Do we want to live in a world that is meaningful and comprehensible to us and serves our basic needs and economic interests, or do we want to live in a world constructed piecemeal by TED Talk blowhards parroting overpromising scientists who are fishing for grant money?
The thought that anything that will cause mass suffering, death, bankruptcy, etc. is impossible merely solely because of these effects, is incomprehensible to me.
The situation may be found to be impossible in the aftermath, but Not the events themselves, which are not only possible, but increasingly likely to occur.
wdym by meaningful and comprehensible? 99% of modern world live on smartphone land, and digitalverse screen. just look at hikkiomori in jp or lying flat in china.
whatever states of universe a human perceives. that interacts with their internal system of state modulators shaped by evolutionary hardware. smartphone gamification. pornography. job raises. random biotic drives.
like most intj speakers on wef and myself included, we see human existence more as a quantum probabilistic waveform of algorithmically-optimizing functional recursions that try to reduce Kolmogorov complexity in nature by propagating consciousness across the fabrics of space-time. when intelligence increases, perception bandwidth is broadened and the experiential becomes more reducible and operationalizable. the end-fate is the same in all cases. intelligent and powerful consolidate all resources and information to decrease local entropy. why? because its inherent property of that trait in the human genome. to understand nature, master and control the environment. you see (N) intuition correlated with openness to experience, and it is also associated with horizional associativity (p-breadth) in neuron network layers. once latent variable a,b,c,d like organ function a,b,c or organelle a,b,c or code a,b,c = reality experience or simulacra isomorphism, then omniscence and omnipotence becomes the final logical and telelogical goal. nothing personal spartacus. if you want to stop me or the identical distributions of myself whom likely consist of similar philosophical worldviews about the world and a systems-theorist level kind of thinking about the nature of existence, then you have a long road ahead of you b/c all of us have the ability to perform high-level episodic simulations of action-state sequences of collectives of individuals and all of us have god complexes that would like to determine the world we(I) live in, to be independent from mankind -- not relegated to finite limits of human existence and traditions. and as you know, the dominant strategy (change - chaos) always outcompetes recessive strategies (stability - order) because the ergodicity of a system is not fully explored for the global maxima. sure you could argue phenemologically it's pointless but if left to humanity's present state -- we would likely go extinct anyways given the state of EROIE of oil going to zero and even if nuclear was granted, geometric growth would continue and chinese-level pollution would spread to everywhere b/c iq never increased. so either way, once IQ increased and consolidated with power-seeking genes, this would happen one way or another. interplantary-scale brains and civilizations either happen or we go extinct. there's no 99,999,999 year amish-on-road continuity meaningful world. you have to force constancy, and once you force constancy you become a dictator, hence a slave class that is controlled but eternally happy would be the only equilibra or a constantly changing entity in god-evolving form that the elites seek for.
everyday u me and everyone look for more material wealth, money, sex as human beings, shiny cars, objects -- embedded inside are just reward functions that promote our life's existence, deriving purpose from god, knowledge, relationships or whatever makes us more capable of living, stratification of classes, races, social classes, interests even delineate this even stronger. at some point though, criticality is reached and the state of disorder of a system is maximized. we reached that point in this era. even if you like crag-magnon hominoids, they aren't here anymore. you can't stop human evolution.
economic interests for what? larger shiny cars, better houses, a taste of food soup? crab legs? wouldn't a mind-cube of humanity that shares all the qualia of experiences like star trek be a better goal? every century and era is just a repeat of human existence at some arbitrary level of fidelity offset by allele changes in the physical structure of the brain. yesterday it's woman fawning over rich, elite, slightly psychopathic men-- tomorrow might be scientific, knowledgable men just like nowadays men are pre-optimized to look at nubile women. what makes the biotic drives meaningful and valuable? just the mere experience of it? or the epistemic knowledge of its ultimate causality? if its just experience, then wouldn't it be best to maximize the set of possible experiences by extending the bandwidth of human perception? meaningful in what sense? live in a cubicle, go to work 9-5 and retire in a dead-aging home? or get hunted in the wild by an animal and die to natural way of living?
dogs get happy waving their tails to humans all the time. do they feel a 'purpose' and meaningful existence? does that even matter to most people? most ppl just have short-term reward functions as i said earlier, a raise here, a kid there, some sex here, maybe some ape kicked a ball into soccer net... and even higher iq people aren't guaranteed to be 'happy' b/c of overpopulation. aka see china.
Or go look up Sabrina Wallace on Odysee for the fast and dirty explanation with a dash of cray-cray on the side.. Okay, I admit, I do not think she is as crazy as I might have originally thought. lol
08/20/2023: (WBAN) Slow Psinergy PDF overview: (15min 8sec):
This all made me remember a long video I watched of Alison McDowell of Wrench In The Gears substack was accidentally invited to join an IEEE meeting and she asked some tricky questions and made them uncomfortable. The patronized her and feigned interest in what she had to say, were eager to discuss further, ..... then immediately black-listed her from ever being accidentally invited ever again. Whoever sent that first one, I fear, may have been heavily flogged for having done so. lmao.
Researching the subject of control and surveillance via internal cellular manipulations appears to go straight off into the weeds in short order, ..... the only problem is that the more you look at it, the less crazy it is to believe it is factual.
When questioning one's own sanity, solely because of what he see's in reality, doesn't seem as though it will end well. for any of us. This topic gets quite insane, quite quickly.
Claus anal Schwab is a disposable, compartmentalized pawn.
Of course his predictions were what they were.
The Net Zero carbon initiative is the goal.- destroy all carbon life forms.... after a massive data theft, then upload the consciousness of the chosen.
The handlers hubris knows no bounds.
It is beyond normal human comprehension because we are dealing with generational psychopaths that have lost all traces of humanity so that they have become almost alien in ' nature'.
These deficient human puppets want to feel something. They are bored of total control and believe they can reprogram themselves to be happy ( or at least not hate themselves and life) in the ether world.
Human augmentation will not work because the flesh fails or succeed only because of its temporarily contained awareness.. spirit...will and intent manifested. Without the spirit, the flesh will die.
Human augmentation is a merely a distraction from a more evil event- annihilation of all biological life... Why else would THEY poison EVERYTHING with nanoparticles.
"These deficient human puppets want to feel something" Seems like they need an introduction to highly sadistic torture. That'll give them all they want to "feel," but likely still not all they deserve.
That's what they are trying to avoid- the ferryman and the judgement of death. The price for what they have done is eternal damnation... I don't waste my time thinking about the specifics.... They were searching for eternity!😁
"Deformed, morally desecrated and bound to a mobile life support system his entire life, Davros has been regarded by many as the Doctor's most deadly singular threat - as not only the creator of the Genocidal Dalek race, but as an enemy to all of creation."
That pic reminded me of Star Trek original series episode The Glass Menagerie. Except Capt. Pike is now Klaus and there is NO magic planet for him to pretend the mojo is still there. lol
Had me a bit worried until about half through the post. Seemed as though I was subscribed to somebody totally a polar opposite to myself having delusions about world dominance so distasteful as to activate the gag reflex.
Then, it turned out fantastic. Thank-you for this diverse presentation into the 'Dark Arts' in the obsessive minds of Demons.
Ahh The Hegelian Dialectic in it’s finest. The sad truth is that one day, one of these ego maniacal selfish bastards are going to tweak it just right. And at that point create a self replicating nano- technically biological piece of bull?!’t that moves through the one thing that actually connects us all, “water” and renders it unusable. At that point this thing will spread throughout the whole world and all they will be able to do is watch, with their nano- technological thumbs up their bums, as mankind and the planet die off. Game, Set, Match. Their ego won’t let them be happy until they burn it all to the ground in the name of, “science.” What is the most sickening to me is that these people are heralded as genius instead of the sick twisted misdirected individuals they really are. Just one viewpoint from someone who lives a very simple happy life and does not find it desirable to live forever, just happy joyous and free on day at a time.
Be Well in all you do today, for tomorrow is not promised and yesterday is only a memory, until one of these arseholes have their way and change that.
I’m living on a university campus where the air con is very obviously tainted! It smells wierd, leaves a coating inside your mouth and gives a sore throat after about ten minutes of breathing it in! It’s also coming up through air vents in the flooring in certain lecture rooms…..
I feel like I've just been enthusiastically gaslit by a pubertal mad scientist who says: "Since cells are based on biological molecules and biochemical reactions, rather than electronics..." and then demonstrates with every subsequent paragraph how this control will now be done by electronic frequency signalling. Hell no.
Technically, nanotransducers accomplish what they do by turning externally supplied wireless energy into a chemical signal, specifically by opening membrane-bound ion channels and allowing sodium, potassium, calcium, etc., to flow into the cell. They've already tested it on flies. The concept technically works. It remains to be seen whether or not they'll succeed in using them to make two-way BCIs for human brains, but they are certainly attempting to do just that.
......WHO else BUT Rice - who's ALREADY pioneered 'teslaphoretic manipulation' with MIT, Lincoln Labs / LEIDOS - should we EXPECT to be pursuing such ILL-advised trails.....
All beneficial technologies invented by man have been stolen from us, and the Cabal traded human beings to ETs in exchange for tech they could use to enslave us.
Yes, you can... Dr. Ian F Akyildiz is the architect of 6G and beyond meaning human bodies will power the BioDigital world. In other words human bodies will power the infrastructure. someone who's availed themselves of resonant-medicine modalities now almost 27 years with IMPRESSIVE results, and understands associated physics as well as MOST on Earth (informally proposed a mechanism of action for homeopathy) SUCH pathological need to INTERNALIZE synthetic proprietary components - when externally-applied treatments (EVEN just infrared radiational transfer from person to person - or, 'magnetic / hands-on healing') have been CONSISTENTLY demonstrated (for DECADES - if NOT centuries) to subjectively correct VARIOUS disease states ABSENT long-term side effects, while personally-effective natural agents can be identified simply by kinesiological diagnosis; biological pathway responses to VARIOUS media.....these scientifically-illiterate CREATURES who have CYNICALLY co-opted Tesla, Reich but ESPECIALLY, Rife's work / findings of up to a century-plus ago INFURIATE me.
LONG in The TRUTH, that was LONG in The SENTENCE! ;-)
Seriously, I think you are correct that we have a lot to learn about resonant-medicine or more generally the use of "fields." Interestingly, use of fields is the final stage of technology evolution according to TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving).
Spartacus - From a fly on the wall at Davos... 5G roll out is going too slow. Haven't these people heard of shock collars? I'm sure the Klaus & Co fascistas can have them mandated, and the hook in mouth msm & public will gladly buy-in as fashionistas. Perfect, strike the pose...
This is as sharply-discriminating, and as deftly- and powerfully-stated as you've made us expect Spartacasts from Spartacus to be. Thank you for compiling and interpreting the research, and for presenting it for us in this manner.
"Instead, he [Klaus Schwab] makes a perfect case for localism and returning the power of self-determination to the people where it belongs."
Both the conspicuous behaviour of governments around the world marching in lock-step, as if coordinated from behind the scenes (appearing "as if" because they are indeed coordinated), and the pervasiveness of professional military forces, stupendously-equipped with death-dealing weapons and tactics, training, and logistics, including the existence and deployment of militarized police in every nation, the result of co-ordinated planning in advance upon an unsuspecting public - both the military and the militarized police funding being the paramount priority draw on public funds assigned by every government - stand as the insuperable preemptive deterrent of localism and returning the power of self-determination to the people where it belongs. Predictably so, because most or all of this diabolical BioNanoDevilry is initiated and funded, and is in furtherance of plans the government Defense Department equivalents around the world are themselves executing.
The problem then has a simple solution - simple, but staggeringly not-easy: either foment rebellion by all the militaries and police forces against their government paymasters, or eliminate them entirely if they won't. Once the governments - and more importantly, the globocap-oiler-banker-owner-investor masters of the governments - are being fired upon and being turned into mince meat or pink mist by their military and police former employees, then all we then need to do is either remake the entire world and the entire interlocking complex of institutions and organizations as fair and equitable concerns entirely focused and serving the people, as they should be, or - better, to my mind - do without them entirely.
Whichever and whatever happens, by either "their" plans or by ours, a massive human die-off is in the offing.
This brilliant expose of the 'bloviating supranationals' and their mindless techno-fascist minions attempting with boundless hubris to re-engineer reality demonstrates the narrowness of techno-think which now governs our world, quite expertly and in very well referenced declamation - congratulations Spartacus - the best article I have read in 2023! This level of analysis and discourse fills me with optimism despite the Cloud that hangs over us in this new Dark Age. The eviscerating adumbration of Schwab's fortune telling failures is a particular delight.
“Digital technology can be embedded in organisms, and biological components can exist as parts of digital technologies."
Rather than as a necessity for National Interest (a talking point equivalent to "keeping you safe") augmentation (which does not upgrade your life, but aligns/syncs you with a controlling power) is the inevitable result of corporate profit (aka "National Interest").
We will become a system of distributed nodes frenetically jerking to the monotonous beat of their vile drums and the thin whine of their accursed flutes.
Imagine, if you will, a world where minions with game controllers, hold up in DUMBS forcing people topside to go through the motions. Owe, uh, Heh !! get on the good foot. lol
The perfect dance tune, an expression of internal Freedom that becomes with strings attached, the perfect expression of complete slavery.
I've come to the conclusion that we are all born easily programmed soft robots. Our purpose is to become free humans, a rare accomplishment that requires three things in addition to intellectual and moral courage:
1) Thinking for oneself, which requires confidence and risk-taking.
2) Asking discerning questions - standing Up and putting yourself out there.
3) Doing your own research. Thinking deeper, examining common assumptions.
Alienation (alien nation) from society is the price of individual freedom because hierarchical (capitalist) societies much prefer, demand, and require robots and will not stop at partial control because they compete with each other for resources - they need complete existential control. Consider how well China is doing.
The programming goes deep. The owners of society (the "National Interest") want to control us "for our own good," thus we get programmed with Patriotism, Duty, Honor, and Country, and everyone gets a Flag.
Historically, in the old days, slavery was economic and physical control with police forces standing by. Now we have sophisticated psychological self-control; we control ourselves and each other automatically and "freely," benefiting our controllers. We know our place and we are happy.
For the recalcitrant who do not voluntarily comply the police are standing by.
That last line "And Everyone Gets A Flag" reminds me of the high level of disgust I had at the Newly Patriotised fools rushing out to buy a flag, and there were none left for them to buy, after 9/11. I have asked people the question for a few decades now "When was the last time out military protected Our Freedom? IF they give an answer, it is always wrong. My response is always, No, go farther back. and they just look puzzled or get an attitude.
I generally hang out way over yonder, observing the herd and watching them all do the same things, act the same way, use the same slang, wear the same clothes etc. Isolation is a relief !! Perhaps it is the mildly antisocial cynical, jaded old nonconformist in me that see's it as a benefit, but either way, it keeps me from joining the herd and allows me to keep from so many pitfalls. I also prefer to never go straight for the newest thing, I am always several model numbers behind, by design. Let the line sitters discover the downside in everything in the first week, ... me, I'll wait for the reviews and then wait some more for the next new model, because the prices are so much cheaper in the clearance bin, ... like with 18 month old computer hardware back in the late 1990's. lol Some of us are not so easily programmed soft robots.
Do we want to live in a world that is meaningful and comprehensible to us and serves our basic needs and economic interests, or do we want to live in a world constructed piecemeal by TED Talk blowhards parroting overpromising scientists who are fishing for grant money?
Grow vegetables. Ride your bike every day. Be a helpful friend. Be debt free.
Fix things. Change your own oil. Stock up on staples, salt and olive oil.
"Become the change that you would see in the world."
I will assume that was a rhetorical question. lol
The thought that anything that will cause mass suffering, death, bankruptcy, etc. is impossible merely solely because of these effects, is incomprehensible to me.
The situation may be found to be impossible in the aftermath, but Not the events themselves, which are not only possible, but increasingly likely to occur.
The Bell tolls for thee
And thee.
Tomorrow is another day.
By Langston Hughes
Freedom will not come
Today, this year
Nor ever
Through compromise and fear.
I have as much right
As the other fellow has
To stand
On my two feet
And own the land.
I tire so of hearing people say,
Let things take their course.
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom when I’m dead.
I cannot live on tomorrow’s bread.
Is a strong seed
In a great need.
I live here, too.
I want my freedom
Just as you.
wdym by meaningful and comprehensible? 99% of modern world live on smartphone land, and digitalverse screen. just look at hikkiomori in jp or lying flat in china.
whatever states of universe a human perceives. that interacts with their internal system of state modulators shaped by evolutionary hardware. smartphone gamification. pornography. job raises. random biotic drives.
like most intj speakers on wef and myself included, we see human existence more as a quantum probabilistic waveform of algorithmically-optimizing functional recursions that try to reduce Kolmogorov complexity in nature by propagating consciousness across the fabrics of space-time. when intelligence increases, perception bandwidth is broadened and the experiential becomes more reducible and operationalizable. the end-fate is the same in all cases. intelligent and powerful consolidate all resources and information to decrease local entropy. why? because its inherent property of that trait in the human genome. to understand nature, master and control the environment. you see (N) intuition correlated with openness to experience, and it is also associated with horizional associativity (p-breadth) in neuron network layers. once latent variable a,b,c,d like organ function a,b,c or organelle a,b,c or code a,b,c = reality experience or simulacra isomorphism, then omniscence and omnipotence becomes the final logical and telelogical goal. nothing personal spartacus. if you want to stop me or the identical distributions of myself whom likely consist of similar philosophical worldviews about the world and a systems-theorist level kind of thinking about the nature of existence, then you have a long road ahead of you b/c all of us have the ability to perform high-level episodic simulations of action-state sequences of collectives of individuals and all of us have god complexes that would like to determine the world we(I) live in, to be independent from mankind -- not relegated to finite limits of human existence and traditions. and as you know, the dominant strategy (change - chaos) always outcompetes recessive strategies (stability - order) because the ergodicity of a system is not fully explored for the global maxima. sure you could argue phenemologically it's pointless but if left to humanity's present state -- we would likely go extinct anyways given the state of EROIE of oil going to zero and even if nuclear was granted, geometric growth would continue and chinese-level pollution would spread to everywhere b/c iq never increased. so either way, once IQ increased and consolidated with power-seeking genes, this would happen one way or another. interplantary-scale brains and civilizations either happen or we go extinct. there's no 99,999,999 year amish-on-road continuity meaningful world. you have to force constancy, and once you force constancy you become a dictator, hence a slave class that is controlled but eternally happy would be the only equilibra or a constantly changing entity in god-evolving form that the elites seek for.
everyday u me and everyone look for more material wealth, money, sex as human beings, shiny cars, objects -- embedded inside are just reward functions that promote our life's existence, deriving purpose from god, knowledge, relationships or whatever makes us more capable of living, stratification of classes, races, social classes, interests even delineate this even stronger. at some point though, criticality is reached and the state of disorder of a system is maximized. we reached that point in this era. even if you like crag-magnon hominoids, they aren't here anymore. you can't stop human evolution.
economic interests for what? larger shiny cars, better houses, a taste of food soup? crab legs? wouldn't a mind-cube of humanity that shares all the qualia of experiences like star trek be a better goal? every century and era is just a repeat of human existence at some arbitrary level of fidelity offset by allele changes in the physical structure of the brain. yesterday it's woman fawning over rich, elite, slightly psychopathic men-- tomorrow might be scientific, knowledgable men just like nowadays men are pre-optimized to look at nubile women. what makes the biotic drives meaningful and valuable? just the mere experience of it? or the epistemic knowledge of its ultimate causality? if its just experience, then wouldn't it be best to maximize the set of possible experiences by extending the bandwidth of human perception? meaningful in what sense? live in a cubicle, go to work 9-5 and retire in a dead-aging home? or get hunted in the wild by an animal and die to natural way of living?
dogs get happy waving their tails to humans all the time. do they feel a 'purpose' and meaningful existence? does that even matter to most people? most ppl just have short-term reward functions as i said earlier, a raise here, a kid there, some sex here, maybe some ape kicked a ball into soccer net... and even higher iq people aren't guaranteed to be 'happy' b/c of overpopulation. aka see china.
The Bell tolls for thee.
Still so young too 😪
It is possible. However, it is also guaranteed to cause unprecedented suffering and death, economic collapse, and so on.
The Bell tolls for ther
I've compiled a list of references related to this article that should serve as a primer for this technology and how it could potentially be misused.
Or go look up Sabrina Wallace on Odysee for the fast and dirty explanation with a dash of cray-cray on the side.. Okay, I admit, I do not think she is as crazy as I might have originally thought. lol
08/20/2023: (WBAN) Slow Psinergy PDF overview: (15min 8sec):
PDF Presentation:
This all made me remember a long video I watched of Alison McDowell of Wrench In The Gears substack was accidentally invited to join an IEEE meeting and she asked some tricky questions and made them uncomfortable. The patronized her and feigned interest in what she had to say, were eager to discuss further, ..... then immediately black-listed her from ever being accidentally invited ever again. Whoever sent that first one, I fear, may have been heavily flogged for having done so. lmao.
12/10/2022: An Unexpected Audience: IEEE Metaverse Congress Part 1:
12/11/2022: Email to Yu Yuan, President of IEEE Standards Association Sent December 8, 2022:
12/12/2022: An Unexpected Audience Part 2: Research Supplement to IEEE Metaverse Congress Session 5 Comments:
Researching the subject of control and surveillance via internal cellular manipulations appears to go straight off into the weeds in short order, ..... the only problem is that the more you look at it, the less crazy it is to believe it is factual.
When questioning one's own sanity, solely because of what he see's in reality, doesn't seem as though it will end well. for any of us. This topic gets quite insane, quite quickly.
(2015) DARPA: Forward to the Future: Visions of 2045 — Stefanie Tompkins:
Damn them all... blocked from opening it on this device, I’ll have to wait til I get home... I’m babysitting my grandchildren !👁
Thank you. 🙏
Claus anal Schwab is a disposable, compartmentalized pawn.
Of course his predictions were what they were.
The Net Zero carbon initiative is the goal.- destroy all carbon life forms.... after a massive data theft, then upload the consciousness of the chosen.
The handlers hubris knows no bounds.
It is beyond normal human comprehension because we are dealing with generational psychopaths that have lost all traces of humanity so that they have become almost alien in ' nature'.
These deficient human puppets want to feel something. They are bored of total control and believe they can reprogram themselves to be happy ( or at least not hate themselves and life) in the ether world.
Human augmentation will not work because the flesh fails or succeed only because of its temporarily contained awareness.. spirit...will and intent manifested. Without the spirit, the flesh will die.
Human augmentation is a merely a distraction from a more evil event- annihilation of all biological life... Why else would THEY poison EVERYTHING with nanoparticles.
"These deficient human puppets want to feel something" Seems like they need an introduction to highly sadistic torture. That'll give them all they want to "feel," but likely still not all they deserve.
That's what they are trying to avoid- the ferryman and the judgement of death. The price for what they have done is eternal damnation... I don't waste my time thinking about the specifics.... They were searching for eternity!😁
And ironically, they seem to be creating a place that no one would ever want to spend an eternity IN. lol An Anti-Xanadu ??
Rush - Xanadu with lyrics
The first 4min 55sec is instrumental.
I believe that even if they created a wonderful place, they will still be eternally miserable.
They will be eternally miserable without our consent allowing them eternal rule as our enlightened oppressors
"Deformed, morally desecrated and bound to a mobile life support system his entire life, Davros has been regarded by many as the Doctor's most deadly singular threat - as not only the creator of the Genocidal Dalek race, but as an enemy to all of creation."
But man, can he pump up the jam-
That pic reminded me of Star Trek original series episode The Glass Menagerie. Except Capt. Pike is now Klaus and there is NO magic planet for him to pretend the mojo is still there. lol
And the eternity they least desired shall find them.
The Bell tolls for them.
To turn humanity into cyborgs and sell them, which Solar Warden has already been doing for decades. Cyborg slaves are very profitable.
"Homoborgenesis -- NASA's new name for the vaccinated"
Mmm. I wonder what they'll taste like... THEY need a better marketing name, I mean you can't seriously put mayonnaise on a homoburger!😜
Perhaps a bit of Sriracha on it to spice it up a bit. Probably tastes like Chicken, .... it seems everything does. lol
Qanon is fake and you promote DistractOP washouts who act as influencers.
Boom boom titty
Had me a bit worried until about half through the post. Seemed as though I was subscribed to somebody totally a polar opposite to myself having delusions about world dominance so distasteful as to activate the gag reflex.
Then, it turned out fantastic. Thank-you for this diverse presentation into the 'Dark Arts' in the obsessive minds of Demons.
Ahh The Hegelian Dialectic in it’s finest. The sad truth is that one day, one of these ego maniacal selfish bastards are going to tweak it just right. And at that point create a self replicating nano- technically biological piece of bull?!’t that moves through the one thing that actually connects us all, “water” and renders it unusable. At that point this thing will spread throughout the whole world and all they will be able to do is watch, with their nano- technological thumbs up their bums, as mankind and the planet die off. Game, Set, Match. Their ego won’t let them be happy until they burn it all to the ground in the name of, “science.” What is the most sickening to me is that these people are heralded as genius instead of the sick twisted misdirected individuals they really are. Just one viewpoint from someone who lives a very simple happy life and does not find it desirable to live forever, just happy joyous and free on day at a time.
Be Well in all you do today, for tomorrow is not promised and yesterday is only a memory, until one of these arseholes have their way and change that.
The Seeker
I’m afraid that is already a reality... this shit is in everything...even the air con systems!
What shit?
More urgent question: do you have aircon systems?
I’m living on a university campus where the air con is very obviously tainted! It smells wierd, leaves a coating inside your mouth and gives a sore throat after about ten minutes of breathing it in! It’s also coming up through air vents in the flooring in certain lecture rooms…..
I feel like I've just been enthusiastically gaslit by a pubertal mad scientist who says: "Since cells are based on biological molecules and biochemical reactions, rather than electronics..." and then demonstrates with every subsequent paragraph how this control will now be done by electronic frequency signalling. Hell no.
Technically, nanotransducers accomplish what they do by turning externally supplied wireless energy into a chemical signal, specifically by opening membrane-bound ion channels and allowing sodium, potassium, calcium, etc., to flow into the cell. They've already tested it on flies. The concept technically works. It remains to be seen whether or not they'll succeed in using them to make two-way BCIs for human brains, but they are certainly attempting to do just that.
......WHO else BUT Rice - who's ALREADY pioneered 'teslaphoretic manipulation' with MIT, Lincoln Labs / LEIDOS - should we EXPECT to be pursuing such ILL-advised trails.....
Gates loves Rice so there is patterns always
This tech wasn't "developed" by humans but was given to the Corteum by ETs -- in exchange for the Corteum (the Cabal) giving humans to ETs as chattel.
"Humans for hardware: U.S. agreements with extraterrestrials"
Fake spam shill. Also withery udders
Brilliant distillery of current mad scientist behaviour and moral landscape.
Oil is needed to keep the grease in the wheels of this crazy shit. Factories, parts etc. I guess they are all in on the green agenda too then?
These people don’t know their arse from breakfast
All beneficial technologies invented by man have been stolen from us, and the Cabal traded human beings to ETs in exchange for tech they could use to enslave us.
Spam dog. What's your email address please?
Yes, you can... Dr. Ian F Akyildiz is the architect of 6G and beyond meaning human bodies will power the BioDigital world. In other words human bodies will power the infrastructure.
Only one of multiple different intended functions, will be the Human Batteries and power source.
Bingo 🎯
Zero-point (free) energy has been around since the end of the 19th century. Nikola Tesla, from someone who worked under him.
Fascinating. Have you come across Sabrina Wallace Body Area Network stuff? I will try to share your post with her somehow.
I posted a couple links to this string. at the top under Spartacus' comment.
I'll have a look.
Sabrina Wallace is amazing. I watch all her content. She's truly God's warrior.
I also highly recommend Celeste Solis and Tony Pantalleresco someone who's availed themselves of resonant-medicine modalities now almost 27 years with IMPRESSIVE results, and understands associated physics as well as MOST on Earth (informally proposed a mechanism of action for homeopathy) SUCH pathological need to INTERNALIZE synthetic proprietary components - when externally-applied treatments (EVEN just infrared radiational transfer from person to person - or, 'magnetic / hands-on healing') have been CONSISTENTLY demonstrated (for DECADES - if NOT centuries) to subjectively correct VARIOUS disease states ABSENT long-term side effects, while personally-effective natural agents can be identified simply by kinesiological diagnosis; biological pathway responses to VARIOUS media.....these scientifically-illiterate CREATURES who have CYNICALLY co-opted Tesla, Reich but ESPECIALLY, Rife's work / findings of up to a century-plus ago INFURIATE me.
LONG in The TRUTH, that was LONG in The SENTENCE! ;-)
Seriously, I think you are correct that we have a lot to learn about resonant-medicine or more generally the use of "fields." Interestingly, use of fields is the final stage of technology evolution according to TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving).
I think this tech, if allowed to continue, will be humanity’s demise. I place my bet on Mother Nature, she who will and cannot be controlled.
I too would short humanity on the stock exchange. lol
Oddly, Aenima by Tool comes to mind. (lyrics):
Mother nature is the fictional diety who will be summoned as an excuse for speeding up the depopulation of mankind.
Spartacus - From a fly on the wall at Davos... 5G roll out is going too slow. Haven't these people heard of shock collars? I'm sure the Klaus & Co fascistas can have them mandated, and the hook in mouth msm & public will gladly buy-in as fashionistas. Perfect, strike the pose...
Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" wasn't a work of fiction,
Yes it was
This is as sharply-discriminating, and as deftly- and powerfully-stated as you've made us expect Spartacasts from Spartacus to be. Thank you for compiling and interpreting the research, and for presenting it for us in this manner.
"Instead, he [Klaus Schwab] makes a perfect case for localism and returning the power of self-determination to the people where it belongs."
Both the conspicuous behaviour of governments around the world marching in lock-step, as if coordinated from behind the scenes (appearing "as if" because they are indeed coordinated), and the pervasiveness of professional military forces, stupendously-equipped with death-dealing weapons and tactics, training, and logistics, including the existence and deployment of militarized police in every nation, the result of co-ordinated planning in advance upon an unsuspecting public - both the military and the militarized police funding being the paramount priority draw on public funds assigned by every government - stand as the insuperable preemptive deterrent of localism and returning the power of self-determination to the people where it belongs. Predictably so, because most or all of this diabolical BioNanoDevilry is initiated and funded, and is in furtherance of plans the government Defense Department equivalents around the world are themselves executing.
The problem then has a simple solution - simple, but staggeringly not-easy: either foment rebellion by all the militaries and police forces against their government paymasters, or eliminate them entirely if they won't. Once the governments - and more importantly, the globocap-oiler-banker-owner-investor masters of the governments - are being fired upon and being turned into mince meat or pink mist by their military and police former employees, then all we then need to do is either remake the entire world and the entire interlocking complex of institutions and organizations as fair and equitable concerns entirely focused and serving the people, as they should be, or - better, to my mind - do without them entirely.
Whichever and whatever happens, by either "their" plans or by ours, a massive human die-off is in the offing.
‘Pink mist’…now that conveys an image…
Definitely do without them entirely!! It’s not as if they actually do anything useful.
Au contraire...
We do much less of use and require culling to save the planet.
This brilliant expose of the 'bloviating supranationals' and their mindless techno-fascist minions attempting with boundless hubris to re-engineer reality demonstrates the narrowness of techno-think which now governs our world, quite expertly and in very well referenced declamation - congratulations Spartacus - the best article I have read in 2023! This level of analysis and discourse fills me with optimism despite the Cloud that hangs over us in this new Dark Age. The eviscerating adumbration of Schwab's fortune telling failures is a particular delight.
“Digital technology can be embedded in organisms, and biological components can exist as parts of digital technologies."
Rather than as a necessity for National Interest (a talking point equivalent to "keeping you safe") augmentation (which does not upgrade your life, but aligns/syncs you with a controlling power) is the inevitable result of corporate profit (aka "National Interest").
As we see here:
(ignore the publication number, that's just a coincidence)
I wonder if body activity nano-sensors can be injected.
It looks like they're trying to do exactly that, and they plan to power them by wireless energy harvesting.
We will become a system of distributed nodes frenetically jerking to the monotonous beat of their vile drums and the thin whine of their accursed flutes.
Imagine, if you will, a world where minions with game controllers, hold up in DUMBS forcing people topside to go through the motions. Owe, uh, Heh !! get on the good foot. lol
The perfect dance tune, an expression of internal Freedom that becomes with strings attached, the perfect expression of complete slavery.
I've come to the conclusion that we are all born easily programmed soft robots. Our purpose is to become free humans, a rare accomplishment that requires three things in addition to intellectual and moral courage:
1) Thinking for oneself, which requires confidence and risk-taking.
2) Asking discerning questions - standing Up and putting yourself out there.
3) Doing your own research. Thinking deeper, examining common assumptions.
Alienation (alien nation) from society is the price of individual freedom because hierarchical (capitalist) societies much prefer, demand, and require robots and will not stop at partial control because they compete with each other for resources - they need complete existential control. Consider how well China is doing.
The programming goes deep. The owners of society (the "National Interest") want to control us "for our own good," thus we get programmed with Patriotism, Duty, Honor, and Country, and everyone gets a Flag.
Historically, in the old days, slavery was economic and physical control with police forces standing by. Now we have sophisticated psychological self-control; we control ourselves and each other automatically and "freely," benefiting our controllers. We know our place and we are happy.
For the recalcitrant who do not voluntarily comply the police are standing by.
That last line "And Everyone Gets A Flag" reminds me of the high level of disgust I had at the Newly Patriotised fools rushing out to buy a flag, and there were none left for them to buy, after 9/11. I have asked people the question for a few decades now "When was the last time out military protected Our Freedom? IF they give an answer, it is always wrong. My response is always, No, go farther back. and they just look puzzled or get an attitude.
I generally hang out way over yonder, observing the herd and watching them all do the same things, act the same way, use the same slang, wear the same clothes etc. Isolation is a relief !! Perhaps it is the mildly antisocial cynical, jaded old nonconformist in me that see's it as a benefit, but either way, it keeps me from joining the herd and allows me to keep from so many pitfalls. I also prefer to never go straight for the newest thing, I am always several model numbers behind, by design. Let the line sitters discover the downside in everything in the first week, ... me, I'll wait for the reviews and then wait some more for the next new model, because the prices are so much cheaper in the clearance bin, ... like with 18 month old computer hardware back in the late 1990's. lol Some of us are not so easily programmed soft robots.
Yes, we rage against the machine, we dinosaurs destined for the tar pits.
Yes...they can.
Yup, Dr. Charles M. Lieber's work if I'm not mistaken.
Hear, hear! On target.