As always , excellent Spartacus. Yes , evict these monsters asap. I pray every single day this will happen . Stop voter fraud , get rid of the mandates , we need term limits, we need a lot of changes and changes in Americans’ attitude. We are imploding as a society. People are way too comfortable with “stuff” and it doesn’t even have to be shiny anymore. The Constitution, the 10 commandments and the love for one another is lost. The 7 deadly sins are in our faces daily. Spartacus, we patriots need guidance, solutions and the ability to come together and end this corruption.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

When I was still on the farmers market with my handcrafts, several people asked me how in the world I could knit socks by hand. How do they think they were knitted before the invention of machines?

(almost like that kid when asked where milk came from - from the bottle)

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Excellent analysis of the evils of the rentier class, those who own the resources and make money charging the rest of us to use them. This is a very old, generational problem. These people have to be controlled, otherwise chaos will ensue.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

well presented.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

I think I would have used the term “sociopath”. The first time I met Deborah Birx was about 51 years ago at a science fair. She was a skinny, mousy, nervous, neurotic little girl who twisted her hair. I would bump into her a couple of more times over the next 50 some years. When the Covid19 task force was introduced to us I nearly fell off my chair. These people remind me of serial killers. Many serial killers are not crazy, not psychotic, but rather they are sociopaths. They do not think like you, or me. They have their own standards, their own rules. There is one rule for them, another for us. They do not have empathy. They may occasionally identify with single individuals, but you must live up to their standards to be worthy of life in their world. Little Debbie almost gave herself away in one press conference when she started to say something about how Covid19 was affecting the Native American community. No one caught it. She trailed off. No one understood what she meant. Sometimes words come back to haunt us years later.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

I can feel your emotions in your words. I feel much the same. Thank you!

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

Another barn-burner. Keep it up, Spartacus! Have you read Douglas Rushkoff's latest book, "Survival of the Richest"? He's an avowed Marxist but he makes many good points about "The Mindset," as he calls it, that traps these elite bandits into actions that will only, in the end, burn down the system.

"Really, this is the crux of the problem with managerialism. It takes real commodities, real property, real resources, and it virtualizes them. There is no concern whatsoever for the fundamental physical reality and utility of goods and services, only raw numbers, spiraling endlessly into fantasy." Yes to this and I would add that the literal manifestation of this tendency to virtualize things is the so-called metaverse. Naomi Wolf brings this up in "The Bodies of Others." They want us to live in their virtual world where nothing is free. This is the ultimate disenfranchisement. Instead of hugging someone, you'll now send them a hug emoji ... and instead of buying you a beer, I've got to post a comment on your substack.

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Spartacus, spot on analysis. Total correspondence with my thoughts. Excellent! Thank you.

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Kevin McCairn is correct you do have a perfect radio voice. It's reassuring to my cynical old ears to have occasional stumbling over words to reveal deeper emotional investment.

A voice adds so much to our ability to glimpse the spirit and sense intent. It is a critical component to our intuitive power to consider the source in balance with their information; we to do a gut check on the risk reward. You've articulated beautifully where misplaced trust has landed us and with thanks to a galaxy of great hearts and committed minds informed resistance keeps spreading like wildfire!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Spartacus

It’s like being in a tank with a great white shark. You know it is a predator, and you are prey. You are dinner. There is this visceral fear, this feeling in the pit of the stomach. You know. I knew in January 2020.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

I think this is about the best synopsis of the situation I've heard and completely consistent with my own views, FWIW. An accurate interpretation of the evidence and an essential starting point, as mentioned, to inform the nessesary actions in response to the psychopathic plans and actions of "the elites".

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everyone needs to understand what the agenda is and what is going on, and the moves being made when they think we are not looking (or distracted by something else). I am referring to one thing in particular, and that is the doubling down while feinting a retreat -- to do with the control or sovereignty over our bodies.

We currently appear to have a respite from mandates, restrictions and vaccine passports. But they are not done, yet.

Some years back, and I cannot remember where but it might have been about ten years ago, I came across some information of a hypothetical scenario sort, which seems to be taking shape now: that is, all of our finances and provision of healthcare (any welfare sorts of payments, including medicare or universal basic income, or child welfare payments) are tied to our compliance with the medication and vaccine mandates. At the time, the example given was a person mandated to take medication, and this needed to be done virtually/in front of the camera in each person's house (I heard of this before we had ubiquitous laptop and phone cameras) -- absolutely required to take the medication or you would not get your money.

There are other technologies being talked about, such as chipped medication to prove you are taking it. We really can't let our paranoid guard down. Even though it sounds paranoid.

This is taking shape now, with the WHO and with what is going on in Australia, NY, etc. We all need to pay attention and be aware of this.

Austria recently had such a system for mandatory, universal COVID testing to be done in front of your camera with proof of your identity.... I don't know if they are still doing this, but how draconian and surely this was a test.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

have you ever worked on a team of mostly competent people, and a few incompetent ones? the competent ones boldly take on the big problems and do the hard work. the incompetent ones take on minor problems around the edges and talk their way out of confronting and performing big and critical tasks.

this is my rough mental model for most of East Asia (competent with real capabilities) and nations in the West (incompetent and incapable, unwilling to take on obvious domestic issues, and bloviating constantly and hypocritically to the rest of world about individual rights).

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

I just upgraded my subscription to paid! We need more of these truths! Thank you so much!

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Spartacus

One of the best reads ever! It's a keeper! Thank you so much!

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Spot on!

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