I'm an elderly person withoit medical qualifications, but I do have a critical brain that still works. I've thought for quite a while that this "plandemic" was intetional. So far, it has been very successful - people dead all over the world, without prophylactic repurposed drugs that would save them; economies destroyed; education destroyed; communities destroyed. How many truly informed citizens and - most important - how much money - does it take to stop this insane evil? Until this takeover of our elected governments by Schwabm Gates, WHO, WEF and others, , I would not have believed people to be so gullible and so ignorant. I am saddened beyond wods by what is happening to us.

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I was calling it a fake ever since Feb 28th 2020. I said people will catch this quick. I was wrong. I never thought people in America to be so gullible. I never wore masks and you can't imagine how many stores flat out refused to do business with me or kick me out with security. One store even refunded me the money and asked for the grilled chicken back that I had just purchased. He then proceeds to ask if I was at least vaccinated. I laughed, said F No and found another place immediately. I went unmasked and no problem. Oh yea I always refuse the hand sanitizer (poison;see peg80,40) too. And yes I agree with this entire article. I came to the same conclusions doing my own research

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Good for you - that makes two of us who don't believe the lies! I am currently visiting my next door neighbour (here in Cornwall, UK) who is in hospital following a stroke (triple jabbed, + flu jab). He is making reasonably good progress,. I refuse to wear a mask and use that awful hand sanitizer, and have not been kicked out as yet. However, everywhere in this large hospital are signs about getting the next bivalent flu jab. People are like lemmings. BTW, have you heard of the "Vaccine Control Group"? Might be worth investigating.

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Seems like all the vaccinated are getting ill at the moment.


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these hand sanitizers are poison in itself !

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Thanks Ingrid about the hand sanitizer... just wash your hands and clean your devices ( norovirus🤮)

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for the very susceptible, of course their air space is #1 by far. then for getting them the nouns of life, simply use desiccation as the "sanitizer"

simply get items throughout to a water activity (rh) of below say 40% for a while (depending on item, etc)

practically this can be done in may ways such as simply keeping dry goods in a pantry for a period of time, etc.

remember this works for "future" challenges that might come our way as well ;)

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As did I! Nothing made sense and after two weeks of semi masking and gloves, I was done! Researched from then on. I’m horrified that so many I know have completely fallen for this psy op, including my adult sons. Their families are all jabbed and boosted! Couldn’t see us except on face time becaus3 we were unmasked, unjabbed and o, so dangerous! Lost “friends” over this too. Some will never wake up and will stand in line to buy more masks for the next Plandemic! I tell people to not comply and they think I’m nuts. Was thrown out of many stores during this nonsense because I woukdn’t mask. My markets knew I had a medical condition. People would complain about me being maskless and the managers stood up for me! I’m 78 and won’t comply!

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Stories like yours give me an especially heavy heart Nancy. You remember what society used to be like, much better even given all the problems and ills. But to lose ones children and grandchildren to such a monster and have to live with it along with the mocking at 78 makes my blood boil. I just hope you are finding some new friends and allies.

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Brave Nancy ! the only 2 stores that still wanted masks after the few weeks of lockdown, will never see me again. I only wore one where I was given one (walmart) and only because things I needed can not be bought anywhere else in our small town. LUckily most people have stopped, but some still wear one, mostly only over their mouths. I wonder what they are thinking!

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One thing for sure is that they are NOT thinking!🤣

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Me too. Saddened and angry. Angry and Saddened. I often find myself in a liquid state in between those two emotions when I think of mRNA implementation by Pentagon.

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I think that this Spartacus fellow is controlled opposition. His job is to catch people like you who know that the owners of the world's governments have done this on purpose and at least make sure that you still believe that this was a "pathogenic virus".

But pathogenic virus particles are an unproven hoax. People who actually understand how to apply logic will find that astronomers have linked every historically mentioned "outbreak" (other than the more numerous occasions in which people were living on top of each other and drinking the water that the neighbor relieves himself in) corresponded in time with solar flair activity.

already in 1918, they poisoned people with "vaccines" in order to hide the fact that the new radio waves were what was hurting people.

in 2019, they "vaccinated" people to cover up the damage that the 5g frequencies are doing to us.

But if you want to, you can keep on believing in pathogenic virus particles in spite of the total lack of proof.

And being brainwashed to believe a thing doesn't count as proof that it exists in formal logic. Only in societal buffoonery.

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no thanks, life's too short to waste my time on obvious propaganda. Show me the experiments in which virus infected people were made to infect uninfected people. I can show you the experiments from before 1920 in which prisoners in military prisons in exchange for commutation of their sentences agreed to drink, breathe and inject the mucous of people with flu symptoms. The experimenters did not manage to infect even one person out of 62. Nobody's tried the same since, just using the cult of authority that people like you are either knowingly spreading as lies or are brainwashed yourself. They tried the same with horses and that didn't work either.

It's good news that you have so few followers. Maybe people are waking up to your type of bullshit.

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Among their many extremely unethical experiments, Unit 731 intentionally infected prisoners with various different pathogens, with success.


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whether they could start major outbreaks, and as reports suggest, they could. There is no accurate estimate as to how many people the Unit killed,

reports suggest? That's your proof? Bubonic plague is a bacteria. Cholera is a bacteria. Your link is propaganda from the doofuses who you claim have washed your brain to within an inch of its life.

You can't be as stupid as you're pretending to be. Did you hear me mention bacteria before now?

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People were injected with the covid virus.. Not everyone got sick and the average was 2 days to get symptoms. No different then a normal cold. A study they wouldn't share as is embarrassing to the narrative.

Not a conspiracy. DARPA professor confirms the vaccines will make you an antenna for 6G networks. These covid vaccines are nano networks with graphene based plasmonic for terahertz nano networks. Ever wondered why they pushed this and would let people die from refusal of the vaccine as couldn't get organ transplant but oh so so bad to die from covid. Give me a break people are so dumb.

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I agree with everything you said about viruses/plandemics. And even the current deployment of "cell towers" while blaming a piece of nothing and continue deployments. 5g phones use 10x more power than 4g and past, being meant to power "wireless sensors in sealed devices" and have faster negative health effects.

I don't agree with you on Spartacus being controlled opposition because he provides links, sources and all that extra info some still need to remove the programming.

These people calling the shots are alien human hybrids or "jews", or zionists, same thing. They have the Jewish hive mind. The aliens will stop at nothing to enslave us and they're panicking right now. Biden can remember anything , so it will be Kamala that tries to destroy our country. And probably laughing at the same time.

Earth is not what you think and is actually much greater with hidden/ forbidden areas to humans, of course.


The video shows the truth about earth being flat and having areas where possibly hell exists (terra vista) on earth. Oh yea I almost forgot to mention I'LL INHALE ANY "VIRUS" OF ANY TYPE ANY DAY WITH OR WITHOUT A MASK. They are quackery. Spartacus is collapsing they're behind the scenes moves. I agree less should be spoken of "viruses" and more on the known health effects of millimeter waves (above 24 GHz) and see if these match up to "covid". 100% match. The invisible photons are microwaving peoples blood out turns out causing coagulation of the blood. Blood clots.

Here's the fix: we assemble in public places (church?), and recruit armed citizens and begin eliminating any and all illuminati in politics. 20 30 40 cars deep. Begin in Hollywood, state capitols, governors, vice presidents offices. We want to not harm our own police or cause unnecessary problems. It may sound like much but it's gotta start. I'm all in, but around me theres nothing but sleepers waiting for the WHO to come rescue them.

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Maybe we need to accept that soon we'll be like the indians in the late 19th century.

Chinese people who will be renting what were formerly "our" lands from the Rothschilds' clients at the vatican will joke about "when was the last time you saw TWO white people?

Well, what goes around comes around. Our ancestors participated in destroying the livelihood of what we call "the american indian". "They" told us (our elders) "manifest destiny", and we didn't hear "holocaust of the 'american indian' ".

Now it's our turn. Soon the current residents will be either in criminal gangs or trying to take care of fake "vaccine" handicapped relatives while the Chines will settle "our" land with the agreement of "our" "leaders".

We can probably hold on to some remote lands if we manage to be as discreet as the bigfoot are today.

We could save everybody's life with IV EDTA. Current price? About 8 bucks for a pound of pure powder. But they are so pathologically stupid that they'd refuse in favor of their Nth "vaccine".

I don't know about your flat Earth. Can you offer me an explanation of why when I create a 20 mile long wireless link that if I don't take into account what I call "the curvature of the Earth" that my link won't work.

Please do, I"m looking forward to see if you're a logic based fellow.

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20 miles is pretty darn long for a single link. What frequency you using matters too and the strength of your transmitter. Many objects can get in the way if youre in low terrain. If you're in the ocean, forget it. Its definitely not the curvature.

It matters whether you believe in sphere earth or God's earth as that breaks a major portion of the programming. In ancient times, God would intervene and these catastrophes wouldn't happen,as long as the people prayed and had faith. Religion today is idk the word, unreal in many parts of our country. Killing babies (abortions) for vaccines is ok, and having many babies mommas seems normal now. We as a a society have lost morality and faith and iodolize pedowood actors more than God himself. These are worrying times.

And also, the invaders WHO have shown their intentions and we'll be waiting. The American citizenry is the largest army hands down. They want to enslave and kill us. No way.

Big Pharma desires to keep us weak by vaccinating/ boosting every 6 months. My response is they can have my poisonshot. For severe illness I'll make chlorine dioxide. I never take "medicine" as they only mask symptoms. Hiv is fake too. Shady test, fake results. Viruses are real but made by our own immune system to dissolve the infected cell. Almost like an ambulance after a cat crash. Blaming the ambulance because he's always there after an accident doesn't mean the ambulance caused it. Funny how these coronaviruses all knew only to hang out in people's "droplets" and not the water vapor already in the air. They're non-living how do they know which is which?

And the link question answer is: get a larger antenna or more powerful transmitters. Frequency still very important, though, as not just any frequency cuts through oxygen, co2, clouds and/or vapor.

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20 miles is pretty darn long for a single link.

I I account for the psy-op which has brainwashed me into believing that the earth is quite nearly spherical, I can get 150 mbps at 20 miles. If I proceed as though the Earth is flat, I won't even establish a connection.

What frequency you using matters too and the strength of your transmitter. Many objects can get in the way if youre in low terrain.

Yes, I can see the objects. That's how I know whether it's the curvature of the earth or a pine tree which is preventing the link.

If you're in the ocean, forget it.

I"m not, so we'll forget it.

Its definitely not the curvature.

Ok, I see that you're not logic based.

It matters whether you believe in sphere earth or God's earth as that breaks a major portion of the programming.

The American citizenry is the largest army hands down.

But for the moment far too brainwashed to be of any use to themselves.

They want to enslave and kill us. No way. Big Pharma desires to keep us weak by vaccinating/ boosting every 6 months. My response is they can have my poisonshot. For severe illness I'll make chlorine dioxide. I never take "medicine" as they only mask symptoms.

Me neither.

Hiv is fake too. Shady test, fake results. Viruses are real but made by our own immune system to dissolve the infected cell.

Pathogenic virus particles with no metabolism are not real. If "virus" is defined that way, and we accept their definition, then ok. But not pathogenic virus.

Almost like an ambulance after a cat crash.

Those cats should really learn to stop drinking while they're still ok to drive home.

Blaming the ambulance because he's always there after an accident doesn't mean the ambulance caused it.

You make the very good point that the real epidemic that's been going on for quite a while is confusing cause with effect.

Funny how these coronaviruses all knew only to hang out in people's "droplets" and not the water vapor already in the air. They're non-living how do they know which is which? And the link question answer is: get a larger antenna or more powerful transmitters.

That would seem a silly thing to do. If I just use that equation which tells me at what height I need to be for it to work, it will work with an appropriate sized antenna.

Let's set the example of not having bad blood between us over this. You should look at the equation and perhaps find another of god's works to explain why the link will work when this is applied and won't when it's not. I'll keep on believing it's because of the curvature of the Earth until somebody logically disproves it, and I"ll permit you to keep believing what you want to believe, and I won't even lose respect for you if you refuse to offer your opinion on how this coincidence of my links always working when I apply this rule and never working when I don't.

Perhaps we could run an experiment. Your belief that Earth is flat could make it so that if you set up the antenna in the spot that I'd say was too low that it would work and wouldn't work any better at the height I would put it.

You could make a believer out of me! I've got the open mind, but I still want proof.

Frequency still very important, though, as not just any frequency cuts through oxygen, co2, clouds and/or vapor.

Believe it or not, I chose the frequency for the job based on the experience that that frequency just always works in those conditions!

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The moon's image we see is the Earth's reflection. That's the reason why it always look the same.

I use auto spell and forget to proofread sometimes lol that's why the "cat" crash.

There's no bad blood.

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In the context of "the virus debate" Fitts has a great point that I'm going to roughly paraphrase:

"The discussion over virology, from a strategic point doesn't matter. It is paramount that we back out of the control grid that is going to enslave us. You may want to be a slave that knows the truth. Tactically the top priority should be backing out of the control grid."

I've certainly been guilty of falling into that trap. It's really easy to overvalue *knowing the truth* and overestimate your own ability to get to the bottom of it. The sad irony is that the basics are enough. No matter what rocks you happen to turn over you always see a consistent pattern of a war being waged on the people. If someone is unable to understand that basic premise, fighting over other smaller details is completely irrelevant.

This isn't to say the facts don't matter. I appreciate your ability to cut through the nonsense and at least save people a lot of time.

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The genomic and virologic aspect is fine to investigate, but it's also a teeny fraction of the overall story. It's easy for people to end up hyper-focused on that and miss the bigger picture. This isn't a story about some bug escaping a lab. This is tyranny using a virus as an excuse, plain and simple.

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"This is tyranny using a virus as an excuse, plain and simple."

Indeed virus is the cover story for total control measures. Check out the clips JJ Couey has for "Swine Flu Czar" Chatham House talk, especially the maps showing media messaging impact & detailed strategy to manipulate public opinion to incentivize vaccines.

It's in the archive section with the text below.

"This is a great analysis of a 2011 video from the Chatham House lecture by the Flu Commissar of Belgium in 2009. I follow up with some early Fauci AIDS videos that show that Fauci knows all about the SWARM phenomenon, but hasn't once mentioned it with regard to SARSCoV2 and the prospects of vaccinating against "


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Best summary and matches my beliefs from the beginning:


Everybody keeps pointing out they are lying, but nobody is asking why they are lying or why they would do this. If you were aware in 2008 that the entire world system and economy was bankrupt, you went into 2020 very suspicious because it was in the process of blowing up again. Which the other of the above article does a good job laying out the timeline.

I'm glad many of you are very upset with how things are going now, but you should have been upset and demanding change since 2008.

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Another read that may help fill in some of the blanks on why they would do this, in fact they might think they're being more humane to the general population this way. Cause you know, they know best, as if they haven't been telling you since 2016 since you voted the "wrong" way.


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voting at all just encourages the wrong people. One can only choose the wrong people unless you're going to write-in Pat Paulsen. Instead of voting, sabotaging the polling place would be a better use of time, but not much better. Do rather what George Carlin did. He stayed home and jerked off, saying that at least when he was done he had something to show for it.

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Agree. I think we get lost, lose time, and divide over the details, when it's the larger story we need to stay focused on. Fitts has been a light of clarity in this way.

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In fact balancing the personal acts of self-sufficiency and independence against the research and staring at the crash-site is important. There is actual work involved in deflating the bubble of walking in fossil fuels made flesh.

My journey started with not wanting to be an ecological assistant in that I didn't want to contribute to the waste stream. All roads lead to the decentralisation of Rome it turns out.

Fuck em!

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I do agree with that. All I needed to know about the kill shot was "blanket liability indemnity" for all involved. Anything from that point forward was quite irrelevant to my decision.

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Bang on correct. Jeffrey Epstein funded Neil Ferguson Imperial College and his failed models that never came to fruition even with their fraud and Is the Dalla Lana School of Public Health Toronto with David Fisman who is apparently being investigated by OPP been funded by Jeffrey Epstein?

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yes, you're right that there's not much point in talking to people who are immune to logic about some of the details they've gotten wrong. Makes more sense to just write them off as hopeless buffoons.

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Dude - you are a fucking legend. The newer voices in the ring are helping more people become aware they have been mistaken but not very many are holding the torch down the rabbit hole like you man. Thanks for going there. I have, for decades now silently revolted against the Oligarchs and the emergent power/control grid by setting up (from 2005) my off-grid family homestead and choosing to buy barely anything. That's how they keep this shit up.

I nearly got taken in by the fear response early March 2020 but held on.

Your 1st Spartacus post was victorious in my case and really solidified and built on my independent research so I'll always be thankful.

Keep that Bullshit detector dialled up to 10 - we need people like you while we are invisibly decentralising the wild country.

If you ever get stuck in Oz reach out and I'll have a warm fire and plenty of home grown food to bug out on.

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Could nOT agree more, Oxymoron...and relate sO much with your comment!!! Spartacus ROCKS all others out of the park, IMO. I'm not saying that the numerous other important voices out there, exposing the unthinkable madness in their own way, are unworthy. Those voices are a blessing to us all!! Spartacus has though, from early on, connected the decades of dots, and put that crucial information out there for aLL to take in, research and witness for ourselves, and THERRRE we have it... the web of evil planning and accountability.

I cringe when I hear 'Lab Leak'. It disgusts me

to no end.!. Spartacus's fight in this battle, keeps the fight within me to tirelessly attempt to educate those around me SOOO alive... totally gets me fiRed up, haha!! ENDless thanks to this absolute legend!!❤️

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Dec 12, 2022
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It's a multi-prong resistance, hell there were people in large groups by the rivers and coasts in days of old so a great many good ideas and people dwell there but hey - I'm taking the easy way out here. :)

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Dec 14, 2022
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YEAH some shit going on...

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The smoking gun about intent was the proclamation by almost all western leaders about the instant need for a global reset. Hand puppets all with identical announcements. No more evidence was needed beyond that point...particularily seeing how the stage was set preceding the announcements.

Anybody not seeing the obvious at that point was only doing what they could to convince themselves of the goodness of all people...while burying their head deep up their arse to avoid the brazenly obvious. Eveything beyond that point continues to clarify the obvious.

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so US DOD funds DARPA and has funded mRNA from the day dot. AND they are pushing it to become the NORM! Implementation of mRNA is the goal. Remember that. They are MANDATING the product that can change the humanity and spirituality forever by changing DNA. So now it is about who will be the fall out guy? We have two players (very visible) drawing attention to Fauci. CIA "Mockingbird" Scenario. Fauci = Deep State Pentagon (selected by Bush Jnr & Cheney).No way he is the only one ' responsible' NOPE. GOF was done by many. Daszak (MI5) Kristian Andersen, Robert Langer of MIT set up the Moderna AND worked with Leiber. As Courts are controlled by Deep State, prosecution will be dragged for ever, lots of "big events" maybe Financial Markets crash ( which many including Burry are predicting, not just ordinary crash but like 1930 type, or a WAR III etc while they = CIA implement mRNA behind the scenes...la fin de humanité as we know it.That upsets me.

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Hey Bibi ... you said Bush’s name ... I wonder why that family has bought thousands of acres with an aquifer in South America . I’m find that odd , is there something going to happen in the USA they we don’t know about ?

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I do not know. I can not predict what is going to happen. Nobody can see the future. Look at the probabilities. Unclassified Documents. History. How CULTS behave etc. I dont want to be taken the wrong way...not sure how to express what I mean...Meditating about death and dying as a real possibility (which it is) can sharpen one thinking, bring clarity of purpose, solidify the needs, feelings and values which will serve you well...enable you to live your life fully in the moment, spiritually awake and fully open & accepting of your own essence. Be alive fully every day ..as if it is your last.

PS. Most people I speak to have purchased properties and left cities.

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Meditation on death and dying is powerful. I'd like to share.. reoccurring dreams of blast wave in major city as well as a series of events.. Bronze Age collapse and attack on "Senate City," a "cattle drive" with Bush Jr. mispronouncing the word "nuclear" and "a new Pearl Harbor" involving Israel.. families handcuffed together drowning themselves in huge waves.

We have close to 30 acres in the Appalachians. Dad and I and my cousin who lives up there have been making improvements to the property.. wood shed, rain barrels, food plots and other habitat projects. I have DIY portable solar, all manner of woodworking tools, low tech solutions, materials and a homesteading library.

I suggest that people who don't own land look for motel or cabin rentals, weekly/month-to-month, near state and national parks while preparing the basics for survival. If world turns for the worse and home situation presents clear and present danger make arrangements to stay in rural area. Families with time shares and common deer camps could work out preparedness scenarios involving bug outs plans for extended family and friends.

Tools, fasteners, earth bags and tarps could be handy for building temp shelter until everyone gets up to speed and the shock wears off. Dont forget bulk seeds. I picked up 10 lbs of Corn and Bush beans at American Seed Co. in Spring Grove, PA a couple weeks ago. Best wishes everyone!

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Yes, I know this as well. It appears that there is a chance of a major planetary event which could result in massive damage, and the Southern Hemisphere may be a safer place to be?

Or perhaps they are just scared we will figure out they were behind/involved with everything from JFK's assassination to 911 and and get out the pitchforks, lol!

For a few tidbits listen to Suspicious Observer on YouTube and read "Where Did The Towers Go?" by Dr. Judy Wood, if you don't know that some form of Directed Energy was likely employed to start all the New American Wars.

And then dig into Kennedy's killing. It points right at the CIA....plus high levels of the US Government.

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Just my two cents. Frankenvirus created in a lab. Sequentially seeded in key western countries to illicit a predicted impact and outcome. With a script already in place of course. All staged to lead up to the main event. The injections and never ending bio state oppression.

Every time there is a round table, by keep figures, there is always an outbreak of what they just happened to be working on. Glaringly obvious for years. B Gates had another round table in October. Guess we will see.

I watched Fauci lie to the world in the eighties and he has never stopped.

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The timing says it all - 100% intentional.

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In total agreement. I came to the same conclusion, utilizing the same tidbits of available information and logic.

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Excellent ✅ I agree 100%

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Thank you so much for your work. As someone else pointed out: I too was almost sucked in by the fear they propagated early on but had a deep down feeling something wasn't right- and then your original article popped up (I found it on www.patriots.win ) and I knew what I felt was right. You probably saved my life and for that I will be forever thankful.

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Spot on. Intentional, plain as day.

The overt ultra focus on the scientific aspects of the whole affair is meant to keep everyday folk at arms length, and it continues. The science will continue to be debated ad nauseum.

The truth is already staring us in the face.

Thank you for your work.

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Big media, big tech, big Pharma, Top 500 Corporations, Demonrats(and some RINOs), Our military, The UN & W.H.O, China, Pedowood, are controlled by "the elite" and are against freedom & Christianity (N.America + South, Western Europe, Australia & NZ). This is a holy war and a depopulation agenda

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Yes. It was intentional. Go back even further. About 30 years. Take a look at what the various players were working on—although that is getting more difficult to do. There is a concerted effort to bury journal articles various researchers wrote on subjects like Swine Flu, self disseminating vaccines, and using vaccines to control fertility in pest species. The Swine Flu Pandemic of 2009 was a plandemic too. The Swine Flu circulating in 2009 had a genetic sequence never before seen in a flu virus—according to the CDC. Some of the same names you see in the news now were doing Swine Flu research in the 1990’s.

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Something else that tells me it was intentional and nefarious—Since when do you see drone companies and those providing war matériel to Ukraine involved with biomedical companies developing Covid19 therapeutics and stem cell research—and the CEO’s are former intelligence personnel?

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1000000000% correct 👍🏼..... ON PURPOSE.... catchy title Spartacus. Expose each and everyone. Thank you.

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I never for a second bought the zoonotic origin theory, but have always, with every atom of my being, wanted to believe that this virus accidentally escaped from a lab. Refused to accept that there is satan in this world, that people like Klaus and Fauci and Gates and Baric et al. really are so purely evil. Stuff of nightmares.

So I fought tooth and nail to not go down the plandemic route, just to keep my sanity in tact. It was hard enough work trying to cope mentally with what was going on around us, on every level, but to admit that it was all intentional and orchestrated... oh man. It is only now that I can admit to myself that yes, it is clearly the only possible answer.

The questions remain - how do we resist what's coming.

And on a more immediate level - are the unvaccinated under the same level of danger from mRNA bioveapons as the vaccinated, via shedding?

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How I wish wish wish this wasn't all true.

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