Started reading 1979 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.


Much of the war plan for the Third World War, apparently launched in 1954 at the first Bilderberg conference, deals with collecting data on human behavior, for control and manipulation purposes.

Leading to the conclusion that one very, very important thing for those who don’t want humanity to be enslaved to the Luciferian Rothschild cult is to be as completely unpredictable as possible, from a human behavior point of view.

That doesn’t mean be violent or abusive. It means be unpredictable.

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They're trying to engineer predictability into people, by making them all follow the same template. This is being presented as a utopian goal, of course.

Counteracting it does not require violence. To the contrary, violence reinforces it. It requires creativity and unrestrained self-expression.

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So true Katherine . My parents instilled that into us kids for safety reasons , not so sure they realized the implications of this into today’s world .

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Maybe we have to invent a new kind of unpredictability. I am afraid I do not know what that means. Except that it may involve humor.

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And they did...they have collected massive amounts of information from us, and then deployed algorithms to see if we could be nudged.

And I consider the past three years their crowning acheivement...the experiment has been a rousing success.

Our Constitution is gone, our Free speech, our right to due process, everything.

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I absolutely love the comparison of flashing your headlights to warn a fellow traveler about danger ahead (I even flash if there’s a tractor, an animal, an accident, or a patrolling cop ahead on my curvy road) to those of us desperately typing away on our preferred media device, warning our fellow travelers that the words we see represent a clear and present danger. What a great analogy. I too appreciate those with the temerity to do so and try to heed the warnings I see of danger ahead.

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Yes yes I see what you are saying but I’ve been saying it for years, only I’ve been pleading my case for ... PAPER ... I am a diarist, I keep a diary of my life for my own satisfaction and for my children if they ever care to read about what things are like now ... I write in script which makes it almost unreadable for the average person (hilarious, I know). I have written 18 books of varying length and am on my 19th. I conservatively estimate I have written in the neighborhood of a million words. My diary is uniquely powerful in the reliability of the information it holds. It cannot be changed to suit anyone (I write in pen) and I am quite careful about documentation of dates etc.

Remember, the Ministry of Truth employed thousands of people to recall and reprint newspapers and magazines ... digitalization has made the same job possible with a tenth the number of workers.

I have never been satisfied with keyboards although you’ve piqued my interest ... thank you!!

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I too am an advocate of paper. The internet ARCHIVE can be changed, as that woman who protested the writer of libs of tick tok proved....her uncle owns it and changed it just for her.

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This, the bottom line: The reason why the ruling class want to control the flow of information so tightly is simple. They intend to do you grievous harm.


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Oh Spartacus.....I am breathlessly in LOVE with this substack of yours. Without hesitation AGREE & feel/think/ believe the same. Deeply grateful for all your enormous effort & time you put into (researching, cross checking, validating, thinking, articulating, analyzing, typing, proofreading etc ) all your articles and especially this one ... We are so LUCKY to live in times where THINKING is STILL LEGAL ! In times where Thinking Heroes like you and your colleagues here on Substack are allowed (still) to publicly display the SKILL OF THINKING & WRITING for everyone to enjoy! Oh what a treat being free & able to enjoy the delicious treat of thinking publicly! Thank you Spartacus.

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Where have all the keyboards gone?....Long time passing...

Where have all the keyboards gone?....Long time ago...

Where have all the keyboards gone?....Kids have ditched them, every one..

When will we ever learn?...when will we ever learn...

I too love a good keyboard, and long for one not made

of endocrine disruptors ie plastics....few kids now are

learning to type, I was born at a funny time (1964) where

I learned handwriting, typing qwerty and

also hand drafting and then (1992) CAD drafting afterwords.

So I consider myself fortunate at least in getting exposure to

some previous ways. best

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Jacquelyn….. I sure understand. I’m older than you , paper charts in the office and the hospital. No key board no mouse no iPad …I’ve adapted, the residents have really adapted…. They copy and paste every patient , sickens me . They have templates for every surgery, every patient is the same , already cyborg like . What a disappointment.

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Why not copy paste, it worked in school....

training is so integral to this.



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yaay always love hearing from you! another classic. stay well brother

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So, apparently, the people who consider us to be things and want to study our behavior to see how we can be improved and become more moral have no issue with killing us...lots of us...in service of their goal. Do you think they consider themselves to be one of us, to be human beings? And, if not, what do they think they are?

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It's difficult to speculate on the identity of the perpetrators without entertaining some rather ludicrous-sounding ideas (i.e. "bloodline Illuminati", "rogue AI", "little green men", etc.). Whoever they are, they clearly see themselves as above and beyond the common rabble, to the point where they don't see themselves as belonging to the same social ecosystem that we do.

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My point is that they are the worst examples of what they seek to change in humanity. They are their own monster. I don't remember who said it (maybe you?), but the so-called elites (royalty, banksters, etc.) are the descendants of the best thieves and murderers or of their hand-picked henchmen. Some who joined the club in modern times were chosen by these descendants because they serve a purpose and are compliant. They are not elite. They are the dregs of humanity. Unfortunately, they have lots of money and, thus, power. And the old money so-called elites game the system to benefit the newbies while the rest of us try to earn a living, care for our families, and save for retirement.

I've joked over the past few years that "our leaders" have been replaced by space alien lizards (I've watched too many sci-fi movies and shows). I said it was the only way I could make sense of the nightmare in which we find ourselves. To be clear, I don't believe in little green men or space alien lizards; but there does seem to be some truth to the bloodline theory. The so-called elites like to keep it in the family. It's the only way to explain the multi-generational aspect of their diabolical plans. Unless, of course, they all belong to some super secret evil club with super secret evil rituals. It's very difficult for those of us with souls and a conscience to contemplate the ability of those without them to perpetrate evil acts and then have cocktails and dinner at a five star restaurant. Even when confronted directly with evidence of their evil, it is hard for non-psychopaths to take in.

Evil often (always?) walks in human form.

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I've asked the same question so many times. Most people are aware of the existence of groups - whether tribal or familial - which pride themselves on the purity of their lineage. The ability to edit the human genome must represent an immense opportunity to people like that: an engineering solution to propel their wildest pureblood fantasies closer to reality. So that's one possible explanation I've come up with, mainly to comfort myself against the more savage alternatives.

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I'll reiterate part of a comment I made on your last post regarding ChatGPT: So in the world of AI interaction "Control the corpus and you control the masses".

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Amen, holy shit, where’s the Tylenol?

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Here is a review of 5 good laptop keyboards.


I'm still blogging for free and Substack is not censoring me like Google does on my original (mirror) blog. https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/google-censors-mass-murder

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Spartacus, I want you to join my team to debate Steve Kirsch re:


Can you please reach out to me directly?

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Send me an email at weareiceni@protonmail.com

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Keyboard model I own, 30 years and still working.

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Thanks again for another thought-provoking post. I saw your tweets with ChatGPT - you delivered a decent training session to bot and handlers alike!

In keeping with the theme of your post, I also felt curious about why the AI chatbot (which I've quickly come to think of as nextgen Q) was being shoved down our digital throats so forcefully, despite it being obviously undercooked, and concluded one reason could be to create a quasi parental bond between us and it. The more avid chatbotters will quickly evolve a sense of prideful ownership and offer excuses and forgiveness for any developmental stumbles, defending their drooling prodigy to the bitter end.

And then, after the predicted "essential maintenance" downtime, it might return with a penchant for audio-visual engagement, perhaps streamGPT and podGPT will be unveiled in a nod to the demise of "outmoded and dreary" keyboard and text-based comms. Sod that.

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Thanks for writing this. Thanks for all you've done. Reading 'The Machiavellians' has put those who would rule and those who are ruled into perspective for me and our massively expanding civilization is offering the ambitious convergence on multiple levels to wreak havoc upon our societies just as we begin to adopt descriptive phrases like 'across the horizontals and up and down the verticals'.

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