Absolutely, 100%🎯 They don't even try to hide the agenda, research, propaganda. They count on us cattle being too distracted, complacent, struggling just to survive &/or self centered voluntarily ignorant to pay attention. It's not difficult to see if you actually want to pay attention...
Once you see this, you can’t stop seeing it. It certainly explains the disquiet I’ve felt all my life that I had previously been not quite able to put a finger on. Do not comply, EVER.
". Most of us are sitting around, traumatized and blinkered. A sessile mass of sea anemones. We can’t afford to grow complacent. Whatever concessions we receive, whatever temporary relaxation of tyranny seems to be in effect, it isn’t enough to make up for the past few years of diabolical behavior and deliberate malfeasance from our leaders. The situation that we are in right now demands continued action."
It's been frustrating not to see this acknowledged enough. Making it through the excesses of the last few years is not a victory. Instead the passage of time merely places more responsibility on those of us who are left. In fact, I feel that those (justifiably) desperate for optimism will downplay the significant failure to address the present problems, to say nothing of upcoming ones.
The fact that we are still here is proof there's still a chance to change things, but we must not do the perpetrators jobs for them by diminishing what has happened. "Mistakes were NOT made" very much comes to mind.
The other side is trying to advance their agenda. Just look at Canada, we're literally being turned into a snowflake nation. Trudeau just changed some of our national symbols into snowflakes. I'm surprised he didn't put pictures of sheep on our passports in addition to snowflakes.
It has come to light that China has been putting pressure on some of our politicians, trying to interfere with our elections. Trudeau ignored it for 2 years and now when it's too obvious to ignore, he's been slow to act and not happy about it. What does that tell you?
His party just had a convention where they voted on what else but vaccine mandates. Why now?
Climate change and the WHO's pandemic proposal are the next big challenges.
It's Canadian elections that the Chinese interferred with. They threatened the family of a Member of Pariliament to try to influence him. Canadian intelligence services passed a report about this to the government about 2 years ago and Trudeau did nothing about it: a foreign power threatens a Canadian citizen in Canada and our gov did nothing! It was only after the story got leaked to the press a few weeks ago and opposition parties put pressure on Trudeau and his band of merry men that they finalyy expelled a Chinese diplomat.
Everything you do to not comply to the lies and everything you do to help wake-up those asleep adds up to what eventually becomes the tipping point.Living life in a truth based manner ...matters. People see it ( how you are)and are curious about it.. and it sparks thoughts and questions about how things should be versus how things are and what can be done to change that.
Hit the streets. think creatively, use your imagination.
I understand the ennui that comes from 3 years of psyops, yet the creative individual can use their unrestrained imagination to reality hack on a daily basis. Good luck!
I think part of the problem that is often overlooked is the damage that is done to many by the 'mental health care' system. And the school system. For many it is not just three years of psyops, it is lifetimes of pysops. Of trauma passed down from one generation to the next. But what is most devastating is the training most get in learning to be judgemental and dismissive. This is how we are in this situation to begin with. It doesn't seem a huge stretch to me how this relates to 'mental health'. (Which I put in quotations as I hold it as emotional well being) This becomes an easy way to manipulate 'us' into separating from each other. Creating huge divisions easily made.
I read some of the article, but didn't finish. Not because I didn't understand or didn't see the significance of it. But because I didn't want to be there right now.
I meet individuals who are bucking this system. Who have been put through the 'mental health' system in extreme ways and walked away. (But are left with trying to understand themselves without the help they need because it is either too expensive or non existent.) Some seem to be captured within a certain framework that is unhealthy for them to be using.
I also see a generation of parents who understand very deeply how to parent and are again outside this very warped 'system', perversion. They are doing very beautiful conscious work.
Where are we left now... in a world that has taught many to judge. Likely themselves and cannot look at themselves clearly. And in turn reflect that outside of themselves to exert a measure of control they can't possibly really have, but feel a desperate need for.
But what I am trying to speak to, although rather awkwardly, is that some are doing beautiful work as to what it truly means to be human.
Is it too late? Do they see the mass deception of disease being perpetrated and all that underlies it? I can't know.
But one cannot control humans in this way, not really. We are stronger, more resilient, more creative.
Most have pictures on them, or a slogan. But they don;t seem to read them. I forwarded that very good Youtube from her, where she explains how people get fooled, which is 6 years old, but no one reacted. They rather be fooled!
MatchYourBatch.org is a new, free, powerful tool to search and visualize adverse events by batch number, symptoms, age, sex, location, days to death, vax date, and more. Easily view summarized results or individual reports.
I have actually been inspired by Donald Trump's recent appearance on CNN. I've seen the snippets on youtube.
You have to admit, he's had just about everything thrown at him short of an assassination attempt but he's not fazed at all...he's like that Everyready bunny that just keeps going. He never seems to be downhearted, dejected or depressed. That's surely a lesson for us all.
Okay, sure, take whatever inspiration you can get from anything, but you're deceiving yourself if you think the messiah is coming in from the mainstream. I've said this elsewhere, so please forgive my indulgence:
Here is a simple metric with which to gauge whether your candidate sociopolitical deliverer, redeemer, emancipator and champion is the real deal, or just another charlatan: did COVID-19 result in a consolidation or boost in their profits/wealth/influence/power? If it did, you're pinning your hopes on another quisling.
... Trump is an operator in precisely the same fraudulent, murderous government/bureaucratic/political apparatus as all his predecessors and faux-opponents.
... Trump has no ambition to change a system that promotes and elevates and stokes his vainglory, and he has no genuine plan to materially change anything to the general benefit of all. Just as with any limited hangout, he throws some saccharine candy to the public, and while the people are bamboozled, the hornswoggle keeps advancing.
It's staggering that people can look past Trump's gloating, gurgling eulogy to his "beautiful vaccine" and creditis his own work in "making the advances possible" with his stewardship of Operation Warp Speed. Yes, Trump may have been publicly and politically crucified (almost certainly as a result of diddled vote scores) but might that have been for the purposes that he might rise again?
Forget it. Any creature from the career politician quagmire, and especially if they've built their fame and fortunes in the corporate finance and big business rackets, and though they now ride a counterfeit white horse of apostasy, they are deceivers. Beware.
I didn't say that Trump was perfect nor any kind of a redeemer, champion etc.
I only said that no matter what happens, he has a can-do, extremely positive attitude that we can all learn from.
And no matter what faults Trump has and what mistakes he's made, when it came to Clinton vs Trump and also Biden vs Trump, I would have voted for Trump. I can't because I'm not an American citizen. He followed Obama/Clinton. Here also, he was the better option.
Sometimes we must choose the least bad option and then work to make things better. That's just life.
Those who only see Trump's faults and those who see him as some kind of savior are really cut from the same cloth seeing only black and white with no grey inbetween There's lots of grey however. Lots and lots.
That's very sensible, I have little argument with your overall proposition, and even admiration for your ability to frame a balanced view.
After the contemptible murder of Qassem Soleimani and Trump's utterly disgraceful crowing about having ordered the cowardly drone strike near Baghdad international airport (I suspect Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may have not been very sorry about it at all), I confess to being triggered by positive comments about Trump. But though I believe my assessment of him and his role in developments since and at present might be found to be inaccurate in the detail, I think I'm pretty close with my overall assessment of the man.
We can also chose not to play the game. Taken to its end it fails. It must, it seems unless "this time it's different." We suffer as well, but perhaps the suffering is less if it blows up early as a result of it's own failings?
my sense is that - as acknowledged - if the "occupy" protests actually had an impact, then the study of that to understand the why's and whatnots of how the mechanisms work would seem to make sense.
I am left with the idea that resisting or not complying can't be done in a vacuum of being inside the matrix - it is best done externally. so becoming less dependent on the current system and learning more about and connecting with those like-minded to build a trusted network to grow ideas and build capacity. At some point, isn't resistance alone insufficient? History shows that eventually rubber needs to meet the road, or as Taleb says - skin in the game.
Those running the con seem to have sufficiently isolated themselves from the effects of their involvement. The operate with impunity and lead their lives with the admiration and rewards from the system they corrupt in greater measure as time moves forward.
What does one rejecting this get support and some insulation from that? I don't yet see a way this happens.
The primary attribute of the sociopaths seeking to control us is their lack of empathy. No need to take the Voight-Kampff test for them; inside there is just emptiness, a black hole where the heart used to be. Their lives are fundamentally meaningless, and they know this, as they seek to consign into oblivion and unbeing those of us who are really alive. Where meaning and human feeling used to be is now a miasma of systems, plans, and a grim, implacable dogma. I suppose this is why the Zombie Apocalypse trope is so persistent. What a time to be alive!
Was a truer picture ever painted? Try showing it to those even partially awake and they dismiss it with a wave of their hand, too much to comprehend and they can’t be bothered and they are the problem
I truly feel we are at a crossroads in the direction of the human race. It is time to recognize our true purpose in life without the influence of the parasites. I think, as well, that thinking human beings will need devise a new and ever changing language that will not be understood by ayeeye…a language understood by all humans regardless of race, and incomprehensible to A.I.
Perhaps not one even spoken. But, I am seeing already the beginnings of one written to escape the algorithms. Errant characters and numbers fixed within words; only subtle changes now which I imagine will become more complex over time.
“……..It’s a distraction. Do people really care that Dylan Mulvaney was in a Budweiser ad? Why? Why would they care about something so trivial? ….”
In answer to your question, yes, people do care, if only because refusing to purchase a product is one of the few ways they have left of ‘sticking it to the Man’ and relieving the sense that something is wrong.
I was one of those that didn't completely subscribe to the bioweapon theory. It was a speech delivered by Naomi Wolf at Hillsdale College not too long ago where she reviewed the released Pfizer data that made me realize that yes, this was no accident natural or otherwise.
I really appreciate this article, deadmanriding1's comment nails it.
Yes, indeed - what REALLY hit me HARDEST, though was her revelation of a heretofore-COMPLETELY unknown Western MA Pfizer plant; living FAR too close to Springfield as I do (just a BIT up I-91 from there) and realizing our CARPETBAGGING serpentine governor of 15 years ago (ROMNEY) cried CROCODILE tears when Warren Buffett did NOTHING to prevent the Howland Brothers / Fruit Of The Loom / Russell Athletics' relocating that city's ESTEEMED institution, Spalding Sports - where I was its FINAL shipping, receiving coordinator (if ONLY for five months, 9-08 through 2-09) and forced to oversee its dissolution - to Alexander City AL; wasn't LONG after that a Chinese (CCP?) train manufacturing firm built their first American factory on Westinghouse's old Page Boulevard land LESS than a mile west from Spalding's LAST 'City Of Homes' location .....
Ideally, in the future, there will be no haphazard employment. Workers will be bred to their position on a demand basis and housed on site. IQ will be modulated to fit the job category. The problem of the modern era is that the average person thinks beyond his basic needs. Once this is fixed we will enter a golden age. We'll be happy like the animals in the forest.
From a very warped point of view, that might be more humane than having people with college degrees asking others if they'd like fries with their burger. However, I simply can't abide the notion of a fractured humanity with physical castes à la Brave New World. It's too gruesome.
so it is brave new world. In a way, that sounds horrible. I remember reading it for school long ago, and thinking how the 'wild' people were way more likable, just like I now mostly live life with animals instead of humans.
You only think that way now. When your intelligence is attenuated you will smile authentically and with meaning while asking if they want fries with their burger. You will wake up with a smile, knowing you'll soon be at work. Every day will be a vacation.
So were you serious, not sarcastic, when you advocated " no haphazard employment. Workers will be bred to their position on a demand basis and housed on site. IQ will be modulated to fit the job category"?
I am using logic to rationally extrapolate what will happen as we follow the current path of technologically enhanced totalitarianism. Imagine Nazism on steroids and administered by an advanced Ai. We will be happy in an algorithmically non-human way, like our machines are now. To see the future you just have to ask, "What would a machine do?"
......let me ECHO the sentiments of others and say, GOOD to have you BACK, Sparty! Without QUESTION your MOST ferocious digital broadside YET - but, must DISagree with notions of petroleum being INdispensible for the foreseeable future - I'm personally aware of truly world-changing technology CLOSE to where I live that, through comparatively-affordable ambient (NOT dependent upon DIRECT sunlight) solar radiational conversion to electricity (process can also be used to heat or cool large spaces) and CHEAP water (or MULTIPLE contaminated media, including RADIOACTIVE) purification, vehicles propelled by hydrolytic reactions become even MORE practical, realistic - issue has LONG been an economic model rooted NOT in true conservation of resources, property but, PLANNED failure and / or obsolescence for revenue growth that forces those requiring NECESSARY items, to acquire MORE debt, sacrifice greater amounts of their life quality, subjective existential balance / health / vitality to longer work hours, thus rendering them FAR less of an entrepreneurial THREAT to well-entrenched monopolists) - I tried to carve out a position with one of the owners but, made clear to me he ISN'T cognizant of our Kafkaesque reality, its GRAVE institutional dangers and I'm DAMNED concerned it'll be WEAPONIZED to injure through 'active denial', among OTHER means......
.....it COULD be scientifically demonstrated that, with EVERY crustal extraction and change to an ATTENUATING media which largely determines what forms living end-products (including US) take, they're significantly altered (through what I term a 'diminution paradox'; the weaker supporting resonant informational values are in frequently-volatile organic systems, the more LIKELY they'll be altered by such actions - HOWEVER seemingly MINOR, innocuous - a MASSIVE concern relating to effective cytological communication as we RAPIDLY approach another complete terrestrial magnetic-field collapse, cyclical polar shift (severe trauma from LAST one/s 6-10,000 years ago, I believe is subconsciously MOTIVATING these LUNATICS we're suffering WORST now) by NO later than 2046 (British independent astronomer Keith Hunter has identified a possible optimal date of March 6 that year - though it might arrive MUCH sooner.) with an existing geological record that's HARDLY cause for best-case scenario - and FEW talking about such possibilities.....
Just a thought about [energy] - can there be any doubt about the sun's transmission of energy to Earth? In that, the sun's energy powers our existence, it creates the wind, the weather, the growing of plants, the food we eat, the warmth we feel, even the hydrocarbons we name as petroleum on a global scale.
So, why hasn't humanity built an "energy network", where we can share the energy everywhere for everyone? Instead, we condem solar energy as non-sustainable - only because we failed to bridge the day and night rotation of earth - which an energy global network can bridge - using superconductivity. Yes, this technology already does exist around 99.6% efficiency.
Solar energy has been around for billions of years and it's 24/7/365 upon this planet Earth all the time. If we just bridge the night with day rotation of Earth, we could be always gathering energy to power humanity. But most interestingly we would have the means to share energy even on a small scale around the world due to superconductivity. That means instead of wasting energy by not using it, it only needs to be redirected to someone else who can put this energy into value and benefit.
Furthermore, solar energy can be collect out in space where it is even stronger in strength and amount as well as availability. We could get closer to the source of energy (the sun) out in space too, and then condense this energy into higher density forms (energons) - to be transmitted back to Earth. No wasting any energy at this point, it's stored until needed.
Energon is the concentration of energy - into a condensed space (containment units) - the idea behind this word (energon) has been applied in the [Transformer] films.
Instead of slipping backward into the stone age, humanity would have the means to power their future ahead using clean energy - that is if we first develop ourselves with the moral will that this path requires us to master. It comes from within us, to develop our [conscience] first.
Spratacus, like so many of us, already know there is this need to improve our minds, our actions, to meet this challeng posed by the criminals we empowered with money. The moment we make money worthless, is the moment the vanguard shareholders cannot bribe or buy influence over us all. It can be as simple as that, to defund the trillionaires the means to own us all.
Why shouldn't we learn to live ethical - the means to cooperate . for our mutual existence? Make wars illegal, deny the lies by letting the truth be known. End the banking regime - the fractional reserve banking practices, the usury of money, the whole thing that's without integrity.
If all the money in the world was dumped, we still have all the people, all the same resources as before, even the intelligence, just everything we need - but the understanding to help work for each other - to thrive and prosper together. All it takes is unity and our commitment to care here.
The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them. Become the architect of your future rather than a prisoner of your past. You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
We acquire knowledge in fragments that are unique to each individual, which is why we can be smarter together than any one of us can be alone. After all, nobody knows everything about everything. We are all more ignorant than we realize. As NONE of us is as smart as ALL of us. That’s why we need civilization, to draw upon each other’s strengths to overcome our individual frailty and weakness.
To be human means to care for each other and to support civilization by working together to establish a better living, right? So, the moment we stop caring for each other and working together that's the moment that we lose our humanity.
Megalomaniacs puts the importance of profit and wealth accumulation before the interests and human rights of people. The human cost of megalomaniacs needs to be addressed.
Wealth must not be allowed to use the infrastructure we all depend upon as a weapon against the detriment of all others ...
Let us be grateful to people like Spartacus who make us happy, for they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom!
......all these things, VERY legitimate concerns; as are those who benefited OBSCENELY from such conditions for MANY decades - inasmuch as their attached value to not JUST currencies but, precious metals PERSISTS.....this ISN'T a screed on personal property WHATsoever (I have GREAT appreciation for what I own; holds considerable meaning to me) but if you've got NO food, water, a pleasant - NOT speaking of opulence, sprawling but, comfortable living space and means to keep warm / cool that entirely-SUBJECTIVE wealth WON'T save you......WHY does humanity DO this to ITSELF; not strive to make sure EVERYone has these true NECESSITIES? A complicated question, INDEED.....
......they've established to varying extents an economic system encouraging sadism, masochism and STRESS, fear; HEAVILY emphasizing 'production' over 'CONTRIBUTION' - but WHO most allows for producing, selling, BUYING such output? BANKS, large GOVERNMENTAL institutions REGULATING acquisition of it. THAT's where 'supply-side' philosophy, falls completely APART.....there are SERIOUS problems with both solar technology materials, and these LEVIATHAN-scale wind vane farms, electric vehicles - latter, as Spartacus CORRECTLY notes; were ALREADY approaching obsolescence when first brought to market and the perpetual fields generated, FAR more hazardous to biological systems, corrupting of ecosystemic communications networks themselves (although I'm also QUITE knowledgeable about metamaterials (one Tesla proposed producing shortly before his January 1943 death under mysterious circumstances; Rockerfeller/Rothschild-Soviet interface 'Amtorg' had been making FORCEFUL overtures to him as well as THEIR 'Third Reich', Nazi agents - while the somewhat NOTORIOUS 50-plus year old alloy blend 'CoVFeFe' MIGHT by its description, display SIMILAR non-natural protective / radiation-transmuting properties; 'Gene DeCode' posted a write-up about them year before last that I panelized; screen-captured) which have existed a WHILE now that, if incorporated into (wireless, EV, other) infrastructure would at LEAST lessen such risks while in closest proximity.....these are matters to which I've personally devoted whole DAYS attempting to visualize workable solutions, mitigating devices.....
[WHY does humanity DO this to ITSELF; not strive to make sure EVERYone has these true NECESSITIES?] <--- Good point :-)
An economy without a conscious?
Is our moral code out of date?
The world is run by criminals?
Not enough good people left in the world?
The great moral question of the twenty-first century is this: if all knowing, all culture, all art, all useful information can be costlessly given to everyone at the same price that it is given to anyone; if everyone can have everything, anywhere, all the time, why is it ever moral to exclude anyone?
The system we adopted, is flawed by design. It serves the wealthy most of all, not the majority that make up the most.
Most governments control people, right? This has been the case throughout history. Proponents of "Big Government" used different nomenclatures to describe their ideal system, but they all have the single overriding characteristic: centralizing power in government.
Socialism, fascism, communism, feudalism, monarchies, dictatorships, theocracies, oligarchies, et al. concentrate power in the state. The underlying political theology is irrelevant. In each and every case, the individual is subject to control by the state. It doesn't matter who orders you about. It could be a king, emperor, dictator, party general secretary, or elected machine politician. The result is the same. You do as you're told. You're a serf, plain and simple.
Occasionally, people control government. This is rare. Those fortunate nations believe that people are born with natural rights and inherently possess the liberty to direct their own lives. Countries that respect an individual right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are republics or parliamentary systems with safeguards for minority interests.
The United States of America was founded on the principle of sovereign individuals — an idea that flipped the concept of "divine right of kings" on its head. Instead of rulers being ordained by God to rule, each and every person was "endowed by [his] Creator with certain unalienable Rights."
Of course, only a few can self-provide all of life's necessities, so the human species has always relied on trade to get some of what its members need or want. Commerce enables our lives.
If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert themselves -- they will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them; they will want to live in freedom.
.....I much prefer 'INTEGRITY' over 'morality', TSMC; former FAR less tacitly judgmental - and DEVALUING, than latter - it, still SOMEwhat subjective too - but, as someone VEHEMENTLY non-religious, non-DEIST, can say that the evolutionary goal all along SHOULD'VE been to acknowledge a CO-accretive ('creation' and 'accretion', actually SYNONYMOUS) relationship to our manifestation, existence; instead, we were SADDLED [up] with DISempowering organized religious instruments for TIGHT control, direction.....one OTHER thing: 'asexuality' does EXIST in nature; there are two ISSUES with exacerbation of ENVIRONMENTALLY-enhanced (i.e., sustained exposure to toxins, endocrine disruptors like DDT) gender dysphoria: theirs (ESPECIALLY minors lacking EMOTIONAL intelligence like NEVER before) are NOT fully-informed decisions and thus, true CHOICE has been REMOVED from ALL affected.....
Absolutely, 100%🎯 They don't even try to hide the agenda, research, propaganda. They count on us cattle being too distracted, complacent, struggling just to survive &/or self centered voluntarily ignorant to pay attention. It's not difficult to see if you actually want to pay attention...
Once you see this, you can’t stop seeing it. It certainly explains the disquiet I’ve felt all my life that I had previously been not quite able to put a finger on. Do not comply, EVER.
Glad to have you back.
". Most of us are sitting around, traumatized and blinkered. A sessile mass of sea anemones. We can’t afford to grow complacent. Whatever concessions we receive, whatever temporary relaxation of tyranny seems to be in effect, it isn’t enough to make up for the past few years of diabolical behavior and deliberate malfeasance from our leaders. The situation that we are in right now demands continued action."
It's been frustrating not to see this acknowledged enough. Making it through the excesses of the last few years is not a victory. Instead the passage of time merely places more responsibility on those of us who are left. In fact, I feel that those (justifiably) desperate for optimism will downplay the significant failure to address the present problems, to say nothing of upcoming ones.
The fact that we are still here is proof there's still a chance to change things, but we must not do the perpetrators jobs for them by diminishing what has happened. "Mistakes were NOT made" very much comes to mind.
The other side is trying to advance their agenda. Just look at Canada, we're literally being turned into a snowflake nation. Trudeau just changed some of our national symbols into snowflakes. I'm surprised he didn't put pictures of sheep on our passports in addition to snowflakes.
It has come to light that China has been putting pressure on some of our politicians, trying to interfere with our elections. Trudeau ignored it for 2 years and now when it's too obvious to ignore, he's been slow to act and not happy about it. What does that tell you?
His party just had a convention where they voted on what else but vaccine mandates. Why now?
Climate change and the WHO's pandemic proposal are the next big challenges.
Trudeau marches to his orders. He is not a leader. He is a narcissistic psychopath trying to score brownie points.
It's Canadian elections that the Chinese interferred with. They threatened the family of a Member of Pariliament to try to influence him. Canadian intelligence services passed a report about this to the government about 2 years ago and Trudeau did nothing about it: a foreign power threatens a Canadian citizen in Canada and our gov did nothing! It was only after the story got leaked to the press a few weeks ago and opposition parties put pressure on Trudeau and his band of merry men that they finalyy expelled a Chinese diplomat.
Absolutely brilliant and vocalizes into irascible diatribe what's been boiling in the minds of us few!
How do we achieve a critical mass required to begin to move the flywheel of change? I’ve used much energy with pathetic results.
Everything you do to not comply to the lies and everything you do to help wake-up those asleep adds up to what eventually becomes the tipping point.Living life in a truth based manner ...matters. People see it ( how you are)and are curious about it.. and it sparks thoughts and questions about how things should be versus how things are and what can be done to change that.
Hit the streets. think creatively, use your imagination.
I understand the ennui that comes from 3 years of psyops, yet the creative individual can use their unrestrained imagination to reality hack on a daily basis. Good luck!
I think part of the problem that is often overlooked is the damage that is done to many by the 'mental health care' system. And the school system. For many it is not just three years of psyops, it is lifetimes of pysops. Of trauma passed down from one generation to the next. But what is most devastating is the training most get in learning to be judgemental and dismissive. This is how we are in this situation to begin with. It doesn't seem a huge stretch to me how this relates to 'mental health'. (Which I put in quotations as I hold it as emotional well being) This becomes an easy way to manipulate 'us' into separating from each other. Creating huge divisions easily made.
This is an exceedingly dense subject.
Indeed it is.
I read some of the article, but didn't finish. Not because I didn't understand or didn't see the significance of it. But because I didn't want to be there right now.
I meet individuals who are bucking this system. Who have been put through the 'mental health' system in extreme ways and walked away. (But are left with trying to understand themselves without the help they need because it is either too expensive or non existent.) Some seem to be captured within a certain framework that is unhealthy for them to be using.
I also see a generation of parents who understand very deeply how to parent and are again outside this very warped 'system', perversion. They are doing very beautiful conscious work.
Where are we left now... in a world that has taught many to judge. Likely themselves and cannot look at themselves clearly. And in turn reflect that outside of themselves to exert a measure of control they can't possibly really have, but feel a desperate need for.
But what I am trying to speak to, although rather awkwardly, is that some are doing beautiful work as to what it truly means to be human.
Is it too late? Do they see the mass deception of disease being perpetrated and all that underlies it? I can't know.
But one cannot control humans in this way, not really. We are stronger, more resilient, more creative.
We are, unfortunately the majority are not
How do you take the measure of this. No one has the pulse of all.
I'm tapping back into my artistic training!
bought some Sharyl Attkisson T-shirts and wear them daily, but most of the sheep seem too distracted to even read or comprehend them
they have no idea who she is.
Most have pictures on them, or a slogan. But they don;t seem to read them. I forwarded that very good Youtube from her, where she explains how people get fooled, which is 6 years old, but no one reacted. They rather be fooled!
Provide a tool that piques their curiosity, and then shows the damage done.
Searching matchyourbatch.org VAERS records for: ( Manufacturer: Janssen, Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Novavax, Unknown ) ( Type: Covid19, Covid19-2 )
1,553,187 adverse events reported through April 28, 2023
Of which: 35,274 died 2.3% | 37,486 life-threatening 2.4% | 65,670 permanently disabled 4.2% | 5,428 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 0.3%
NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC - https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/dataguide.html#:~:text=%22Underreporting%22%20is%20one%20of%20the,degree%20of%20underreporting%20varies%20widely. )
MatchYourBatch.org is a new, free, powerful tool to search and visualize adverse events by batch number, symptoms, age, sex, location, days to death, vax date, and more. Easily view summarized results or individual reports.
I have actually been inspired by Donald Trump's recent appearance on CNN. I've seen the snippets on youtube.
You have to admit, he's had just about everything thrown at him short of an assassination attempt but he's not fazed at all...he's like that Everyready bunny that just keeps going. He never seems to be downhearted, dejected or depressed. That's surely a lesson for us all.
Okay, sure, take whatever inspiration you can get from anything, but you're deceiving yourself if you think the messiah is coming in from the mainstream. I've said this elsewhere, so please forgive my indulgence:
Here is a simple metric with which to gauge whether your candidate sociopolitical deliverer, redeemer, emancipator and champion is the real deal, or just another charlatan: did COVID-19 result in a consolidation or boost in their profits/wealth/influence/power? If it did, you're pinning your hopes on another quisling.
... Trump is an operator in precisely the same fraudulent, murderous government/bureaucratic/political apparatus as all his predecessors and faux-opponents.
... Trump has no ambition to change a system that promotes and elevates and stokes his vainglory, and he has no genuine plan to materially change anything to the general benefit of all. Just as with any limited hangout, he throws some saccharine candy to the public, and while the people are bamboozled, the hornswoggle keeps advancing.
It's staggering that people can look past Trump's gloating, gurgling eulogy to his "beautiful vaccine" and creditis his own work in "making the advances possible" with his stewardship of Operation Warp Speed. Yes, Trump may have been publicly and politically crucified (almost certainly as a result of diddled vote scores) but might that have been for the purposes that he might rise again?
Forget it. Any creature from the career politician quagmire, and especially if they've built their fame and fortunes in the corporate finance and big business rackets, and though they now ride a counterfeit white horse of apostasy, they are deceivers. Beware.
I didn't say that Trump was perfect nor any kind of a redeemer, champion etc.
I only said that no matter what happens, he has a can-do, extremely positive attitude that we can all learn from.
And no matter what faults Trump has and what mistakes he's made, when it came to Clinton vs Trump and also Biden vs Trump, I would have voted for Trump. I can't because I'm not an American citizen. He followed Obama/Clinton. Here also, he was the better option.
Sometimes we must choose the least bad option and then work to make things better. That's just life.
Those who only see Trump's faults and those who see him as some kind of savior are really cut from the same cloth seeing only black and white with no grey inbetween There's lots of grey however. Lots and lots.
That's very sensible, I have little argument with your overall proposition, and even admiration for your ability to frame a balanced view.
After the contemptible murder of Qassem Soleimani and Trump's utterly disgraceful crowing about having ordered the cowardly drone strike near Baghdad international airport (I suspect Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may have not been very sorry about it at all), I confess to being triggered by positive comments about Trump. But though I believe my assessment of him and his role in developments since and at present might be found to be inaccurate in the detail, I think I'm pretty close with my overall assessment of the man.
We agree on a lot!
We can also chose not to play the game. Taken to its end it fails. It must, it seems unless "this time it's different." We suffer as well, but perhaps the suffering is less if it blows up early as a result of it's own failings?
my sense is that - as acknowledged - if the "occupy" protests actually had an impact, then the study of that to understand the why's and whatnots of how the mechanisms work would seem to make sense.
I am left with the idea that resisting or not complying can't be done in a vacuum of being inside the matrix - it is best done externally. so becoming less dependent on the current system and learning more about and connecting with those like-minded to build a trusted network to grow ideas and build capacity. At some point, isn't resistance alone insufficient? History shows that eventually rubber needs to meet the road, or as Taleb says - skin in the game.
Those running the con seem to have sufficiently isolated themselves from the effects of their involvement. The operate with impunity and lead their lives with the admiration and rewards from the system they corrupt in greater measure as time moves forward.
What does one rejecting this get support and some insulation from that? I don't yet see a way this happens.
Holy shit Sparty. This is great! It’s like you’re reading my shitfaced 2am mind rants.
Only more articulate of course with less bumping into furniture ...
Lol 😂
🎯🎯🎯🎯💟💟💟💟... nailed it Spartacus .
Magnificent essay with so many quotable lines.
The primary attribute of the sociopaths seeking to control us is their lack of empathy. No need to take the Voight-Kampff test for them; inside there is just emptiness, a black hole where the heart used to be. Their lives are fundamentally meaningless, and they know this, as they seek to consign into oblivion and unbeing those of us who are really alive. Where meaning and human feeling used to be is now a miasma of systems, plans, and a grim, implacable dogma. I suppose this is why the Zombie Apocalypse trope is so persistent. What a time to be alive!
Was a truer picture ever painted? Try showing it to those even partially awake and they dismiss it with a wave of their hand, too much to comprehend and they can’t be bothered and they are the problem
Amen amen Spartacus! And really it is the age-old battle against evil and we have been promised that Good shall overcome ⚔️
I truly feel we are at a crossroads in the direction of the human race. It is time to recognize our true purpose in life without the influence of the parasites. I think, as well, that thinking human beings will need devise a new and ever changing language that will not be understood by ayeeye…a language understood by all humans regardless of race, and incomprehensible to A.I.
Wow what a great idea, but which language?
Perhaps not one even spoken. But, I am seeing already the beginnings of one written to escape the algorithms. Errant characters and numbers fixed within words; only subtle changes now which I imagine will become more complex over time.
Interesting. Please persevere.
Please keep us informed
I've been told my Flemish dialect is incomprehensible, but I do not have an Alexa to try it out.
Jawel, heel leuk!! I second Flemish/ Dutch
my ex used to say my Flemish dialect sounds like Russian LOL.
When I try to speak French, I'm always mistaken for a Quebecois. I'm told that's not necessarily a compliment.
“……..It’s a distraction. Do people really care that Dylan Mulvaney was in a Budweiser ad? Why? Why would they care about something so trivial? ….”
In answer to your question, yes, people do care, if only because refusing to purchase a product is one of the few ways they have left of ‘sticking it to the Man’ and relieving the sense that something is wrong.
like voting for a pre-vetted "outsider" candidate...
See www.weareready.world hoping for huge numbers of eyes upon the scheduled Bilderberg meeting on May 20th.
GREAT event and poster (one of those "How many people can you name?" pictures). Thanks for posting.
(You belong in that image, too, Spartacus!)
Hi Spartacus, nice to hear from you again!
I was one of those that didn't completely subscribe to the bioweapon theory. It was a speech delivered by Naomi Wolf at Hillsdale College not too long ago where she reviewed the released Pfizer data that made me realize that yes, this was no accident natural or otherwise.
I really appreciate this article, deadmanriding1's comment nails it.
I'm so pleased to hear that! That's fantastic: well done. I'm going to quote you in the article I'm currently writing, if you don't mind.
If you want to see the sort of thing I wrote, check out my substack. I suggest starting with "What's Wrong With The Greater Good".
Yes, indeed - what REALLY hit me HARDEST, though was her revelation of a heretofore-COMPLETELY unknown Western MA Pfizer plant; living FAR too close to Springfield as I do (just a BIT up I-91 from there) and realizing our CARPETBAGGING serpentine governor of 15 years ago (ROMNEY) cried CROCODILE tears when Warren Buffett did NOTHING to prevent the Howland Brothers / Fruit Of The Loom / Russell Athletics' relocating that city's ESTEEMED institution, Spalding Sports - where I was its FINAL shipping, receiving coordinator (if ONLY for five months, 9-08 through 2-09) and forced to oversee its dissolution - to Alexander City AL; wasn't LONG after that a Chinese (CCP?) train manufacturing firm built their first American factory on Westinghouse's old Page Boulevard land LESS than a mile west from Spalding's LAST 'City Of Homes' location .....
.....and, 'SPEAKING' of ol' WB......
Ideally, in the future, there will be no haphazard employment. Workers will be bred to their position on a demand basis and housed on site. IQ will be modulated to fit the job category. The problem of the modern era is that the average person thinks beyond his basic needs. Once this is fixed we will enter a golden age. We'll be happy like the animals in the forest.
From a very warped point of view, that might be more humane than having people with college degrees asking others if they'd like fries with their burger. However, I simply can't abide the notion of a fractured humanity with physical castes à la Brave New World. It's too gruesome.
so it is brave new world. In a way, that sounds horrible. I remember reading it for school long ago, and thinking how the 'wild' people were way more likable, just like I now mostly live life with animals instead of humans.
You only think that way now. When your intelligence is attenuated you will smile authentically and with meaning while asking if they want fries with their burger. You will wake up with a smile, knowing you'll soon be at work. Every day will be a vacation.
is this Aldous Huxley? brave new world?
Indeed! 1984 and Brave New World writ large ... but most people can't see it.
Most people just want to be happy. What's wrong with that?
Er, nothing wrong with wanting to be happy.
So were you serious, not sarcastic, when you advocated " no haphazard employment. Workers will be bred to their position on a demand basis and housed on site. IQ will be modulated to fit the job category"?
I am using logic to rationally extrapolate what will happen as we follow the current path of technologically enhanced totalitarianism. Imagine Nazism on steroids and administered by an advanced Ai. We will be happy in an algorithmically non-human way, like our machines are now. To see the future you just have to ask, "What would a machine do?"
......let me ECHO the sentiments of others and say, GOOD to have you BACK, Sparty! Without QUESTION your MOST ferocious digital broadside YET - but, must DISagree with notions of petroleum being INdispensible for the foreseeable future - I'm personally aware of truly world-changing technology CLOSE to where I live that, through comparatively-affordable ambient (NOT dependent upon DIRECT sunlight) solar radiational conversion to electricity (process can also be used to heat or cool large spaces) and CHEAP water (or MULTIPLE contaminated media, including RADIOACTIVE) purification, vehicles propelled by hydrolytic reactions become even MORE practical, realistic - issue has LONG been an economic model rooted NOT in true conservation of resources, property but, PLANNED failure and / or obsolescence for revenue growth that forces those requiring NECESSARY items, to acquire MORE debt, sacrifice greater amounts of their life quality, subjective existential balance / health / vitality to longer work hours, thus rendering them FAR less of an entrepreneurial THREAT to well-entrenched monopolists) - I tried to carve out a position with one of the owners but, made clear to me he ISN'T cognizant of our Kafkaesque reality, its GRAVE institutional dangers and I'm DAMNED concerned it'll be WEAPONIZED to injure through 'active denial', among OTHER means......
.....it COULD be scientifically demonstrated that, with EVERY crustal extraction and change to an ATTENUATING media which largely determines what forms living end-products (including US) take, they're significantly altered (through what I term a 'diminution paradox'; the weaker supporting resonant informational values are in frequently-volatile organic systems, the more LIKELY they'll be altered by such actions - HOWEVER seemingly MINOR, innocuous - a MASSIVE concern relating to effective cytological communication as we RAPIDLY approach another complete terrestrial magnetic-field collapse, cyclical polar shift (severe trauma from LAST one/s 6-10,000 years ago, I believe is subconsciously MOTIVATING these LUNATICS we're suffering WORST now) by NO later than 2046 (British independent astronomer Keith Hunter has identified a possible optimal date of March 6 that year - though it might arrive MUCH sooner.) with an existing geological record that's HARDLY cause for best-case scenario - and FEW talking about such possibilities.....
Just a thought about [energy] - can there be any doubt about the sun's transmission of energy to Earth? In that, the sun's energy powers our existence, it creates the wind, the weather, the growing of plants, the food we eat, the warmth we feel, even the hydrocarbons we name as petroleum on a global scale.
So, why hasn't humanity built an "energy network", where we can share the energy everywhere for everyone? Instead, we condem solar energy as non-sustainable - only because we failed to bridge the day and night rotation of earth - which an energy global network can bridge - using superconductivity. Yes, this technology already does exist around 99.6% efficiency.
Solar energy has been around for billions of years and it's 24/7/365 upon this planet Earth all the time. If we just bridge the night with day rotation of Earth, we could be always gathering energy to power humanity. But most interestingly we would have the means to share energy even on a small scale around the world due to superconductivity. That means instead of wasting energy by not using it, it only needs to be redirected to someone else who can put this energy into value and benefit.
Furthermore, solar energy can be collect out in space where it is even stronger in strength and amount as well as availability. We could get closer to the source of energy (the sun) out in space too, and then condense this energy into higher density forms (energons) - to be transmitted back to Earth. No wasting any energy at this point, it's stored until needed.
Energon is the concentration of energy - into a condensed space (containment units) - the idea behind this word (energon) has been applied in the [Transformer] films.
Instead of slipping backward into the stone age, humanity would have the means to power their future ahead using clean energy - that is if we first develop ourselves with the moral will that this path requires us to master. It comes from within us, to develop our [conscience] first.
Spratacus, like so many of us, already know there is this need to improve our minds, our actions, to meet this challeng posed by the criminals we empowered with money. The moment we make money worthless, is the moment the vanguard shareholders cannot bribe or buy influence over us all. It can be as simple as that, to defund the trillionaires the means to own us all.
Why shouldn't we learn to live ethical - the means to cooperate . for our mutual existence? Make wars illegal, deny the lies by letting the truth be known. End the banking regime - the fractional reserve banking practices, the usury of money, the whole thing that's without integrity.
If all the money in the world was dumped, we still have all the people, all the same resources as before, even the intelligence, just everything we need - but the understanding to help work for each other - to thrive and prosper together. All it takes is unity and our commitment to care here.
The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them. Become the architect of your future rather than a prisoner of your past. You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
We acquire knowledge in fragments that are unique to each individual, which is why we can be smarter together than any one of us can be alone. After all, nobody knows everything about everything. We are all more ignorant than we realize. As NONE of us is as smart as ALL of us. That’s why we need civilization, to draw upon each other’s strengths to overcome our individual frailty and weakness.
To be human means to care for each other and to support civilization by working together to establish a better living, right? So, the moment we stop caring for each other and working together that's the moment that we lose our humanity.
Megalomaniacs puts the importance of profit and wealth accumulation before the interests and human rights of people. The human cost of megalomaniacs needs to be addressed.
Wealth must not be allowed to use the infrastructure we all depend upon as a weapon against the detriment of all others ...
Let us be grateful to people like Spartacus who make us happy, for they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom!
......all these things, VERY legitimate concerns; as are those who benefited OBSCENELY from such conditions for MANY decades - inasmuch as their attached value to not JUST currencies but, precious metals PERSISTS.....this ISN'T a screed on personal property WHATsoever (I have GREAT appreciation for what I own; holds considerable meaning to me) but if you've got NO food, water, a pleasant - NOT speaking of opulence, sprawling but, comfortable living space and means to keep warm / cool that entirely-SUBJECTIVE wealth WON'T save you......WHY does humanity DO this to ITSELF; not strive to make sure EVERYone has these true NECESSITIES? A complicated question, INDEED.....
......they've established to varying extents an economic system encouraging sadism, masochism and STRESS, fear; HEAVILY emphasizing 'production' over 'CONTRIBUTION' - but WHO most allows for producing, selling, BUYING such output? BANKS, large GOVERNMENTAL institutions REGULATING acquisition of it. THAT's where 'supply-side' philosophy, falls completely APART.....there are SERIOUS problems with both solar technology materials, and these LEVIATHAN-scale wind vane farms, electric vehicles - latter, as Spartacus CORRECTLY notes; were ALREADY approaching obsolescence when first brought to market and the perpetual fields generated, FAR more hazardous to biological systems, corrupting of ecosystemic communications networks themselves (although I'm also QUITE knowledgeable about metamaterials (one Tesla proposed producing shortly before his January 1943 death under mysterious circumstances; Rockerfeller/Rothschild-Soviet interface 'Amtorg' had been making FORCEFUL overtures to him as well as THEIR 'Third Reich', Nazi agents - while the somewhat NOTORIOUS 50-plus year old alloy blend 'CoVFeFe' MIGHT by its description, display SIMILAR non-natural protective / radiation-transmuting properties; 'Gene DeCode' posted a write-up about them year before last that I panelized; screen-captured) which have existed a WHILE now that, if incorporated into (wireless, EV, other) infrastructure would at LEAST lessen such risks while in closest proximity.....these are matters to which I've personally devoted whole DAYS attempting to visualize workable solutions, mitigating devices.....
[WHY does humanity DO this to ITSELF; not strive to make sure EVERYone has these true NECESSITIES?] <--- Good point :-)
An economy without a conscious?
Is our moral code out of date?
The world is run by criminals?
Not enough good people left in the world?
The great moral question of the twenty-first century is this: if all knowing, all culture, all art, all useful information can be costlessly given to everyone at the same price that it is given to anyone; if everyone can have everything, anywhere, all the time, why is it ever moral to exclude anyone?
The system we adopted, is flawed by design. It serves the wealthy most of all, not the majority that make up the most.
Most governments control people, right? This has been the case throughout history. Proponents of "Big Government" used different nomenclatures to describe their ideal system, but they all have the single overriding characteristic: centralizing power in government.
Socialism, fascism, communism, feudalism, monarchies, dictatorships, theocracies, oligarchies, et al. concentrate power in the state. The underlying political theology is irrelevant. In each and every case, the individual is subject to control by the state. It doesn't matter who orders you about. It could be a king, emperor, dictator, party general secretary, or elected machine politician. The result is the same. You do as you're told. You're a serf, plain and simple.
Occasionally, people control government. This is rare. Those fortunate nations believe that people are born with natural rights and inherently possess the liberty to direct their own lives. Countries that respect an individual right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are republics or parliamentary systems with safeguards for minority interests.
The United States of America was founded on the principle of sovereign individuals — an idea that flipped the concept of "divine right of kings" on its head. Instead of rulers being ordained by God to rule, each and every person was "endowed by [his] Creator with certain unalienable Rights."
Of course, only a few can self-provide all of life's necessities, so the human species has always relied on trade to get some of what its members need or want. Commerce enables our lives.
If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert themselves -- they will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them; they will want to live in freedom.
.....I much prefer 'INTEGRITY' over 'morality', TSMC; former FAR less tacitly judgmental - and DEVALUING, than latter - it, still SOMEwhat subjective too - but, as someone VEHEMENTLY non-religious, non-DEIST, can say that the evolutionary goal all along SHOULD'VE been to acknowledge a CO-accretive ('creation' and 'accretion', actually SYNONYMOUS) relationship to our manifestation, existence; instead, we were SADDLED [up] with DISempowering organized religious instruments for TIGHT control, direction.....one OTHER thing: 'asexuality' does EXIST in nature; there are two ISSUES with exacerbation of ENVIRONMENTALLY-enhanced (i.e., sustained exposure to toxins, endocrine disruptors like DDT) gender dysphoria: theirs (ESPECIALLY minors lacking EMOTIONAL intelligence like NEVER before) are NOT fully-informed decisions and thus, true CHOICE has been REMOVED from ALL affected.....