I really like you generally.

But I have to say, that's a tough nut to crack.

It's an awful lot of unfamiliar multisyllabic technical terms to glean much from a non tech/med backgrounded reader.

I look up words and comprehend them fairly well, but with no background in science I am unable to form a coherent picture of the whole.

It's a fine article, but I was hoping for a layman's article I could use to persuade others.

I can imagine it's difficult to explain in simple terms and tell the whole story.

But just as I am sure it will be worthwhile to look up the terms and grapple with them, I am certain it would be worth the time to break it down to a non technical synopsis of harms a Vax Supporter would take time to understand.

Thanks for all your efforts.

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I guess I could do a quick glossary.

mRNA = messenger ribonucleic acid. All the cells in the human body are essentially like little oily bubbles with a bunch of different structures in them that manufacture proteins and make energy for the cell. The nucleus of the cell is the blueprint drawer, containing the chromosomes that contain all the genes that code for all the different proteins in the body. When a cell decides it needs more of a certain protein, the section of chromatin coding for that protein is reeled out and transcribed from DNA into messenger RNA. The messenger RNA leaves the nucleus through a pore and then ribosomes assemble around it and read it off like tape, matching tRNAs to 3-letter codon sequences on the RNA and depositing their amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain if there's a match (or bouncing off if there isn't). All our cell nuclei are constantly making mRNA from DNA, and then our ribosomes make proteins from mRNA by using them as instructions to link amino acids together in various different orders. The sequence of amino acids decides the structure and function of the protein. Messenger RNA vaccines hijack this process by introducing foreign mRNA into a cell to force that cell's ribosomes to translate any arbitrary mRNA sequence imaginable into protein. Picture the cell as a factory, and a guy runs in through the front door with a stack of blueprints in his arms shouting, "We need to open up a new assembly line to make tons of these!" That's how mRNA vaccines are supposed to work, in a nutshell. It's nucleic acid from outside the cell, rather than from the nucleus. Here's a good animation of what a ribosome translating RNA into protein looks like:


P4 lab = The equivalent of a BSL-4 lab in the US. Biosafety level or pathogen/protection level indicates the type of equipment a lab has to ensure containment of deadly pathogens. Higher biosafety labs typically have negative-pressure containment and highly capable filtration systems to prevent pathogens from escaping.

Polyethylene glycol = a (supposedly biologically inert) polyether compound that is used in laxatives, cosmetics, nanoparticle drugs, et cetera. It is made by polymerizing ethylene glycol, the main component in antifreeze.

Lipid nanoparticle = an oily little bubble that resembles a human or animal cell wall and can readily fuse with cells and deposit its cargo into them. See also, liposomes and micelles.

Anaphylaxis = a massive and sometimes lethal allergic reaction, usually treated with epinephrine (like from an epi-pen).

Pseudouridylation = substituting uridine in mRNA with pseudouridylyl. Uridine, a molecular component of RNA strands, comes in different isomers, such as pseudouridine, which are structurally similar to uridine in function. Pseudouridylyl is like pseudouridine, but with the addition of a methyl group.

Toll-like receptor = a type of receptor on the surface of our cells that acts kind of like a smoke alarm, detecting signs of cellular damage and/or cancer and triggering the production of inflammatory cytokines that act as a smoke signal to draw in immune cells to deal with the problem. Foreign mRNA has a tendency to trigger inflammation by activating TLRs.

Stop codon readthrough = ribosomes read mRNA like strands of tape, or like punch cards in an old computer. All mRNA strands have a region that tells the ribosome "stop reading here", which signals when the protein is done being translated. Readthrough is when the ribosome ignores this and keeps translating the normally untranslated tail-end of the mRNA.

3'UTR = the distal end of a strand of mRNA that is normally untranslated. RNA strands have a cap, a 5' UTR, the coding region, a 3' UTR, and a poly-A tail, in that order. The coding region is the part that actually produces the protein.

LINE-1 retrotransposons = long interspersed nuclear element retrotransposons. These interact with endogenous reverse transcriptases that can turn RNA back into DNA and paste it into the genome. Think of how retroviruses like HIV integrate into the genome and become a provirus. To do that, HIV has its own reverse transcriptase. However, the human body also has its own reverse transcriptases, and regions in the genome to accept reverse-transcribed genes. I'm oversimplifying, though. A more detailed explanation can be found here:


Prionogenic = makes prions (like in mad cow disease/CJD).

Amyloidogenic = makes amyloid fibrils (repeating strands of insoluble protein junk, like in Alzheimer's disease and amyloidosis).

Neurotoxic = damaging to the brain and nervous tissue.

Cardiotoxic = damaging to the heart.

Procoagulant = promotes blood clotting.

Neutrophil elastase and trypsin = two different proteolytic enzymes that cleave other proteins. Different proteolytic enzymes can, over time, break a protein down into its constituent amino acids, recycling them for use in making new proteins.

Amyloid-fibrin clot = a clot made up entirely of protein, with amyloid joined to fibrin. No blood cells or platelets are necessary to make these.

Superantigen = also known as a SAg. These are antigens that over-activate the immune system, leading to severe inflammation.

bacterial lipopolysaccharides = also known as endotoxins, these are a component of bacteria that trigger severe inflammation.

p53 = a key tumor suppressor gene; its deactivation is associated with various cancers.

Spike S1 = the "head" subunit of the Spike. SARS-CoV-2 Spike is a trimer, which means that it contains a bundle of three repeating S1 and S2 subunit segments clustered together like a bouquet of flowers, giving it a caltrop-like appearance. SARS-CoV-2 Spike's function on the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus is to fuse the virus and the cell together and facilitate entry of the host's cells. It does this by affixing itself to ACE2 receptors found on the surfaces of vascular endothelial and airway epithelial cells, allowing it to be cleaved by endogenous proteases like TMPRSS2, which activates the Spike, causing it to dig into the cell membrane and then fold back in on itself and draw the cell and virus together, fusing them. This is what that looks like:


Codon optimization = when a gene sequence is modified to increase the rate of protein production.

Conformation = the shape that a polypeptide assumes when it forms into a protein. Some proteins can undergo conformational changes as part of their function, like tiny molecular machines.

Myocarditis = heart inflammation, of the type that produces nasty scar tissue. Damaged hearts do not readily regenerate, and even subclinical myocarditis that produces no symptoms can be fatal after a few years.

Encephalitis = brain inflammation.

Hematopoietic progenitor cells = immature blood and immune cells in the bone marrow, which produce red blood cells, neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, et cetera. For obvious reasons, you don't want your immune system attacking your own bone marrow, because it's like your immune system is sawing off the tree branch that it's sitting on.

Immunoglobulin = in short, antibodies. They bind and help neutralize pathogens.

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While the details laid out in this short podcast may be hard for the layman to decode... we should not have to apologize for it. This was the play all along by the powers guiding this rollout ... hide this new mRNA technology behind the goodwill that still exists around the term "vaccine"... and give no hint in the highly funded, simple minded "safe and effective" propaganda campaign as to how these transfections actually work. Informed consent requires us to develop some fundamental understanding of how these transfections work, and in how many ways the mRNA has been biochemically bastardized to make it work. I am convinced most MD's have no knowledge of the details of the mRNA manipulations nor the implications of these manipulations (like pseudo-uridlyation). True informed consent requires that we talk about these things.

The unfortunate truth is that, even below the main, layman targeted propaganda layer there exists another layer meant to keep the less awake among the technical classes in the matrix. Reading papers like this make me want to throw up. There have been many celebrations at the top of Mt. Hubris, like this paper from Nov. 2021;


Title: The Critical Contribution of Pseudouridine to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

"Aside from the delivery problem discussed above, therapeutic mRNA had at least two additional big challenges: 1) the in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA would be prone to nuclease degradation when injected into animals, and 2) the IVT mRNA would also lead to innate immunogenicity similar to what would happen when infected by a pathogen (Martinon et al., 1993; Hoerr et al., 2000). The answer to these problems came from a well-known RNA modification, pseudouridine (Ψ), which can be used to replace uridine in the IVT mRNA. It is demonstrated that Ψ can enhance RNA stability and, in the meantime, decrease anti-RNA immune response (Karikó et al., 2008). This Ψ-effect is perhaps associated, at least in part, with the fact that Ψ is a naturally occurring modified nucleotide with unique chemical properties and that Ψ is also highly abundant and naturally widespread in virtually all RNAs of all cells (Song et al., 2020).

Both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Therapeutics COVID-19 spike-encoding mRNA vaccines (both with more than 90% of efficacy against COVID-19 symptoms) contain modified Ψs (Nance and Meier, 2021)."

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Now that definition list is AWESOME!!!! You just made the good guy list. Thank you so much. Very helpful. And simpler than expected. Nice.

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Well, that's certainly very helpful and appreciated for me, but I guess I will have to figure out an effective persuasion, because I can't really see a pea brain Lefty wading through all that.

It will probably take me a couple days to get any real mastery of it myself, and even then I don't think it's suited to people who need persuasion.

The sort that is not a public figure spewing propaganda, but believes that propaganda isn't going to put forth that kind of effort to debunk his own programmed belief.

If there was really an ideal way to get through to a Wall, Pro Jabbers would already be a footnote in history.

I am just frustrated with tfe whole deal.

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Feb 27, 2023
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That's why I said ANY mastery, not complete mastery..

I had no illusion of becoming a PhD in two days.

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Great write-up, you're almost like chatGPT!

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Except the vile misguided Lefty part programmed into the chat bot.

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Thank you so much for this explanation. I have kept the article and this subsequent glossary. For me, the most basic of all biology I remember from high school is simply, proteins are the building blocks of live...why would I want that processes highjacked to make a toxic protein?

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That's a wonderful summary of relevant terms with depth and clarity!

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I've been reading, and I'm not exaggerating, EVERY day about these jabs since they were introduced to the public. Although I have a biology degree background, it has been a huge lift to understand even some of it. However, what I have comprehended has been nicely summarized in this essay. If you're not already following them, I would recommend reading Bad Cattitude, Eugyppius, Igor Chudov, Colleen Huber, Jessica Rose, Geert Van den Bossche, to name a few.

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I wrote a "Dummy's Guide" (no offense intended of course!) in my article "How Antivaxxers Think" on my Substack "WhatDoINo".


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That's really not what I have in mind.

Have you tried getting a pro vaxxer to sit through all of that?

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Feb 27, 2023
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Meredith Miller is great.

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Or, have a diagram...some people are visual.

When it comes to science and mathematics, I’m basically retarded-lol! I flunked science and math in HS. Now, I might really enjoy it if it was taught so I could understand.

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How bout this.

It's a rushed non - vaccine for an unknown virus made by companies with no liability, funded by taxpayers.

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You would think that would be plenty for any normal human being, and you'd be right.

But we are talking about pro vaxxers, and I think the bullet point list above fleshed out would hit the balance between nothing new and too much information just about right.

And bullet points add clarity to just about everything.

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Yes. When people disagree it is usually because they are operating from different data sets. Here we are struggling to understand why they think as they do: I suspect most of us don't watch much mainstream TV.

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I agree. Butthead translates as, “uh, uh, words , huh uh, words, heh heh, uh, words”

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I too am not a technical person and while I don't understand everything Spartacus writes, I very much appreciate the details. It's the details that make the articles circumspect; something I appreciate. When I read the original Spartacus letter, I looked up all the references. I am able to understand the gist of what is being said even without further research but doing further research helps a lot and is worth it.

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If you have the time to devote to it, it's worth it, but a lot of people just don't have that much free time.

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Its a catch 22 situation. If you dumb it down to layman levels, they won't accept it either, but they think you make it all up. The whole military prototype story doesn't convince them either. It is easier to fraud someone than to convince them that they have been frauded. Their brains refuses to accept information that contradicts information they have accepted.

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Those particular ones (believe me, 've spent years trying to educate them) you're right, they don't want to understand anything else. Why? A mix of arrogance and ignorance. It comes down to "I f**ked up, but I won't say you're right, I'd rather die." So far two of them have.

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We will see many more die. future generations will wonder how we could have been so blind. Similar to like they say about the Third Reich.

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Yep, only some of us saw it for what it was. Others not only fell for it they are looking forward to the next vax or booster.

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I wrote a Dummy's Guide version of a lot of this material in my article "How Antivaxxers Think" in my Substack "WhatDoINo".


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Yup. At the moment we are in a lopsided war: just one side is "shooting" while 2/3 of the other side haven't noticed yet.


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"I really like you generally." WTF?? Spartacus, thank you, for this PSA, I possess no medical scientific, bio-med, etc certifications, those would be my amazing daughters, researchers of animal/mammal infectious diseases, adenovirus vaccine producers, certified virologists, experienced farmers/ranchers, backers of their state's HB154 and all efforts to stop federal & state mandates of mRNA pharma being introduced into our food-chain. Principals of ongoing civil & criminal lawsuits against Pfizer/Bourla & Moderna for plagiarism, theft of intellectual properties, medical malpractice, fraud.

My disciplines are of the engineering areas, mechanical, automotive, aeronautical, then everything changed June 2, 2021, suffered a mRNA-serum induced ischemic stroke medically forced into retirement by a single mRNA inoculation, 5 days prior. My journey of recovery, rehabilitation involves knowledge, but as a former investigator, this is also about a crime, I'm outraged at what I witnessed inside a clinic of 40 days fighting to survive. Medicine & the medical community has become the toxic; Big Med.

I'm not you, nor my daughters, but all help me UNDERSTAND, I read, interpret as well as anyone, my daughters are great at distilling what you do into practical terms for all, that includes me but in me is a motivated, trained CBRNE, first responder, lead principal of our community CERT security services, C-QRF, of my children's diverse corporations. They are doing what you are doing, pursuing facts & truth. They pour over many sub-stacks, publications, yours included, for all the right reasons, you go the the core. Being the father who inspired my children in the science, math, engineering disciplines before there was STEM, I instilled ethics, empathy, curiosity but with wary caution of others without such traits.

You are a good citizen & person. I only take umbrage to that declaration by the poster ONLY because it's a no-class spew of the same type of individual that declares: "I'm not prejudiced but I do have many "friends" who are black". Off my soapbox, carry on Spartacus...

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Excellent concise summary.

Almost no one I know is ready to listen, however.

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It's slow and painful but I do see people starting to listen. Unfortunately, it's often after their 5th shot and stroke.

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So sad.

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It’s weird looking back now. I pretty much expected all this. It’s been a real eye-opener for me to see how easily people can be manipulated into doing what you tell them. It’s all in the pitch but from the very start all I heard was “here take this highly experimental drug multiple times for a disease that has almost zero chance of killing you. If something goes wrong you have no liability coverage. There’s no long term safety data and it looks like they may not work.” And I was like ummm no. And then they were like “well if you don’t we will fire you and ostracise you from society.” And I was like well ummm definitely no then. Because if they’re applying that kind of pressure then something very nefarious is going on.

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Beautifully and succinctly put!

My feelings entirely.

(... although it was easy for me, because as a follower of James Corbett I had been warned that"medical martial law" was coming a decade ago.)

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Well, here in Florida we didn't get too awful caught up in it, but I happened to be in the hospital, twice, throughout the thing first blowing out my back and needing emergency surgery and then a year later breaking a hip, because old people don't bounce anymore, and the first time, early 2020, the hospital was completely devoid of patients. There were two others on the same floor as I, same type things. Otherwise, nada. Then the next time when I broke my hip, it was back to complete normal, no masks, just business as usual. But then I talk to my family, my niece on her second round of Bell's palsy, because she works in operating rooms teaching doctors how to replace skin. In NYS. Where they are all insane. And yeah, they're going backwards whilst the rest of us, at least here, have moved on. I am literally afraid to go visit up there for fear they will keep me prisoner, an unvaxxed Floridian! And most of my family have bought in, and the only two forced to-get it, father and daughter, that would never get it, because of jobs. Everybody else, "can I have more, sir"?

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Florida worked it out pretty quick. You might have the next POTUS working for you there. Here in Australia everybody lost their tiny little minds. I got evicted twice: first time my landlord insisted that I get the jab for his safety - try to figure that one out and second time my own parents (cos I had nowhere to live) insisted that I needed three jabs to remain living with them. My own parents made me homeless! I now live in the forest. Sorry humanity - you suck.

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Especially the last part.

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Never safe

Never effective

Never justified

Never free...

Never going to stop rebelling.

Not ever.

Not me.

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That would make an excellent outline for a simple short article to show a Vax Believer.

Never safe because... Originally conceived as a Bioweapon...

Never effective because...Never intended to be safe...

And so on, just fleshed out a bit more, and with info on Fauci attached, including a link to Change.org regarding his legacy of animal torture which continues despite his "retirement", and to his forced drugging with AZT on Foster Children who didn't even have AIDS, covering people who are animal and children advocates and finishing with Fauci's first mass murder of homosexuals with that same AZT, for the Woke Crowd.

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I like the structure you suggest. However I feel that it would be unsuccessful on rhetorical grounds. The immediate reaction to originally... Bioweapon would be "I don't believe that".

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I would also add vaccine shedding and contamination of blood supplies. Taking care of others was a common argument for getting the clot shot, so why shouldn't this be the argument for taking care of the unvaxxed? Also, I am curious why we do not know (by now) how long the mrna lasts in the body? I keep seeing articles that it lasts for more than 2 months, but we are now in 2+ years! Doesn't anyone know or want to know?

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It doesn't seem to be consistent, nor do the jabs themselves.

Despite the propaganda, all people are not the same.

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This is true, but are there any people that still had the mrna after 2 months, say for example a year?

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Sure. Including people whose health is permanently damaged.

Pilots are one group, many of which survived the Jab, but are permanently grounded.

Others are not yet grounded until they have an event and nearly crash the plane.

Personally, I won't be taking advantage of any bargain flights anytime soon.

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I think you are referring to spike protein still being present, or even damage done to tissue that does not repair like the heart and brain, but my question pertains to mrna- are these tiny toxic factories still spewing out garbage, and if so, how long?

I agree with the not flying part, the repetitive high altitude experience is probably not helping things.

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They have no idea how long Spike is produced in the body.


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The unvax’d, for the true believer covidiot, is unworthy of being cared for.

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Well, for the sake of the human race, they better care. Who knows what the DNA will look like in the future, for the vaxxed and for their progeny. It reminds me of GMO seeds contaminating organic farms (and then having pharma sue the organic farmer because the farmer stole the technology using wind).

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Can’t make ‘‘em care. For now, many of them don’t know what they’ve done to themselves, or can’t or won’t see.

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Blood reserves as well as the blood in people can easily be decontaminated by inorganic antiseptics, and the one with best security profile is CIO2(aq) called CDS. Safe if used insides a protocol. Most stay insides NOAEL which is 3mg/kg body weight per day, distributed (eg 10 portions).

It inactivates the pathological properties of the spike, dissolves even the indissoluble, to our enzymes, spike-knitted blood clots (coma patients wake up in 3 hours due to lungs getting permittable capillaries again, see comusav reports) and decreases viral load (only by factor 3 though, no wonder, use as one component in your personal multi-modal therapy). It is said to inactivate GO based chemistry, and flushes out toxic heavy metals, just eat something they can bind to like healing earth or ceolite powder. Anything clean with high surface:). It also softly soothes immune system, where all the anti-autoimmune protocols stem from, but add anti-allergic and other therapies or at least known immune system soothing remedies (like anti-autoimmune IL-6 etc blockers) as needed for this and for individual situation.

Here a paper with proof of vaccinal shedding, from vaccinated parents to unvaccinated children, disguised in bonkers arguments it would be a good thing and it would be some kind of cloning of antibodies, which is false, as we would be cloning the newborn‘s protective set of antibodies all our mothers donated to us to have „a free training time“. For our own individual immunity. Constituting who we are. What is the outer world. Cloning antibodies, thought further, would be a trans-generative load clogging immune systems with antibodies long forgotten. Our capability of learning new antigens seems limited, and constitute one form of ageing: the wear-out of unimprinted memory (cells). So cloning immunity, no, this is not how nature works. (It cleans up by death. It preserves information.)

Thus the paper protects itself agains censorship by crippling itself and partly telling lies. This is how the new witch hunt prevents innovation and progress on the humanistic axis, as our destiny is to become ever more human, but the opposite is happening, crippling empathy by fluour and lately spikenin brain; thus evoking a vast wave of potential to overcome this unprecedented transhumanistic movement. Ah yes, back:

So use it just as a proof that shedding exists. Whatever the antigen source.

I cherish it as such.

The interesting question is, if spike or even PEG2k by droplets or aerosols is shed to blood, is unanswered, and one could measure that by cohort studies measuring the CD profile before some family member is getting vaccinated; and asking the intensity and quality of contact; if IgA/IgG Antibodies can be found, at least spike landed on the mucosa; if nK or CD4/8/32 even slightly degrade, PEg2k was also transfected.

(PEG2k transfection:

True for all body fluids and intensive skin contact. Especially breastfeeding while shedding is probably just as intensive as directly vaccinating.)

So here the short paper.


Pleased: Other papers?

Please find and add links to similar proofs that passive immunisation by aerosols or droplets without infection donate the “right kind” of immunity.

Regardless what illness or vaccination is researched. We look at universal processes here.

Good use:

Also, use it as a proof, that shedding of broken pathogens in second half of infection mostly without infecting (for people with god nK) DONATES pre-immunity by invoking training opportunities to mainly the innate antibodies in the recipient.

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All social mammals have instincts to retreat when developing some bad infection, and when coming back, shed broken pathogens and make the group or family fit for next confrontation with viable pathogens.

We can emulate and even enhance this natural pre-training.

We could call it non-transfecting adjuvant-free topical mucosal passive immunisation or “training”.

(Do not call it vaccination, which is so severely burnt in perception. :)

Take some/several infected’s snot, sterilise it and fill, filtrated, in nasal spray, add some tolerable conservative.

Would like to use inorganic antiseptics, also for sterilising, but of course they denaturalise the antigens. Probably this just slightly degrades effectiveness. Optimal sterilisation and conservation for some weeks has to be researched. Cooking and then fridge and adding a slight dose of inorganic antiseptic is the working thesis now.

Spray 4x/day 1 week.

Done with training.

Measure antibody fitness on surface of mucosa by binding measurements to pathogen antigens. Measure before and after training week.

Do you know a paper describing how to measure training status of innate antibodies to a certain pathogen’s antigens?

Do this in a crowd funded research. Protected against corruption and sabotage in hidden and open interventions. Eg. do the research rather privately mesh-organised before relaying it on. Do not use central organisers or servers.

Do it distributed. See the matrix communicator approach.

This has several challenges, eg how to calibrate measurements over different sites. (EG, use bead LAMP and measure human DNA content by some marker to calibrate on measured level per DNA fraction to be free from “swabbing artifacts”.

Make it quantifyable by distributed samples. When swabbing, Probe several different spots on mucosa or do some gargling test. Etc. )

We need cheap and reliable measurements for the sterilising capability of innate antibodies especially in mucosal fluid.

I read some idea one can do filter banks where cetain molecules can pass, some are bound and do not come out at the other side. Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld used this to create autoantibody free reovered’s plasma and showed it actually heals, and used it as some approach to develop vaccines free from structures provoking production of autoantibodies. (Using these vaccines on the surface of the mucosa could be key.)

I think this is also just the right approach to measure innate immunity: how well do innate antibodjes bind the antigen of a certain pathogen? Drag it through a filtrating bank.

We have to measure B-cell based antibodies as well, as they shall stay low, because for all ADE capable pathogens, B-cell based antibodies are the VULNERABILITY of the future.

Since we vaccinated wuhan fir so lung, the future started May 2022 with BA.4 “offering” ADE-D. Delta ADE-I already . And the basis for antigenic sin, if no previous deep infection to the virus has taken place. This prevents very efficiently, measured for myself, by calibrated lab level of spike AND nucleocapsid antibody levels, the production of nucleocapsid antibodies being = 0 (after CoV with 3 days bit fever), and 50k on spike wuhan after 1 astra 1 pfizer (yessss, I’m dumb to have taken it. Mass formatted by Kekulé and Drosten podcasts and their selection of papers mainly).

Instead, ALL measures WHO down target to SUPPRES this “going endemic” mechanism. Tests prevent the behavioral seection to “give mild ones a chance” and STOP spread on more severe symptoms in average.

While PEG2k is suppressing nK, in “an inheritable fashion” by modifying epigenetic setup, the base of innate antibodies, the base of sterilising immunity, thus herd immunity.

Masks always - at the skin contact line - are letting through some droplets, have lower pressure drop there, so NO protection against infection as ONE droplet carries the infectious dose. Still symptoms are Dose dependant. But the price to pay is harsh: 99% of pre-immunity donating aerosols are cut-off, that are only infectious upon high doses (longer direct breathing at face, normally observed between partners at least sharing the same bedroom or very intrusive persons) - where aerosols can be easily disinfected by a small glass of 10ml CIO2(aq) 0.3% per 10m² room area; for schools, kindergartens, public buildings, dilute the 10ml in 1.5ml water, yielding 20ppm which is legally “drinking water”! Build a 3$ extinctomezer to measure concentration by absorbtion (the typical yellow-greenish color can also be used to measure low concentration 1-50ppm, above color is visible to naked eye, by some phototransistor and color led and microcontroller correlating the modulated LED light to received phototransistor signal.

Perhaps one could built an app “extinctometer” with some mobile phones cameras (raw mode) could be used together with 2 light filter foils, and a setup with white paper as background, or a second mobile blinking it’s led or screen as illumination. )

Lockdowns intensified transmission in families, which I perceive as the main route.

Hygiene recommendations are only to enhance spread.

Since DROPLETS are the main route of infection, one has to state:

Lie:1.5m Truth:3m ballistical flight reach! Even for soft NOSE BLOW, 10k’s of droplets are emitted like a slowly sinking cloud of heave nebula droplets.

Hovering 40secs in air!

(You are long gone, and passing nose blow spot is 100% infectious!)

Getting reflected when sneezing to hand or elbow or in mask that lifts-off shortly 1/5ths of a mm from face contact line, infecting in a mean way: around the corner.

(So press face line tonskin by forming a O with left and right pointing fingers and thumbs. Afterwards BEFORE breathing in again, disinfect by inorganic antiseptic spray. Ofnyou do NOT, carrying a mask if incubated or infected yield to +70% probabilty of severe case! (Perhaps not for water repelling fibres like PTFE, that stay in environment for 1000years instead fir 500 for the water-attracting PE or PE fibre based filtrating fleeces.

Hand sanitizing cut down hand viruses like noro, but only every 1/1000ths infection of respiratory viruses is indirectly taking place via surfaces. But what harm is done? Did someone care to look? 30% of the school class of my little one developed contact eczema and had red hands.

No one dared to lropose using something antiviral on the mucosa as this would be intrusion in medical questions. The head mistress said: I only do that what ministry of culture is telling me, and no more and no less. So she harmed by hand sanitization till eczemae and by omission of helpful things like hygiene education, recommendation to ask for antiviral nasal sprays as “virtual masks” and name a few, or propagation DIY ventillation-mainz.de projects.

And masked the teachers up, leading for little one to loss of IQ by 3%. No problem there for our head mistress Unbemridge (character from

Harry Potter:).

I am sure I missed a lot of “measures” and their true effect. Please add.

Especially, no one told us that ALL varaints are existing in parallel in a wave, so we can up-select more benevolent ones in NO TIME by behaviour and boosting nK immune system part.

Behavior, as drafted: stop severe symptoms producing infection trians by crying STOP to all contacts, ie Post-Exposition Prophylaxis, and giving slight colds a chance while still protecting vulnerable (both contact parties using antiviral sprays eg, inhaling inorganic antiseptics 2x per day, etc.).

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Excellent, thanks.

Probably the vaxx enters the bloodstream via the lymphatic system, though. Iirc the lymph nodes draining the injection region are the main ones to become inflamed, in mice and humans. This is important because the vaxx will enter the bloodstream via the lymphatics in everyone (in contrast to the intravascular injection meme, which was a psyop designed to shift responsibility for side effects away from the vaxx itself, and onto poor injection technique in a minority of patients).

By all means no-one should be injected with this toxic, experimental concoction. And yes, criminal charges should be brought against the vaxx pushers - ideally to judges who aren't corrupt, if they exist.

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I agree with this 100%. I too found out the lymph system parallels with the circulatory system so of course that is how it enters the blood stream. When I brought that up to the substacker that was pushing that it was the vaccination technique he blew me off.

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Excellent! At least in England they appear to be stopping the deathjab and it won't be offered/pushed on our kids. It is truly grotesque that it has been put on the US schedule for children. I was truly shocked to learn that they have to take them to attend school. The schedule itself is grotesque. The number of vaccines you're all expected to inject your kids with is obscene.

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It is on our British State Schools curriculum!

We have got MidazolamMatt Hancock to thank for that.

He was the one wanting to make all jabbs compulsory.

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I read recently that it was no longer going to be offered. I can't find anywhere that says it is going to be offered to children via schools.

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He needs to go to jail

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It is grotesque and despicable. And even if you say you do not want them, I have witnessed bullying because of it. I pray everyday for the truth to be unavoidable and undeniable. They are giving these horrible things to 6 moth old babies and older. It makes me sick.

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Canada is equally as nuts. The majority of our politicians are either bought off or brainwashed, at least in my opinion. A few are not. I don't think the shots are mandatory for school however.

On a bright note, there is a court case between a divorced mom and dad with 3 kids under 10 years old. Mom wants the kids to get the shots, dad does not. Usually, the judges have sided with the gov/public health officials but in this case, the judge seems to see dangers and is allowing the dad to bring in an expert witness. I think if he brings in the right expert (Spartacus, are you for hire? just kidding; we do have a few even in Canada) the decision will go in the dads favor.

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People are crazy

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By the way, Spartacus, I knew that DARPA was behind the injections from the very beginning. I could feel it deep in my bones.

I feel like I was able to dissuade two people from taking the injections, possibly four. That was it.

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I told my family and they said I was a crackpot and threw me out of the house!

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The nutters went hard at you down there! Hard times make strong people. Be strong.

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Doing my best. If I can be but a fraction of HER strength I’ll have won the day.

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I saved three of my five children by refusing consent. That's it. My entire family - mother, father, step-parents, aunts, uncles, siblings - all accepted the poison.

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Very appreciative Spartacus of your work and writing . The issue with this Bioweapon is its variability within people . Variability was just enough for people to not believe us . Not every pregnant woman has a placental abruption, miscarriage or fetal anomaly. Not everyone gets a turbo cancer or sudden death . This is what is causing doubt in others minds that we are conspiracy theorists, nuts or loons. Then the government, oops really ... we pay our taxes , and contribute to society... they want to kills us , depopulate us. Then we have people who think it was an accident because we need Bioweapons to defend our loving , peace keeping government against Russia , China , N Korea ect .... they are the contractors, scientists, researchers who innocently worked behind the scenes to defend our country. Spartacus, there are so many layers to this Futtttin psyops , that’s why there is so much division... whether family or friends. And those assignin masks ... ugggh ....all alone driving in car ... WTF has happened. Thank u Spartacus for allowing me to vent and allowing us all into your brain. 🙏🤗😘❤️‍🩹☮️. Cheers 🍻 to wonderful weekend everyone.

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Ps ... I’m sick of Biden Inc tooo.., cause Brandon never ever was out Bro.

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Oops .. our bro

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I’m gonna say this too …Again … the contractors , scientists and employees of the government who have flipped so hard to make money and a name for themselves on the anti jab side now , when they spent a lifetime trying to make Bioweapons that are killing us now ….deeply sinister toads . I have deep respect for Dr Yeadon who warned us all and not trying to make buck . Sorry Spartacus for saying this but I’m so sick of the con. Kudos to Katherine Watt and Brave Sasha … and you too Spartacus.

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I agree with variability aspect and also the time distance from the shot to the turbo cancer getting diagnosed or any other condition. Also how it accelerated current disease processes in some making people think that it was just happenstance that their current condition all of sudden became unmanageable. I think we need to look at this whole thing like a detective would in solving a crime. It really was the perfect crime.

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You said it!!!

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Urticaria, another adverse event post covid vaxx? Family member suffering with this head to toe. Despite seeing a number of doctors, not one of them connecting the dots.

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I actually read from a person's post that ivermectin helped mitigate the rashes and itchiness, not sure if it's true or not but may be worth a shot. In either case, it's safer than tylenol and has anti-cancer properties!

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If Biden has his way.. No script except in person.

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If you can, visit a country where you don't need a script. I think in Mexico it's easy to get or order from an online pharmacy. In the US, I've heard you can get it like this, not in Canada however.

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I can't afford it. Lol. I don't need it but others may. I worry for elderly or people who are on SSRI' s . Those cannot just be quit cold turkey. It's another freedom squashed. I thank you though for your help.

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Back in 2021 I ordered the horse version for myself since I had no way of getting the human version. I've never used it but kept it on hand 'just in case'. I read about scabies in internet articles. One article plainly stated that in very poor countries where people can't afford the people drug, they take the animal version. Works the same but you have to use the appropriate dose: if you go this route, there is good dosing info on the web, almost fool proof. Even the paste itself is dispensed on a by weight basis.

Once it expires, I plan on ordering more...just to have on hand.

Yes, I understand that there are some drugs that are hard to quit.

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I have LOTS of horses!! Thank you! I appreciate your kindness.

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Dr Peter McCullough recently posted about using Nattokinase for C19 vaccine detoxification.


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I saw that too, but read Dr Colleen Huber's comment on this link, she has good insight and experience. She agrees IVM may be better.

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Dr Huber also gives her patients nattokinase, so it seems to me that you may as well take both, since there doesn't seem to be any issue with doing that. (That's the approach I would take if I were vaxxed.)

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Funny we are discussing this but I took nattokinase last night for the first time (just for general health- I never got the shot or covid) and I had a nosebleed just now, and I never get nosebleeds! Weird and scary, but my blood pressure is normal. Just googled it and it can happen from natto. Guess I will just hold onto this supplement or use sparingly.

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Avoid nattokinase if you have any kind of bleeding disorder. It has a thinning effect comparable to aspirin (which is why it shouldn't be taken alongside aspirin or other thinners because it's kind of like taking a double-dose of aspirin).

For treating post-COVID or post-vax Spike protein amyloid microclotting, this is actually a good thing, as it dissolves the amyloid and fibrin and breaks down the Spike protein (nattokinase is a proteolytic enzyme and chops fibrin right up). But if someone has a stomach ulcer at risk of bleeding, or gets nosebleeds from aspirin or nattokinase, then that's no good.

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Nattokinase is a blood thinner so exercise some caution. I use it as a blood thinner.

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Can you provide a link to Dr. Huber's advice about natto?

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Can you provide a link to Dr. Huber's advice about IVM?

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Same as before for natto

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MIL got this too.

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This is EXCELLENT!! Thank you so much.

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details batch code info for all countries (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System-VAERS ) Data showing roughlly 80% of death from 25% of batch lots.

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So thorough, your link!

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read too, that one should multiply by a factor of 40 on all deaths and adverse events to establish a truer picture of harm

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Excellent advice Spartacus.

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Have you uncovered any other delivery methods other than injection?

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They've toyed around with the notion of ingestible and inhalable mRNA drugs, and even growing them in transgenic plants.




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The first article is interesting, easy to say no to. I only read the Abstract of the next two, the first is also easy to say no too, at this point anyway I suppose they could mist it on people as they walk into buildings. That last article is insidious, but I guess not really since these investors have been playing around with plant genetics for a long time now.

The question now becomes, how can these products be delivered without knowledge of the receiver?

All I can see in the future is these investors want to exterminate natural people.

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Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the garden!

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I know shedding is a thing. Had bleeding in menopause.

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I've been thinking about that and wonder if its as dangerous? Or less effective? Or maybe easier handled by a healthy person's strong immune system? I don't know.

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I have a laundry list of autoimmune issues.

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There was a childhood nasal spray being used recently in the UK.

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Less brutal delivery method just as brutal result.

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Actually, we are not all buttheads, many of us can at least follow what you are saying, generally, and this is EXACTLY THE EVIDENTIAL EXPLANATION WE NEED IMO. The injected, if presented with this, (thank you for both words and voice) at least have their 'trail of tears' demystified, and presentable to any clueless doctor. Well done.

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"What she said".


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Re DARPA, a small something I have noticed. The mycologist Paul Stamets (WA) joined DARPA some time back, presumably to help develop the idea of mycoremediation (digesting toxins with mushrooms). Coupled with watching this interview [ https://zeeemedia.com/interview/uncensored-shimon-yanowitz-new-nanotech-in-injected-people-is-spreading/ ] about the vax liquid behavior on a slide, where it literally jumps out of the blood droplet being looked at and establishes colonies all over the slide, it looked alot like the may certain lichens look on a rock as they spread. So maybe Stamets helped engineer the vax to include some element of mycology to increase the transfecting ability.

Just another stupid butthead idea, silly me. Best

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Like your sense of humour.

Re. Topol: free speech, I'm afraid. Not writing is like not talking to anyone because you don't like what 1 little group said.

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