grim. They are looking difficult. We will see more crisis's with either genuine or fabricated severity in the future in order to enable yet more situational exploitation by state actors, until we either wind up in a truly Orwellian dystopia or we wind up in another world war that decimates the population.
[The vaccine is a coup remover, ousting those who refuse to take it, and killing those who stay.] You could say the same thing in reverse about Russia's decision to invade Ukraine. By pushing the eastern army, the support from the Chechen people, etc various divisions into Ukraine's meat grinder, you kill off your potential military opposition, and out anyone who refuses to go as a traitor to be selected for extermination.
People of conscience do exist, friend. Most of them are children who retain a naive wonder at the universe and as a result sense of accountability to it. If they are within the system today, they are demoralized and drained by the gridlock and compartmentalization of agency. In a way, society is already run by an AI oracle, except, not one in a machine, but one printed on paper, whose rules articulate our behavior and train our thinking to being productive cogs, whose name is Mannon. And well we to be mindful that the payment for the sword is death, which our people and species has wielded well and faithfully for a long time. Let us not fear that now the payment has come due.
I cant remember what it was but there was something that both the vaccines and the illness increase an immune response(ie antibodies to) and the thing they cause antibodies to is something our body uses to repair the brain, but I can't remember what it is.. i guess it got my brain.
The trouble with Marik's ideas is bioavailability, or the lack thereof. A lot of oxidative conditions in the body sound, on paper, like they should be treated with antioxidants. And yet, in practice, this doesn't always produce any tangible benefit.
Severely ill COVID-19 sufferers, generally speaking, have hypocalcemia (perhaps due to elevated calcium uptake by the cells), low Vitamin D and glutathione, elevated oxidative stress markers and signs of ferroptosis (nitrotyrosine, malondialdehyde, etc.), hyperferritinemia, NETosis, and low nitric oxide levels.
All of this is a recipe for extreme oxidative stress injury. However, shoving more gas in the tank is of no use when the pistons have seized, so to speak. For enzymes like glutathione peroxidase to make use of selenium and glutathione, the pathways responsible for the uptake of the nutrients that lead to glutathione and selenoprotein synthesis need to have healthy activity.
In other words, dosing someone with large quantities of antioxidants is pointless if the cells can't use it. Some people like taking large quantities of NAC supplements every day, but that's stupid. People should be getting cysteine and selenium from their diets, not from a pill. A lot of people have Vitamin D deficiencies; they're endemic in developed countries, with over 40% of people being very Vitamin D deficient in the US, for instance. One of the main dietary sources of Vitamin D in the US is fortified milk, and yet, the groups that need it the most - particularly people who are darker-skinned - have higher rates of lactose intolerance. Basically, they need it in pill form, or else they need to start incorporating more fatty fish into their diets. Some beets for dietary nitrate wouldn't hurt, either. On the flipside, mild iron deficiency may be protective against COVID-19, too, as strange as that sounds. People should be avoiding excess dietary iron, but not to the point where they develop iron deficiency anemia.
To be quite honest, what I learned about the quality of people's diets in the US in the past couple years has horrified me far, far more than the virus. People are being rendered fragile to COVID-19 by persistent, chronic endothelial dysfunction brought on by poor diets and a lack of exercise. The ACE2 enzyme that SARS-CoV-2 Spike uses as an entry receptor is a membrane-bound protein that pretty much has higher expression in the blood vessels of people with hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and the like, because it has a compensatory antihypertensive effect (it converts an AT2R agonist into a MASr agonist). Also, endothelial dysfunction causes chronic oxidative stress. Chronic oxidative stress eats up nitric oxide in the blood vessels, and that, in turn, helps the virus replicate.
People have this misconception that people with these comorbidities died "with" COVID-19, not "of" COVID-19. That's not the case. Obesity, hypertension, and diabetes prime the body for SARS-CoV-2 and make it replicate much, much faster.
What's so insane and cruel about all of this is that the lockdowns made people's endothelial health substantially worse, increasing time spent sedentary and likely having a negative effect on people's diets, too. The best way to fortify the body against this disease, I believe, is physical activity and a balanced diet. This may sound like a no-brainer, since this is true of many, many diseases, and yet, COVID-19's attack on the blood vessels requires that special attention be paid to cardiovascular and metabolic health, and the only way to create cardiovascular and metabolic health is to actually feed and utilize those parts of the body.
There is no magic pill that will make the problem of poor vascular endothelial health go away. It does not exist.
Well, poor vascular-endothelial health is certainly improvable in prophylaxis by diet and exercise, especially not putting poison in your body. A lot of Americans experience consequences down the road of narcotics abuse and maybe even processed foods and ciggies in terms of their endothelial health
But in the moment of crisis, of course, there seems little that can be done. Maybe flooding the system with stem cells along with fresh blood, but that's expensive.
There is one magical pill however that nearly everyone is deficient in, alcoholics more than others, and which effects your endothelium directly, immune system through vitamin D bioavailability, and nearly every other part of your body, a magical substance with compelling indicators of endemic deficiency in all of the hardest hit regions and cities- Magnesium. As a cation, it may be even more important than calcium, with hypermagnesemia a positive indicator for severe covid-19 illness with a survival rate half that of individuals who didn't present with elevated levels of magnesium.
This study suggests that the problem is also at a cellular level and may play a complex interaction with the hypocalcemia - the cells are experiencing this.
These two factors taken together, we can see that COVID-19 is essentially shredding the inside of the body or causing it to think that it is being shredded which would also explain the hypercoagulability, elevated platelet levels, and total fibrin.
Magnesium maintains endothelial integrity, up-regulates proteolysis of ultra-large von Willebrand factor, and reduces platelet aggregation under flow conditions.
Oxidative stress injury markers are a product of this phenomena, and treating them directly treats the symptom and not the cause. To treat the cause, the anti-inflammatory regiment must target the wound mechanics- magnesium, immunological downregulation, and reduce clotting to restore renal function. COVID spike proteins cause the clotting to happen, and that plays a large role in the cascade that follows. Reversing the propensity for clotting may translate to to reversing COVID-19.
"natto extract directly digests the receptor binding domain on the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2," Mizutani said, noting that the protease appears to break down in heat, losing the ability to digest proteins and letting the virus remain infectious.
The spike protein sits on the virus's surface and binds to a receptor on host cells. With an inactive spike protein, SARS-CoV-2 cannot infect healthy cells. The researchers found a similar effect on BHV-1.
"We also confirmed that the natto extract has the same digestive effects on the receptor binding domain proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 mutated strains, such as the Alpha variant," Mizutani said.
While the results are promising, Mizutani said, he also cautioned that further studies are needed to identify the exact molecular mechanisms at work. He also stressed that the research does not provide any evidence of reduced viral infection simply by eating natto. Once the components are identified and their functions verified, the researchers plan to advance their work to clinical studies in animal models.
"Although there are vaccines for COVID-19, we do not know how they effective they may be against every variant," Mizutani said. "It will also take time to vaccinate everyone, and there are still reports of breakthrough cases, so we need to make treatments for those who develop COVID-19. This work may offer a big hint for such pharmaceutical design."
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Journal reference:
Oba, M., et al. (2021) Natto extract, a Japanese fermented soybean food, directly inhibits viral infections including SARS-CoV-2 in vitro."
Good articlešš»
I wish more discussion regarding liver cleanse in alcoholics be added to early protocols for them , like silymarin.