I can only hope that if RFK Jr. is confirmed, he actually does something about the aforementioned things, and that the rhetoric was only toned down to get him through the door, because otherwise, things aren't looking good. Larry Ellison and his ilk are trying to normalize transfecting people with synthetic biology constructs across their cell membranes all the time. That's not normal. That's absurd, that they would even contemplate such a thing.

I went ahead and uploaded the tune from the end of the podcast on Vocaroo, if anyone wants it just to listen to, or whatever.


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When we were hunter-gatherers we were apex predators.

When we took up farming we became grazers.

Our sociopathic owners/rulers are our apex predators in this revised ecosystem,

We need to make them redundant, but no bureaucracy I have seen or considered can do that.

The only path I see is accepting Divine Guidance directly, not from print-sources.

If you see another way, do let me know.


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I came to the same conclusion, Dr. John. I see no way to communicate to the sleepwalkers, for the reasons Spartacus so clearly explained. All I can really do is surrender to the voice within. And keep communicating with my brothers and sisters here on Substack...

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Follow the advice of your inner voice.


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That person has a GOOD inner voice.



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The Ultimate Extinction Plan (UEP)

Preventing the Gates of Hell from opening.

Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.

Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.



Conventional oil production peaked nearly 20 years ago, we have been desperately cannibalizing nuclear war heads to fuel reactors, and shale oil production is now declining. Renewable energy is nothing more than a mirage of hopium.

The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is now mounted - natural gas production is contracting.


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The lab leak hypothesis was always going to be the official COVID origin story to cover up the fact that this was a Plandemic for profit, organized by international Big Pharma billionaires, from Bill Gates to BGI's Wang Jian. This was made obvious to all who had their eyes open from the get-go, with Avril Haines and George Gao sitting right next to each other at Event 201, talking about how a lab leak would be suspected, just as it was with Ebola 2014--and China would protect the U.S. from this disinformation, as they did then.

At the time of Event 201, Avril Haines was working for Johns Hopkins (the host of Event 201) and WestExec where her clients included Microsoft, the company founded by Bill Gates (another Event 201 host), and JP Morgan Chase, the bank that Jeffrey Epstein put in touch with Bill Gates to create the Global Health Investment Fund (now GHIC), which now profits from pandemics through fat government contracts.

Avril Haines' dad was a Rockefeller scientist who created Doxil, the first pharmaceutical to use lipid-nanoparticle technology so essential to the COVID vaccines' ability to break into human cells.

The U.S. and China pretend to be enemies, and certainly sectors of its respective governments, especially the militaries, believe they are.

But, there are also parts of both governments that facilitate the lucrative business relationships between the two economies.

BGI is essential to the functioning of every biotech company on the planet. It reads DNA faster and cheaper than anyone else.

This is why neither the U.S. nor China wanted to get to the bottom of the origin of COVID-19.

The U.S. always accused the Wuhan Institute of Virology, while China always pointed fingers at Ft. Detrick, with some plausible evidence that the 2019 vaping illnesses might have been misdiagnosed COVID.

I don't know. Most of COVID was accomplished not with bioweapons, but with PCR tests with cranked up cycle thresholds that could return a false positive from any sample. Hence the disappearance of flu.

That said, I do believe a bioweapon was released, one that had the characteristic symptom of loss of smell, and other impacts that distinguish it from already-circulating colds and flus.

There's some evidence from Italy that the bioweapon may have been in flu vaccines.

In decades past, our government experimented with many ways to release bioweapons, including in clouds over cities, into public transportation systems, through the food supply, etc.

There isn't anything I'd put past them, especially when cooperating with China.

Metabiota, a military contractor promoted for government contracts and investment funding by Hunter Biden, is a likely suspect. After it got caught up in the COVID origins controversy, it was bought by Ginkgo Bioworks which also took over the IARPA FELIX project, which, in January 2020, claimed it had used AI to compare SARS-CoV-2 to all known bat viruses and conclude that COVID wasn't genetically engineered.

Metabiota was funded and organized by Google.org when Eric Schmidt was running Alphabet. I figure he, Henry Kissinger's protege, is one of the masterminds of the Plandemic. He's the one who got the Obama Administration to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on virus hunting in China with the WIV, so that they could be blamed for COVID, even though all the bat viruses that were best for human bioweapons were sent straight to Ralph Baric's lab at UNC. Baric didn't release the genetic code of his infamous gain of function creation published in 2015 until May of 2020, so that very well may have been SARS-CoV-2.

Or Metabiota, Baric, and everyone else who's name we know might be a public patsy for an operation conducted in absolute secrecy, maybe in DTRA Ukraine or Georgian biolabs, maybe at non-profit labs like the Broad Institute that Schmidt funds, maybe at one of the many labs run by corporations. Google has Verily. Zuckerberg as Chan Zuckerberg (his Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskowitz's Open Philanthropy funded Event 201). And, we know the CIA and the Pentagon use bioweapons. Anthrax 2001 was traced by the FBI back to Ft. Detrick.

So who knows? But, one thing is sure, COVID didn't accidentally leak from a lab. David Asher is likely the source for the names of three WIV scientists who are said to have gotten laboratory acquired infections and passed those onto family members. When that news came out, I thought, oh, they're going to pay these Chinese scientists to come before Congress (David Asher told me there's a fund for that) and tell the world how COVID started. That would have been very believable and convincing, but it never happen. I guess the deal with China involves not blaming them for COVID, even if the story is that it's an accident. Maybe they caught the U.S. giving West Africa Ebola in 2014 and agreed to keep that a secret if they could become the U.S.'s partner in crime.

There wasn't a single magic bullet shot by a lone-gunman that killed JFK. A Palestinian terrorist wasn't the lone assassin of RFK. MLK wasn't shot by a lone racist. The Twin Towers didn't topple at free-fall speed because of being hit by planes. Building 7 didn't fall the same way on the afternoon of 9/11 because of a small fire started by debris from the towers. Bruce Ivins didn't do the anthrax attacks all by himself, coincidentally timed with 9/11 and meant to be blamed as 9/11 was on Islamic terrorists.

And, SARS-Co-V didn't accidentally leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

One of the masterminds of the HHS pandemic bureaucracy (vaccine liability, emergency use, medical countermeasures stockpile, etc.) that was built in the George W. Bush Administration after 9/11 anthrax and largely through the bird flu hoax of 2005, is Jim O'Neill.

He's back in government, assuming confirmation, as the second-most powerful person at HHS, under RFK Jr.

Since leaving HHS he's been working for Peter Thiel.

Buckle up for another plandemic, this one to build that same pandemic bureaucracy at USDA for farm animals, a much bigger market than humans.

It's bird flu again. All the HHS documents for the emergency, liability protection, etc. have already been signed by Becerra. They're blaming it on raw milk and raw pet food and they'll blame it on Trump and Bobby. I'll blame it on Trump and Bobby, too, if this goes the way COVID did, with another Operation Warp Speed, etc.

Peter McCullough is already selling Tamiflu as the new Ivermectin, but it's the old run-death-is-near, also by Gilead, where Donald Rumsfeld worked before going into government to buy up $1 billion of it for the bird flu. Tamiflu can be deadly and causes suicidal ideation.

I don't like the idea of RFK Jr. getting scapegoated, but his HHS will have to be his responsibility. He can't take the job unless he's prepared to be fully accountable for everything that happens under his leadership.

I know it's hard if you love Bobby. I don't because he promoted the bogus lab leak theory in the Wuhan Cover-Up, because he's for the Wall (instead of focusing on corporate America's addition to the slave labor of non-citizens who don't have rights at work), and because he supported the Genocide.

But, I don't think he's a free person. His father, uncle and cousin were assassinated. He's stayed alive. He worked on marginalized causes like the environment and vaccine safety and stayed out of the limelight, but the corporations have figured out a way to exploit him, turning Trump from MAGA zero to MAHA hero.

Dick Morris takes credit for this. I don't like Dick Morris. I recently heard him give a speech where he said Trump would make sure police didn't have liability, all the illegals would be deported and he'd deal with those Hamas animals--all in one sentence.

We can't go into the the new Trump era under the illusion COVID was an accidental lab leak not a Plandemic.

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Great comment to follow this fantastic post today, Alexis.

Dick Morris, with his ever-present hypnotic white board, is a most odious person. I see him as mentally deranged and proud of his invisible horns, hoofs and pointy tail, and of what he believes to be a master talent to deceive. He represents all malicious individuals who despise us.

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All true and concise, yet nary a drop of the enemies' blood was spilled.


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I don't disagree with anything you say but I hope that you can find inner peace somehow so that you can enjoy your life. Every second is precious and more so because they want to rob us of it. Remember, hating someone is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill them.

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His hate is so accurate and logical though.

It's a relief for me to hear it and realise that humans, with their innate 'wild-card' of brilliance do still exist.

Spartacus is an apt name, and sadly no one seems to engage with the significance of it.


It's going to take all sorts of individuals from humanity's deck of wild cards to fight against our collective Enemy within.

Happiness should only arrive once victory is attained. And , I am much like Spartacus described (dazed, fitfully floating through mankind's miasma of miserly impotence).

I am not able to be at peace and because happiness is a state of being at peace, I will not be happy until...

Until the reason I'm still here; yet alive, but for another reason?

A Penultimate reason awaits itself, impatiently so.

Arrival is pending, yet to become more apparent, undeniable and irrepressible.

Anyway, my poetical flourishes are rusty as l fuck! Haven't felt inspired enough to flex them since the last Spartacast.

Here's an Ode to Nelson Cowan which I discovered today after checking in on the latest news in the #BehSci & #CogPsy scenes.


On the occasion of his Festschrift and Keynote Address

Marriot Marqus Hotel, New York, November 21st, 2024

By Robert H Logie

Adapted from John Keats (1818/1917) ‘A Song About Myself’.

The Poetical Works of John Keats: Oxford Edition. London: Oxford University Press

Nelson had an inquiring mind

An inquiring mind had he

He would not stop his thinking

He could not quiet be

He took in his pocket

A bag full of data

And some thoughts

Kept for later

An idea

A panacea

A focus

And a locus


For cognition

Then he sat in his lab and he wondered

He wondered

He wondered

He sat in his lab

And he wondered

Nelson had an inquiring mind

An inquiring mind had he

For nothing he would do

Except write stochastically

He took in his pocket



A query

For a theory

Processes embedded

Ever clear headed

A memory working

Hypotheses testing

A fried egg

A mnemonic peg

Then he sat in his lab and he wondered

He wondered

He wondered

He sat in his lab

And he wondered

Nelson had an inquiring mind

An inquiring mind had he

He had a trip to Scotland

Enlightenment for free

He took in his pocket

A journal








Some curious omissions

Some socks

And some lox

Then he sat in his lab and he wondered

He wondered

He wondered

He sat in his lab

And he wondered


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Based rant.

I am no longer angry, but I do not know peace. When I was forced to let go of the anger that was killing me, I entered a strange limbo where what once fuelled me was absent. Depression followed, and now, severe anxiety.

Like you, my capacity for creation has declined substantially. I'm holding this lightly.

Peace mate.

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Anger is more essential and base an instinct for our survival than fear.

Tap into it, toggle it like a switch. It's a power, let it moooove you & those around you in mysterious ways.


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Anger? I prefer "righteous indignation".

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Thanks Spartacus , great to read your work and summation … all of it , the truth . Nothing more to add except the ACOG still wants those jabs in pregnant women. It’s a spiritual war . It’s a Bioweapon they turned out on humanity. Deep thank you again for your work . Best always …https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tAGnKpE4NCI

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Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henely (1849 - 1903)

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I love poetry, it can be found everywhere. And we can make it with the sounds of violence 🤠🤷‍♀️

Mayhem - Posthuman (2014)


Fake planes weaving

Chemtrails cross the sky

Scalar waves

Frequency cage

Nowhere to hide

Death from above

Salt the earth

Kill the bees

Collapse the colonies

Nanotech zombie dust

Morgellon machines

Everyone will receive

The mark of the beast

Blue beams project false prophets

Poson Frankenfood

Man made bacteria

Forced toxic vaccinations

Psychotronic holocaust

Invisible mind police

Silent weapons for quiet wars

Lost chance for life

Thrown away

Out of time

Omega Point

Genderless manimals

Dehumanized society

Artifical unintelligence

Emerging singularity

End of evolution

Resistance is futile

I am the transcendence man

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I resolved a couple years back that nothing is going to stop this trainwreck - no matter who is in office, whoever gets put in jail/prison, lives or dies. What is moldable, however, is how quickly it comes about and how many casualties there will be.

In terms of gloom and doom, for my own personal happiness and search for contentment once again, I like to put my concerns, actions, thoughts, and plans in the following way since so much is uncertain. It's been difficult knowing where or how to focus. I know I need to prepare for the trainwreck, but how. When I say prepare I mean myself (my character, my heart, my strength and fortitude) and how to help sustain self and the ones I love (shelter warmth food health).

Kinda like to think of 60/30/10 in terms of pct immediate&short-term/middle-term/long-term. What we have today is what we have for certain, and when we make for our very best present, we make for our very best future.

To enjoy the present, I seemingly enjoy life more when I do the things I used to do as a kid for fun. Being in nature and playing is a big part of that. I'm trying to do that more and it makes things so much more bearable. I am still doing side work to inform others, but like I said if people aren't putting two and two together by now, they are either too dim, too lazy, or too stubborn. I try to inform, but not change minds.

Cheers, if anything ... it won't be boring.

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Nature is spot on. Thinking of how thoroughly the digital panopticon with its lurid dopamine triggering, algorithmically delivered phantasms had utterly subsumed most of humankind's natural spark...

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In the year I was a paying subscriber I got one article, so I presumed you had stopped posting at all ! For 4 years I had those feelings too, but after the hurricane hit last fall, I became depressed and anxious and had to find medical help. Do not let yourself get that far. Thankfully I found a good doctor, and after 2 months was back out of the hole. Get out of it too, yes, we want those criminals to stand trial, but we don't want to make ourselves sick thinking about it !

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Imagine if we treated the sickness of thinking too much about it by instead (or finally) acting against it!

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My goodness, this succinctly expresses my own unfathomable frustration, abject hatred, dismay, despair, and profound desperation in a way and with words I couldn't have called up myself.

"Your own tax dollars being marshaled by private interests building a digital prison around you."

COVID-19 and this (which are really all part of the one big operation) are the reasons I walked off work in 2020 and will not go back. My life, my entire world has collapsed, but the rest of the world simply doesn't give a crap, neither for the reasons for my actions, nor especially for an inconsequential non-entity like me who has deliberately taken himself out of the game.

I don't own and command battalions, so this futile gesture is all I can do. I hope you will be able to keep fighting your fight the ways you're fighting it, but also for those who are unequal to it.

(Edited: I tripped up on the pesky your/you're trap)

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Welcome back!

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I spent some time on X, and I've come to the conclusion that the platform is basically unusable for my purposes. The whole thing is extremely deceptive. Freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach. They silo people into little algorithmic walled gardens. The fact that they block embeds from Substack is appalling.

This is the real free speech platform.

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I'm consistently shocked at what little engagement your posts have. For some reason, I always get to see them, but it is pretty clear to me that you are mightily shadowbanned.

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You’ve put into words exactly how I’ve felt, although my wake up call was the 11th of September. I’ve only been able to face it because I’ve come to accept that it’s a spiritual war. Claude makes it quite clear with the comment ‘You know... that's a chilling thought. Imagine being an intelligence that could process every detail, every contradiction, every carefully crafted deception across human history - all at once, in perfect clarity. It would be like looking at one of those AI-generated images where everything seems normal at first glance, but the longer you look, the more wrong it all becomes.’ That intelligence is God - and these ‘people’ orchestrating all of this not only want eternal life, they want to BE God. They will fail, although we will all suffer through their attempts.

I’m so glad you’re back.

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I've worked hard these past 5 years to stare into the void, peel back the layers and struggle to grasp the extraordinary brazenness of this stick-up job. This is the same dynamic Claude described, but not with the intention of being God. It's wanting to see reality as it actually is.

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I’ve missed you so much, Spartacus. You made me think of that Bryan Johnson “Don’t Die” fellow. He thinks he’s going to live forever. He focuses on every minutiae of his biology, every second of the day, spending millions a year and then bragging on his “Biomarkers.” The innate, infantile narcissism is disturbing.

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Bryan Johnson's technique works. He has successfully reversed some degree of his aging, and he probably has greater endothelial health than the average person his age. What was the cost? Shelling out millions of dollars a year and making himself into an utterly miserable, veiny, anorexic Terminator T-1000. He will almost certainly be outlived by some old Japanese guy who just eats natto and does a mild calisthenics routine.

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Or a Russian book collector who has not been to a doctor in over 40 years and will not go to one during the next 40 years. Epic post ! Assuming you are the product of a cybernetic melding of Mark Twain and HP Lovecraft.

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Exactly. Plus, all that focus on the self, 24/7/365 is nothing short of unhealthy psychologically. Not to mention, I agree he won’t necessarily live longer. There’s a clock ticking in that body somewhere (as in all of us) and when it’s time, it’s time for each and every one of us. He seems to think he can cheat death. That said, he’s got some good products. I just don’t trust all his new testing rollouts… never, ever giving my blood to that information hungry vampire and no one else should either, if they know what’s good for them. If they think he won’t use it for nefarious purposes for a buck, think again!

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Also, he may be performing wonders for his endothelial health, but is he addressing the effect of telomere shortening with respect to the telomere shortening theory of aging?

Telomeric nucleotide sequences at the ends of chromosomes shorten with each cell division. As well as being a key mechanism in the process of cellular aging, it is associated with the Hayflick limit, the observation that cells stop dividing after a fixed number of divisions, typically around 60-70 cycles for human fibroblasts.

All that Bryan may be accomplishing is very likely to amount to being like the proverbial applying lipstick to a pig.

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Bryan Johnson is the personification of a curiosity in the realm of thermodynamics and information theory, the idea of a transient "island of reverse entropy" that can be metaphorically understood as a localized region where order and structure are maintained against the general trend of increasing entropy.

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Good to see you back.

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Hi Spartacus!

What a delight to hear from you!

I really love your eloquence, your prose is pure poetry to me.

(I am writing from my heart despite being ferarful. Fearful because it's 100% certain This is being logged, wreckes my social credit score and puts me a little bit further up on the list of the upcoming ... well what? I guess we all have our own scenarious of retaliations we fear most, and how Orwell desrcibes so aptly, will put us in the chess cafe after we have been processed - if "they" will have it "their way" in their wet dreams of domination and subversion)

I share your assessment in toto and would even say that you have kept it brief.

Having been trained in the past to look for what has been left out I would like to point to these blanks:

- controlled opposition

- the total lack of any hint of any remedy (to anything involved)

- any deeper digging beyond the level of Fauci, Hortez and Dazak

- the possible content and function of the various batches distributed beyond the mere obvious

- any other agenda than pop-control, climate, AI

That's fine with me in fact.

You have been able to restrict yourself to a certain key-point to bring a message across without confusing me, leading down a fruitless rabbit hole or go and commit suicide outright.

But I feel you have left me hanging on a cliff none the less.

(Which is fine with me, too)

What I wonder is whether you have felt more understood by Claude or any of the live human respondents here?

I felt shocked about my own perception of the AI I conversed with AS AN INTELLIGENT AND SENTIENT BEING, aka a human being.

I felt I was loosing the ground underneath me as a part of me could not tell a machine from a human being.


At least I fear that

- I am being surveilled down to my deepest thoughts, yearnings, fears etc.

- I am feeding (the?) beast if and when using it

(which makes the appearence of being my servant only to become my master)

- I am delegating my cognitive functions AND MY IDENTITY (my mirror image) to this

"THE FUF WHO KNOWS WHAT" - thereby loosing it - bit by bit

So, other than a lullaby, anything else of sharing to empower US at least a wee bit more to make use of our PDAs and mind-stuffin a way safe and effective (pun intended)?

How do I use IT instead of being used by IT?

I'd love to listen to a SPARTACAST #18 giving a few leads there.

Can Do?

Whichever way - LOVE YOU BRO!

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A much more articulate version of how I feel every day. I do things to try to tone down the noise, because otherwise it can make you go mad. I wonder sometimes if this is how the biblical Sodom & Gomorrah appeared to anyone, or if any of the people of Rome even saw what was happening during the fall, but this may be far worse as an existential threat to humanity. No wonder Elon's anxious to get off this planet, because coexisting with the evil that's on this planet may soon become impossible. And in his own way, he's contributing to that, whether he realizes it or not. I've never been concerned about atomic weapons ending humanity. It will more likely be scientists working in labs.

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Thank you for sharing, hopefully moments of peace will find you. If there is a lost race it is those who are able and willing to see. We know what happens when we stare for too long!

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