A rather popular fellow in Portland just passed away at 37? or so, he ran a very successful knife sharpening business, so many knew him. I am hoping this wakes Portland up, folks here are very 'head in sand' (while masked, still). The rage grows at different rates in different places, but it is definitely growing. My rage is almost 2 years old now, and I await the inevitable phone call from family who are all jabbed. It's a hard wait.

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I share your angst. My sister in law, 60, appears to be dying slowly from the injections. My brother, her husband, braved months of her criticism for not taking the shots. Now the poor man has to watch as his sweetheart succumbs to the effects of the poison. I, too, dread the inevitable phone call that could come at any time, now. What a world we allowed to grow around us.

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Oh, Spartacus! This one is more magnificent than the last post. Very well written. I’m sharing this one far and wide. Thank you for voicing it better than I ever could have.

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Agree, I shared two quotes.

this is so true "...because most people are cowards who don’t want to experience the very real existential terror entailed in taking responsibility for their own lives."

and a nice reminder to worry less and live more: "...may cut your otherwise eternal life very short..."

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Me too. Gets a share on my rebellion group on Signal. We are activated

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I need connection in real world. I am isolated in knowing people who care about this

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I am 73 years old and have never been so happy to be on the final stretch. Most would read this to be some impossible science fiction fantasy but the thing I find most unbelievable is how this will be avoided.

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Now that's a dyed in the wool Hopium addict.

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A more accurate term would be the "BioWarfare Mafia". This is aggression not defense.

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Can thank Edward Bernays for his suggestion on changing the departmental title from 'War Office' to 'Department of Defense.'

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I will never tire of pointing out that the Enlightenment is how we got here.

Apart from that, well done, sir. “…it is the application of a faith-based system as a means of social control in a broader managerialist context.” Perfect encapsulation. I’m not so sure that much if any of this was done on purpose. Rather I think it is the emergent outcome of information technology-enabled networks of amoral, faithless SoBs who operate on the me-first principle. Whether intended in every particular or not, the outcome is sheer evil. I too struggle to grasp why more people don’t get it.

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Excellent writing and detailed understanding of this deep state … I pray there is more of us than them. 😉

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Excellent podcast, but we are being played. The Great Reset=The Great Awakening. They know that there will be a backlash. The bankers ALWAYS win because they bet on both horses just as they bet on both sides of every war. The thesis and anti-thesis will be synthesized. When the time comes you will invite your slavery and welcome it with relief (lolz). This is game theory on a global scale and you are being psychologically nudged and mind controlled. There are no good guys. Only bad guys and worse guys and anyone still stuck in the left-right paradigm is a sucker.

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Right on!

But you go not far enough; you're only scratching the surface. Everything you write makes sense but makes much more sense from the perspective of a non-human takeover. Once you consider That as comporting with the preponderance of the evidence, everything - including the trajectory of events - falls into place and one can predict our future.

15,000 UFOs are reported yearly in North America,10% are unexplainable. The military has 143 they cannot explain. Over the years at least 3,000 are completely unexplainable and usually multimodal, with sightings by video, photographs, radar, X-ray, and other means. It only takes one to prove outer space aliens are here, now.

We need to think different. They are not here for our benefit. We live in a non-human universe with non-human species with non-human values. Consider Cortés versus the Aztecs; advanced technology does not imply advanced morality. Don't trust them as we seem to be programmed with ET "happy talk" as a subroutine. They're not here to save us or to give us things. They are here to use us like we use draft animals.

Advanced alien technology means continual competition for resources throughout the universe just as it does here. Assuming outer space aliens (or more likely their alien Ai) created human intellectual advancement via genetic engineering (abductees consistently report genetic sampling); we've been bred as soft robots for the taking. We produce valuable biologics, blood and plasma and organs, have hands that can work, are easily controlled by amplified telepathy technology (mass formation? voting?), and have excess gray matter that can be surreptitiously commandeered as decentralized processing units. We've been bred as slaves. A sufficiently advanced Ai technology could control every waking thought and physical movement from deep inside. Maybe it is - we'd not know it.

The universe runs on technology because this is an alien Ai universe. The many species create and trade technology, just like we do here. Our personal trajectory can be predicted if you realize that technology most values social conformity and control. Freedom disturbs algorithms and is programmed out - it's not efficient, freedom is a virus. When people conform to centralized control, artificial intelligence governance replaces democracy. Our future will be a globalized China on steroids.

Outer space aliens comprise advanced species that have achieved standardized and unified mental control. They are telepathic and exert thought control by telepathy, persuasion, and deception, amplified by technology, which has replaced War in our local universe because War disrupts trade. The aliens work both the outside physical world as well as our inner minds beneath our awareness.

We've been genetically programmed for susceptibility and control by authoritarian belief structures. Those who escape control may have a genetic variant, easily modified with a well engineered vaccination program. Those not with the program will be culled when their Central Bank digital currency is cut off. An efficient algorithm will recycle non-compliants and other useless eaters as food and fertilizer.

If you consider the above as a provisional working hypothesis things clarify and you will wish you were not one who Knew Too Much. To avoid the attention of the Universal Algorithm creating and watching your thoughts, focus inward and become as steadily quiet as a rock.


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Cool story, bro...

>> Escaping control may require a specialized genetic variant, which I speculate

>> could be brought into line with a well engineered vaccination program.

Nice try, but we ain't taking any vaxxes :)

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Is that you, dr. Jason Reza Jorjani?

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Nope, never heard of him

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Wrong again. Keep on reaching. 2 more weeks!

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You Hope Too Much. Why wouldn't AYYYLMAOs just exterminate us?

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Without a doubt the finest representation of my muddled thoughts, perfectly organised and footnoted, simply allowing me to fully accept the world I know I live in but quite frankly was trying to avoid. Thank you. We are at war. There is no going back to anything like our old ways pre COVID. It's time to take this seriously, organise our lives to protect our families from what is coming and get active to take back our lives and future.

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What is the basis for this being called a nucleic-acid based vaccine? The reason I ask is two fold:

1. I've never heard this before, and

2. Mike Adams exposed the clotting material pulled from cadavers to a nucleic acid solution to reduce it to components more amenable to a plasma torch for subsequent spectral analysis of the makeup, and it exothermically reacted (generated heat, even smoke).

He subsequently found that the clotting material that is building up in people is made up of electrically conductive materials, and not having the ratios seen in humans. There's been a subsequent (and more recent) release by a group of German scientists that show a cocktail of toxic elements found IN the vaccine.

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Any RNA or DNA-based "vaccine" that instructs cells to produce viral proteins to act as vaccine antigens is, by definition, a nucleic acid vaccine.


This concept is highly novel and there are many uncertainties involved with it. The main institutions pushing for the development of nucleic acid vaccines appear to be military or intelligence-related, which basically means that they're anticipating the use of bioweapons in future warfare.

This is unacceptable on every single level. Basically, this stops when we force all governments, worldwide, to cease any and all bioweapon research.

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As to your last comment here: "unacceptable on every level"... I believe this is one objective of Mr Putin's current endeavors in Ukr. He knew. He's gathered his evidence (and, now, his allies: BRICS +). His tribunal(s) in Mariupol will further expose the globalists in 'govts worldwide' (esp america) in this egregious crime. A peeling of the onion, layer upon layer.. because... its all connected.

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mRNA stands or Messenger Ribo Nucleic Acid. It's in the name of this stuff. Yet unlike organic the RNA in mRNA is synthitic. Think organic wood versus fake wood made out of fiberglass.

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Excellent! Thank you!

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Thanks Spartacus for an excellent analysis. You mentioned the Committee of 300.

John Coleman , an intelligence officer, who said he has access to various documents, wrote this strange book in 1991.

Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300


“The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question. From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.”

— Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by John Coleman


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I have that book. It's rather disturbing how closely all of what we're seeing matches up with literally everything John Coleman said.

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Here's the key paragraph before the one quoted above:

"At least 4 billion 'useless eaters' shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races..."

Full text: archive.org/details/dr.-john-coleman-the-committee-of-300/

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<3 Internet Archive ~ Full text of "The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300"


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Honestly, what a waste of power and lack of imagination these Malthusians have. And for what? If they got rid of most of us, earth will be boring af.

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Thanks for your concise and insightful analysis. Always worth my time!

Seems to me the entire Covid/vaxx/WEF agenda as you outline dovetails perfectly with this larger description: https://www.gemstoneuniversity.org/modules/mod_flipbookmaster/assets/pdf_files/OverviewOfWorldSystem-v2.pdf which illuminates the underlying how this jurisdiction has been established and by whom.

I don’t think you’ll find any conflict with the points you are making, but perhaps a lot of additional context. I do think this linked document deserves wide examination.

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A brilliant piece. However, the Enlightenement was the first stage of the plan, the XVIIIth century equivalent of the woke ideology of today. Its purpose was to destroy the foundations of the traditional order, ie religion, monarchy and more importantly to move from a worldview centered on God and the natural order to man centered artifical order founded on "Reason" and "Progress". Transhumanism, transgenderism et al, all come in direct line from the Enlightement. Philosophers like Voltaire, like our elites of today, worshiped Lucifer (proof is found in their correspondence) who is after all "the light bearer". Beware whose light is used to "enlighten" you.

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Indeed. At first, they struck a blow against medievalism to help usher in the Industrial Revolution, but now that the Elites seem to have everything they want and believe that further technological progress would only jeopardize their control over society, they're bringing medievalism back, with the Divine Right of Technocrats replacing the Divine Right of Kings.

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Outstanding. Again. Can’t help but think that the “mark of the beast” as described in the Biblical book of Revelation is day by day coming closer to reality…

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I'm R. Catholic. Before 2020, I generally believed the end of the world would come but would always say 'who knows when' and usually thought my doomsday acquaintances were a bit eccentric. Now, I'm convinced that we're on that path. I believe it can still be changed but will take a lot prayer, repentance and effort.

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