These were great discussions. So much to digest! I will make a summary of the key point that would be easier to share and promote.

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YES! McCairn is potentially a great resource but his livestreams often have the flavor of a high IQ AM talkshow. Interesting and often entertaining but their length can be unwieldy.

I have long wished that he would post summaries / highly edited clips of the main points.

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Sorry about the lack of a transcript or a summary, guys. These are kind of freeform. Hard to summarize, because we jump around and touch on so many different topics. In the first one, I cover some aspects of COVID-19 pathology, as well as the nanotech/biotech stuff I've been keeping an eye on. In the second one, things kind of open up to look at the broader picture; the Great Reset (although we seldom use that term), managerialism and committees replacing representative democracy, et cetera.

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I am grateful for everything you ARE sharing with us. Summary/Transcript would bring in more people as well as make it more inclusive for people with different abilities.

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Also, those screensavers he has running in the background are totally distracting.

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LG Summary ❤Consider yourself huged. Thank you so very much!

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I wished Dr Mc Cairns site would allow one to speed things up and also to scroll. I listen at 2x's the speed normally and I like to stop on the charts and graphics so I'm frusterated at not be able to do either. Never mind. I was just able to do both on his website. My viewing yesterday did not allow either though. Weird.

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Are jews the people of the bible? OR the thenemies of the christians?

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Some believe the Saxons were derived from the sons of Isaac


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LG how is that summary going? Do you need any help?

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I have a transcript, but it is full of errors, so need to be manually edited. It is very time consuming. Question for you: what format do you think such summary should take? I am thinking of several options:

1) just a raw transcript

2) edited/concise transcript

3) summary of key passages in text

4) summary of key passages in audio/video format

5) short 1-2 minute snippets on certain topics

What do you think will have a bigger impact?


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LG you are amazing for doing all that work. Truly amazing.

I find the following format works really well. The example is from Diet Doctor Video Series with Dr Jason Fung. This is the bit that is published on their website below the Video. It is called "The Sleeve" it has a brief intro followed by timeline and the full transcript in pdf (see below)

I wanted to send you an example in pdf because visually it is clear but substack wont allow me to attach it.

To answer your questions.

5) Short Snippets on certain topic - NO (many reasons , if you need me to go into details I will, just let me know).

4) Summary of Key passages in audio/video format - NO because it is SOOOO much work for you Editing etc. without much of benefit to the users

1) 2) & 3) are all excellent options.

1) & 3) will have the biggest impact and be appreciated by ALL (imho). Please note if there is a lot of "loose threads" in their conversations and if things "do not make sense" either ask them to fill out the missing pieces or leave it out. Check with Spartacus if they are comfortable with that.

So, my recommendation for the biggest impact go with 1 & 3.

Below is the very good example from Diet Doctor and their treatment of Videos with Dr Jason Fung. They segmented 6 hours of videos into Parts. Each part begins with the short intro, timeline (when key topic/discussions start) followed by the full transcript in pdf.

Title: Part 1 What is fasting

So you want to lose weight and/or reverse your diabetes? The most powerful natural method – ideally used in combination with an LCHF diet – is intermittent fasting.

We’ve been fortunate enough to get to work with one of the world’s leading experts on the subject, Dr. Jason Fung. He was kind enough to travel from Canada to Sweden, just to record video courses with us. Above you can watch the first part of the video series. It’s a brief introduction to fasting and I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Table of contents

0:30 Fasting is not starvation

2:00 Religions and fasting

3:50 Benefits of fasting

4:38 Who doesn’t want you to fast?

About the videos: Recorded in September 2015.

Screenwriter and host: Dr. Jason Fung.

Recording: xxxxxxxx.

Post-Production: xxxxx.

Transcript - here is where they put the whole transcript in pdf

LG hope this helps. Reach out if I can be of any further assistance.

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Frankly, our lead raccoons just don’t have the time. I think they might welcome someone skilled in editing trying their hand at it- if successful, would contribute greatly to the effort of the battle between good and evil. Such efforts could b posted in alternate places on internet so the scrub/ censor problem is better evaded. The info itself now needs to act like a virus. And we be the virus- hunters.

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How about we distribute the work among volonteers? If there are any? I am putting my hand up

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Not my skillset, i have problems being secretary for a town committee. I'm a nurse, and can think and do on my feet more than info organization. Bless you for your skills. Everyone brings different gifts to the table.

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My attempt at timestamps for part 1 (the times are approx.)

21:00 - C19 similarity with SARS\

24:00 - physiology of immune system

26:00 - people with severe C19 had preexisting endotheilial dysfunction (obesity, diabetes, hypertension); issues with oxidative stress

34:00 - Protein that virus attacks that it uses to fuse with cells is actually present in lining of blood vessels all over the body as well as the blood brain barrier which is why C19 seems to attack so many diff organs; drawing inflammation into them and triggers micro-clotting

- C19 Spike is amlyodogenic

- spike broken up and then every little piece of protein can act as a nucleus for amyloid fibrils and these in blood stream can lead to amyloid fibrin clots

- which is what morticians are pulling out of people

35:39 - Human enhancement

- China attempting to headhunt our scientists

- Bio nanotech expert Charles Lieber from Harvard indicted and convicted for working with China; was working on nano tech for brain

- blending nano tech with human cells

37:38 - various types of nanoparticles described

- a lot of these materials have have biological effects

- they have other applications - monitor activity inside a cell using a nanoparticle as an electrode, using nanowires as electrodes

40:00 - where the funding is coming from

42:00 - DARPA was trying to develop a wireless brain computer interface using nanoparticles that could be injected, ingested or inhaled that take up residence in brain tissue and and then subject interact with those nanoparticles

45:00 - military use of this nanotech

47:00 - biological barriers to making this tech work

53:00 - NGOs & gov't agencies funding foreign biolabs

1:03:00 ~ 1:10:00 purpose of nano brain tech

1:35:00 - vaccines at center of a lot of disease states in servicemen

1:36:00 - Moderna funded by DARPA

- 2013 already talking about using tech for vaccines

1:40:00 - Lancet article decrying lab leak letter

1:45:00 - HIV protein used in C19. how get nano particles to interact with cells. manipulated the genome.

1:48:00 - mimic cell biology for nano tech

1:51:00 weaponization of biotech. amyloids

- build artificial structures inside body

- assemble organic semiconductors

- embalmers pulling out amyloid fibrin clots

- amyloid generated by the spike protein

2:00:00 - too much controlled opposition points to purposeful release. too well planned

2:02:00 - Moderna patented genes in C19 found in furin cleavage site

2:05:00 - biggest crime against humanity in history

2:08:00 - background on Spartacus letter

- biowarfare agent injected into body

2:11:30 - microchips can fit 10k in diameter of needle

2:14:00 - incapacitating mechanism. immobilization or kill switch

- increased mortality

2:19:00 - most this stuff is incomprehensible to everyone except select few in nano biotechnology & molecular biology

- this could be beneficially used to treat terrible illnesses, but double edged sword

- potential to change biology to affect social, political or military change. social engineering

2:27:00 - Dept. homeland security geared up to push certain narrative years ago

2:29:00 - Andrew Huff, former head of EcoHealth is being intimidated/threatened by biodefense mafia

2:30:00 - 'Their' plans, and in process of doing. Laying a foundation for smart cities. Laying foundation for internet of bodies; be able to link implanted devices into wireless infrastructure; drive people out of rural areas, demolish livelihoods of farmers; force people off the land and into cities; CBDC stipends/basic income; people live under influence of smart grid

- want to pull peoples data out of bodies

2:33:00 - manager-ism gone mad. control everything.

2:39:00 - trying to replace culture & tradition & spirituality with universal cult of consumerism

- spent years creating a throw away culture/products

- industrialize around amyloids

2:46:00 - engineering entire designer organisms from scratch for it to complete specific tasks

- how will they industrialize at scale the amyloids

- using fetal cell lines

2:49:00 - amyloid tensile strength

2:51:00 - lot of people/scientists involved led to believe it would be used for therapeutic aims. but can be misused and weaponized

2:53:00 - what are amyloids? = insoluble protein junk. can't be readily broken up by proteliase. Basically Indestructible. accumulates. creates oxidative stress.

- similar process to mad cow

- protein confirmation disorders

- prion proteins in brain exposed to them alters into more of them, creating more of themselves

3:02:00 - Video Ehud Gazit. Manipulating molecular self assembly for drug development

- Create amyloid nano fibers. "by engineering we can fully control these structures"

- "From amyloid structures to nanotechnology"

- "By learning from nature we discovered a novel type of bio-inspired peptide nanotubes"

- capacity of using amyloids to caste nano-wires

- Nano-structures have Metallic like stiffness; stronger than steel

- potential use in neuro-warfare

- Piezoelectrical & semi conductor properties

- could be used as an interface between biology & artificial components; tiny microchips

- can make hydrogel use for slow of drugs, tissue engineering applications

3:29:00 - They've calculated the path loss for terahertz signals inside human tissues. lowest losses found in fat. use fat as conduit for high freq signals

- using fat as a micro wave channel

3:31:00 - WEF articles on internet of bodies, implantable sensors; Klaus Schwab mentions initiative by name

3:35:00 - secular institutions have replaced religion for a lot of people

3:36:00 - Video Yuval Harari "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept to legitimize total biometric surveillance. To stop this epidemic, we need to just not monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening under their skin"

- "We now see mass survelliance systems even in democratic countries that previously rejected them"

- This system requires AI which will predict peoples behavior

- cult of managerialism; listen to experts; have to disengage people's capacity for critical thinking

- creating system of totalitarianism

3:49:00 - surreptitiously implanting brain computer interfaces in millions of people

3:59:00 - cont. Video

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So...they will "breed" humans so they can harvest our tissues for biotech...semiconductors/internet of bodies etc? Correct?

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Nice---good job!

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Only a quarter the way through this, but I had to stop and thank you for the deep dive into metabolic pathways. Are u a neurobiologist ? Damn your good. 🌞

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Love to see transcripts. Just don't have the time to listen / watch. LG, eagerly awaiting your summary!

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"Getting" interesting? Honey, things have been lethally interesting for quite a while.

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Enjoyed the discussion open and free! . These discussions are great around a nice bonfire with comfortable chairs , glass of whatever you drink. Thanks Spartacus. 🎯

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Charles I am with you. It is intresting that anyone would think humans could and would benefit from 9 hours of constant learning/hearing.... of ...anything really. Everything that I was taught at my Neuroscience of Learning Class does not support that at all.

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Yes, the wastewater and farmland comments blew my mind😧😧😧

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Thank you for the Monumental effort. I cant help but wonder...if perhaps you could have a chat with your colleagues and let us know....Does anyone know if AEROSOL version of peptide fusion inhibitor Gallaher & Gary created to keep themselves safe could be made available commercially in near future? If not, why? How it could be made available?

Is it possible that Gallaher is the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD capable of creating it?

As a standard intranasal spray would be less effective against SARS -Cov2 which could attach to the lungs in a far greater quantity due to the Furin cleavage site - not much point using any intranasal spray, correct?

I read in one of the tweets:

Gallaher modeled the HIV spike. He & Garry did the same with SARS. That same year, he created the First FDA approved fusion inhibitor, Fuzeon. He touted it in his 1/29/20 80-page little book on nCov. And then the SARS spike in 2003. Within 5 months, the FDA had cleared his peptide fusion inhibitor. Fuzeon.What he discovered is that there was potential for fusion inhibitors that worked donHIV to also work on h-Cov’s The WIVwas really into peptide inhibitor research. They were also working on HIV vaccines. They knew, just as Gallaher had pointed out in 2003, that including enough of the HIV inserts to construct the gp120/gp41 would allow them to use a peptide fusion inhibitor instantly to keep themselves safe. They’d even created an AEROSOL version, which is certainly fortuitous since the standard intranasal spray would be less effective against SARS-CoV-2,which could attach to the lungs in far greater quantity due to Furin Cleavage site.

Deeply grateful for your assistance

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Thank you Spartacus. You mentioned antivirals work only if taken immediately. How one can know if it has been exposed to virus if one has no symptoms? When one gets symptoms it is too late for antivirals? How about this as EVERY DAY STRATEGY (when you come home for the day, before bed):

1. When you come home every night garggle Povidone diluted as per recommendations &spit it out

2. Spray the nitrix oxide spray

Thats it. Those two things are safe to do on everyday basis. So we dont have to become psychic to guess whether we'been exposed to virus. Does that sound like good enough plan?

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It's best to start antiviral treatment immediately after symptoms appear, but most antivirals are pretty hard on the liver and kidneys. Povidone iodine is also pretty hard on the thyroid.


Nitric oxide should be safe.

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I thought it is too LATE to start treatment when symptoms apear.

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Thank you.❤ I did not mean to ingest Povidone. Just gargle and spit it out? If iodine iritates thyroid just by garggling how about using 1,5% Hydrogen peroxide instead? Garggle and spit out?

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hour three.. great tangents seldom blended into an ecosystem of variables thanks troika!

fun deja vu NYTimes LaRouche smear noting Russia accusations esp p2

https://web.archive.org/web/20131114111427/https://www.nytimes.com/1986/04/04/us/larouche-savors-fame-that-may-ruin-him.html page 2--> https://web.archive.org/web/20150525081922/http://www.nytimes.com/1986/04/04/us/larouche-savors-fame-that-may-ruin-him.html?pagewanted=2

Best guess Mark's hard to find Exec Intel Review maybe

June 13, 1986


Did the Cold War end or was it always a fraud?

Anthony Sutton On 'Skull & Bones,' US Banks Financing

Hitler, & 'Trance-Formation' 3-19-2000


Antony C. Sutton and Viktor Suvorov on Technology Transfer from the West to the Soviet Union - Peter Myers, October 14, 2003


The Wall Street project in Russia in 1917 used the Red Cross Mission as its operational vehicle. Both Guaranty Trust and National City Bank had representatives in Russia at the time of the revolution. Frederick M. Corse of the National City Bank branch in Petrograd was attached to the American Red Cross Mission, of which a great deal will be said later. Guaranty Trust was represented by Henry Crosby Emery. Emery was temporarily held by the Germans in 1918 and then moved on to represent Guaranty Trust 'in China.


oops forgot Kris Milligan interview & adore Kris and Trine Day crew! <3 https://trineday.com/


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Fraud , if we are voting PamelaDrew

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Part of your answer is here:


It’s almost always a fairy tale or more to the point an official narrative. That’s why thinkers labeled perjorativekly as con. theorists.

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What question & what answer? Sorry I avoid Screwtube like an STD but happy to look at alternate platforms or text. :~)

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Sorry-Mark kulacz interview/discussion w/ McDuff may be only platform 4 this vid.

Mark is guest, u see. About 1/2 way they get really brilliant on PRRA hypothesis.

Watch on a friends computer--no tracking to u.

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Dark heart of the beast the love child of Brown Bros Harriman's Bonesmen and Op Paperclip collaborators.. my other favorite Spartacus w fab historic thumbnail sketches of key dirtbags.




icymi new FOIA shows Bloody Gina's war crime verified before Congress made her CIA Director.


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finale.."Globalist Managerial State" is such a perfect label.. as for the scary science I know jst enough about the psychos involved that it all scared the pants off me two decades ago..

Lots of testing and development slides under the radar as USDA plant and animal health. It's the continuum of Bill Gates gmo plants, gmo animals, gmo drugs, gmo vaccines, gmo humans?

Math isn't my subject but betcha a nickle there physics to emotions. When good hearts & minds come together they create positive energy that's infectious; it's deeply appreciated!

Old USDA vaccine activity.. makes you wonder what DMV animal-animal studies look like..

For Immediate Release July 18, 2005

CDC and Fort Dodge Animal Health Achieve - First Licensed DNA Vaccine

Collaboration Uses Breakthrough Technology to Protect Horses from West Nile Virus

Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with Fort Dodge Animal Health, an animal biologics and pharmaceutical company, have developed the world’s first licensed DNA vaccine. The vaccine, which protects horses from West Nile virus, was licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this week *. The technology could serve as a basis for future development of human vaccines.


Reverse genetics may be a key for unlocking flu vaccine - By Luis Pons - May 01, 2004

The researchers, who work in NADC’s Virus and Prion Diseases of Livestock Research Unit, are using reverse genetics to create new flu viruses in efforts to explore individual components of the virus. The hope is that vaccines can in turn exploit these components.

Genetic challenge

Swine influenza presents a special challenge in genetics because its genome comprises eight segments of ribonucleic acid, better known as RNA. RNA viruses such as swine flu store their genetic information in RNA, which is more susceptible to mutation than DNA. This allows RNA viruses to evolve far more rapidly than DNA viruses and sometimes makes it hard for an infected host to develop lasting immunity.

What made reverse genetics attractive for exploring the new swine flu strains is that manipulations commonly done on DNA cannot be performed with RNA.

That’s where the “reverse” in reverse genetics comes in. “Scientists can convert RNA viruses’ genetic material into a DNA state,” says Richt. “This is called reverse transcription. At this point, mutations can be introduced into the resulting cloned DNA. Once the DNA is converted back into RNA, the introduced mutations will occur in the genome of the RNA virus. Through this approach, we use cloned DNA to generate swine influenza viruses,” says Richt.


Could Mini Labs and Plant-Based Vaccines Stop the Next Pandemic? Texas researchers are planning to use a combination of tobacco plants and podlike laboratories to speed the production of new vaccines - By Larry Greenemeier | March 1, 2010


Wall Street Journal - February 24, 2010

Texas A&M is part of a consortium getting $40 million from the U.S. Defense Department to test plant-based vaccines and to produce an initial 10 million doses to combat H1N1, otherwise known as swine flu. The consortium will invest another $21 million in the project known as GreenVax, which is being announced today, the Journal says.

It also cites other plant-based work going on at Arizona State and by Germany’s Bayer.

The military is backing the GreenVax project because it was unnerved by delays in producing the H1N1 vaccine and it wants a more sure-fire way to protect soldiers from infectious diseases, not to mention bioterrorist threats. The Pentagon is also trying to tell when soldiers are getting a cold before they go into combat.

Pandemic update: World Health Organization experts decided today it is too soon to say swine flu has peaked so it’s still officially a pandemic. Read the official reasoning here. https://web.archive.org/web/20100227045315/http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2010/02/24/what-tobacco-plants-have-to-do-with-swine-flu-vaccine/

By Larry Greenemeier | March 1, 2010

Tamiflu Developer: Swine Flu Could Have Come From Bio-Experiment Lab

World Health Organization Investigates Claims by Australian Scientist Adrian Gibbs

By LEE FERRAN and JOSH GAYNOR - May 14, 2009


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Spartacus can you comment on Paxlovid .. 🙈🙉🙊🐵.. thanks 😊

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It's a combination of the protease inhibitors Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir. They work by inhibiting the Mpro of the virus.


Antivirals only really work on COVID-19 if someone is taking them prophylactically or immediately after exposure. By the time symptoms appear, after 5 days of incubation, their effectiveness is very limited, because the viral load has already begun tapering off on its own. By the time someone is hospitalized for COVID-19, about 8 to 9 days post-exposure, there is almost no point in starting a course of any antiviral, because the viral load is next to nothing and all of the damage is being caused by a delayed hyperinflammatory reaction to the virus.


This was why so many antivirals appeared ineffective in human trials in the past, by the way. They mainly recruited people who were outside the effective therapeutic window (i.e. 7+ days post-exposure). They gave patients a futile treatment and then claimed it didn't work. This was how Ivermectin, HCQ, and others were made to appear ineffective.

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Thank you for the articles for additional reading 🙂

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I am so happy you mentioned how ivermectin and HCQ were made to look ineffective!!! Many did not get that concept! So appreciated . I understand the Paxlovid mechanism now . The doctor I know who died after taking it suggested there was an additional mechanism involved. Does Paxlovid add to ADE?

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Protease inhibitors can be a bit toxic to the liver or kidneys, but it shouldn't affect ADE at all.

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I am trying to understand how Paxlovid interacts with some of the heart meds . Thanks

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Inhibits P 450 pathway ?

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Yep, the Ritonavir inhibits P450/CYP3A, which prevents the breakdown of the Nirmatrelvir and makes it longer-acting, but also does the same exact thing to heart meds that are also broken down by the P450 pathway, such as ranolazine, amiodarone, dronedarone, flecainide, propafenone, quinidine, bepridil, and systemic lidocaine.

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How can we KNOW that we experienced EXPOSURE if we have no symptoms? Testing everyday is not an option? So many false positive? What do you suggest Spartacus?

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Brandon FYI Igor Chudov wrote a substack article on Paxlovid

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That’s awesome! I read so much ! Igor is excellent!

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second hour #my2c

Patrick Henningsen is greatly underappreciated as an investigative journalist & seasoned dirtbag tracker w solid orbit of muckrakers.. Fab example their One Health overview


Pandemic Archive https://21stcenturywire.com/tag/covid-19/

Hat tip to George Webb for flashback w NADRA in WikiLeaks GIfiles aka LulzSec Stratfor hack

Digital ID beta test...

PAKISTAN/SOUTH ASIA-NADRA Reportedly Outsources UK Operation to Security Company

Released on 2013-03-11

The intricate details of the outsourcing project and to speed up the completion process were

discussed in an internal meetings, held at Pakistan's High Commission, where Nadra Chairman Ali Arshad Hakeem was also present.Hakeem left London on Tuesday after a two-day visit during which he also met officials of the security company called International Identity Services (IIS). Officially, the aim of the outsourcing is to speed up the services provided to overseas Pakistanis and to turn the Nadra card into a "smart card" linked to many other services such as banking, utility bills and identification.

However, sources expressed serious reservations about the efficacy of the scheme, fearing that the vital information of individuals might be hacked, leaked or secretly sold. Those in the command of Nadra are determined to motor on with outsourcing the project


NADRA 400 list


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The videos were taken down by screwtube, just as you predicted. Where can they be found? The links above are not working. Thx.

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Spartacus what do you think of nootropics? Somebody is heavily promoting :Neurohacker Collective

They say:"Do it yourself nootropic stacks require a lot of research and they can be a hassle. That's why I'm a big fan of Qualia Mind from Neurohacker. Their formula has 28 research backed nootropics in ideal dosages and they use complex system science and factors in something called ingredient synergy, so you get nootropic compounds, choline, donors, amino acids, neurovitamins, minerals, adaptogenic, extracts and antioxidants that target your nervous system. " What do you think? Not necessarily for SARS just for those " heavy learning" days that last for 9 hours like livestreams with Dr Kevin McCairn?

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3 min. Introduction.


Now I wonder if gene transfected peeps glow w/ bioluminescence. Thanks 4 saving these shows- somehow got ((. - .)) on other platform(s). I am watching & learning. You have awesome brain!

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Well, jews run the show now. Don't you realize they're evil yet?

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Evil is a personality not a nationality, not race, religion, career, title, gender it's a HUMAN trait and every group has every kind from angelic to satanic. Nothing more bigoted and ignorant than ascribing traits based on random group classifications.

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Indeed. Whoever's ultimately responsible for all of this this, they didn't care that they murdered 11,000 Israelis with a bioweapon and sickened 4.5 million more.

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