
Thank you for that guffaw-packed Swiftian satire, Spartacus. It makes a delicious complement to my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

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7 deadly words

I'm from the oligarchy, here to help.

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In the spirit of satire may I suggest the following assortment of discriminating bumper stickers for the cattle to place on their vehicle of choice:

Save a cricket. Eat the elite.

What’s for dinner? Roast Schwab.

Achieve net zero! Strip the elite!

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Instead of "the elite," I like to call them the nefarians.

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Elite. Rhymes with effete.

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"In 1954 this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called "moral issues" were raised, in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such a people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent."


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I've heard that before from bill cooper.

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it's not complicated. to "build back better" one necessarily starts by destroying everything including what is actually good. They've been doing this for a long time. Everybody who isn't hiding most of their income from them is being quite helpful in their own destruction, and yet they invariably think that they're good citizens.

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WOW!! Dead on and its scary because it is coming!

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Interesting read Spartacus. I see the validity of your hypothesis that the rich and powerful want to eliminate the “useless eaters” but while reading this article I couldn’t help but think of the opposite dynamic currently at work. There’s a segment of the rich and powerful that tax and spend enormous sums of money to keep the useless eaters alive by paying for their welfare, housing, internet access, stimulus money, etc. Maybe they want a world of dependent slaves and eliminate the independent thinkers?

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Tax and spend creates a vulnerable population that can be forced into miserable poverty and death at any time by cutting off welfare at some unspecified future date, yes.

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Who would anyone trust the elites, because, they could at some point, say, for example (presuming they succeed in enslaving most of Humanity), they might then look at their success, beat their chest ever so loudly, and then say “they are even more worthless and stupid than ever without any creativity and drive”, what do we need them for??? Then the real axe falls. Isn’t that how many people see the eventual outcome from the megalomaniac elites?

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Ultimate control.

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the 'useless eaters' you refer to are given just enough to exist, with at times a bit extra for some Circus to go with their stale Bread. But merely existing is not the same as living.

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"Three generations of imbeciles are enough." - Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writing for the 8-1 majority in 1927 Buck v. Bell eugenics case:

Harvard’s dark past as the “brain trust” of American eugenics

BioEdge, February 25, 2016


Buck v. Bell, Due Process of Law?

Political Research Quartely, 1953


This case from a century ago still stands as American jurisprudence. Never overturned. Not even after Buck v. Bell was raised as a defense to crimes against humanity by defendants at the Nuremberg trials -"You Americans approved of it, what's the big deal?" Only mildly tempered in Skinner v. Oklahoma in 1942. Upheld in cases as recent as the early 2000's.

AND...Buck v. Bell is guiding the laws and bioethics governing Newgenics in the emerging field of biotech, CRSPR, designer babies, transhumanism, euthanasia, etc:

Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test:

Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020


There's a reason Buck v Bell has stood for over a century, many reasons. Like the ones you satirically indulge. "Three generations of imbeciles" is considered settled law in the US, stare decisis. Saying that government-imposed eugenics is constitutional.

But, that's not surprising, considering that the very first Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Jay wrote in one of his early opinions, "The People Who Own the Country Ought to Govern It":

The Supreme Court, hegemony, and Its Consequences

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, December, 1987


And they are governing it as they see fit. The men and women in black robes are nothing more than high priests selected to enforce the will of those who own this country over the will of the majority of the people. Because the law is just words subject to the interpretation of rulers. And in their Darth Vader voice they are saying, "We've altered the deal. Pray we don't alter it further."

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Bulletins -Along the lines of your story here about the corrupted judiciary, I recently read a stack article related to the US legal profession's connection to the UK's Council Corporation. The Council ensures loyalty to it by US/UK lawyers when they take their bar oath. The oath is also a tool for promoting & enforcing the NWO agenda in legal cases & their judgements as the lw is the final arbitrator in western civ now.. I've been looking for the stack article for an hour now but can't find it. I'll come back here & post the link if I find it.

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While you're doing that I'll share these links. Sen Joe Biden and Judge Clarence Thomas at his 1990 confirmation hearings. Natural Law vs. Positive Law jurisprudence. We will not be a constitutional republic again until we restore Natural Law jurisprudence. Morality in law. Radical concept, I know. The concept the US Constitution was written for. Only under Positive Law can NWO agenda come to be. There's no coincidences. And these video records of those hearings tell us more than they appear to on the surface. The transition from Natural Law jurisprudence to Positive Law jurisprudence in the early 1900's set the stage for what we're facing today. We must return to Natural Law jurisprudence. They tried to close the door on it behind Clarence Thomas. There's a reason he is so hated by the overclass.

Short version (00:04:46):


Long version (03:22:58) :


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Bingo. Found it.

It's a stack (reprinted) from 2022 by Frances Leader from her earlier posted one.

Here it is: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/what-does-the-rule-of-law-mean

WHAT DOES "THE RULE OF LAW" MEAN? - The Crown rules all nations! - Frances Leader

Apr 01, 2022

Frances says: Lucky for me, earlier this week, I had serendipitously stumbled across an astonishing article called:

The Crown Temple by Rule of Mystery Babylon

by Michael Edward of the Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community (ECC)

July 15, 2003

Excerpt: "I had included a reference to it in one of my articles but I doubt if anyone opened it so I reproduce it in full for you here with a few minor edits for clarity.

I hope you are as staggered and impressed as I was.

Buckle up, get refreshments, you are in for a wild ride through some obscure but enthralling history!"

Are you familiar with this info & do you know about the Crown Council in London?? The clif notes version is that the US is not in control of its own legal system as the US legal profession's lawyers have each taken a loyalty oath to London's Crown Council when they pass the bar & join their state Bar Associations (which are all affiliated with the Crown)..

Altho most US lawyers probably are unaware of this & don't know this background, they have sworn fealty/loyalty to the UK's London Crown (which is NOT the Royal Crown but a Legal club corp) but not sworn loyalty to an independent US judiciary as everyone believes. Seeds of corruption, right there.

And thank you for all the links. I'll have a look at them when I have more time.

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Thanks, I'll read. Yes, I'm familiar with the info, have heard it from several sources. I've not come to a final conclusion on it, but find it interesting to contemplate. My sense even that whatever truths it contains is also just a cover story for something even deeper. More layers to peel away to get to the real rotten core.

If you have about five minutes the first c-span clip is a sort of highlight that gets your attention. The longer clip gets deeper into the concept of natural vs. positive law, requires more undivided attention.

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Re: not coming to a conclusion on it, once you read the article I think you'll be convinced. Does anyone in the US know what a lawyer's Esq. after their name means in leagalese? And the stuff about the early US founders being trained in London & going to London to borrow money for the "new United States" is quite revelatory. All of this analysis contains info we've heard or learned in our history books, but the info here is interpreted differently. Frances made a believer out of me with her "Black Nobility" stacks & this Crown info. Our country & its leaders are not at all what they purport to be. Well we knew that already but this article goes further than just US crimes & inner corruption.

The Brits didn't lose the US colonies in the Revolutionary War but simply cut a deal w/the US "leaders" to allow the US to have a constitution & the appearance of independence" in order to control the states in perpetuity & to loan money then to the new country after the war.

And the constitution is only a paper document w/no real enforcement power as the major drafters/signers of the Constitution were lawyers legally bound/loyal in their oaths to the Crown. The loans provided to the new govt of colonies after the War all came w/control strings & contracted repayment provisions that weren't met as the US defaulted on the debts. Article explains this clearly.

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I hear you. All that you're sharing I've read before, if not from the article you link. But I have a whole lot more familiarity with the content than you're presuming. There's some Missouri in me, I reserve final judgments and reach them sparingly. And like I said, what I find true in the article I don't find it to be the final word. I believe there are many more layers down from even that to reach the rotten core. And will not be satisfied with any partial understanding to assert as the final word.

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Thnx for sharing these links together here. Another piece of the puzzle plot. The arrogant, rotten, nasty, unhinged globalist lizard-nuts are nothing if not patient.

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don't reproduce. Only people like ursula are allowed to. Just found out she got 7 kids. Gates and schwab have kids. They should do what they preach. If there are too many people, they should be the first to go. Call trudeau for some kits. Then their children and grandchildren. Same for those who stand with israel - you go first. I read the US military has not enough recrutes, they cannot fight 3 wars at a time. Attacks on american soldiers in Syria... what are they doing there? Defending America? While at the Mexican border criminals from all over the world stream in? Build back better Ha! in his house may be. Another garage for the boxes with secret files... or a new home for his poor son...

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"We are supposed to say we are for Hammas sneaking in and attacking a bunch of innocent people or we are for Israeli ethnic cleansing.

No how bout this, I'm not part of your operation.

I'm not gna sit here and watch while my life and my children's lives are ruined while you put your wreckage in my country. I demand Benjamin Netanyahu take 20 plalenstiens into his house and I demand his candy ass son in Miami suit up in body armor and go to Gaza and fight these people or get the hell out of my world and I don't say this because I hate jews. I say this because I'm not a toilet bowl for you to sit on and shit on I'm not."

Alex Jones

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Create enough chaos & cruelty to break nations. Then offer the solution! ; ))

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Clearly Spartacus gets the appeal this has to all too many. So many have rapidly, lustfully, purposefully, selfishly bought into this Death Cult. They accept their life is worthless and only want to find usefulness and their special 'purpose' by taking their enemies, their loved ones, and everybody left with them. In this upside down dimension their 'altruism' is the elimination of humanity. Truly a Noble cause for the real victim. No different than death by cop for any front page mass murderer. Most people hearing this thought at least once while listening to the Jacob Rothschild look a like, "He made a good point there."

Listen: The earth has no purpose and doesn't exist without shared human observation. No humans, no shared observation. No shared observation, no earth. What evidence that the earth even exists without the human experience? Two monkeys sitting around the midnight campfire, one says George I'm curious, what's the meaning of life? George says, life has no meaning without humans to throw our shitz at.

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Remarkable how Rockefeller & Rothschild, with their pallow cheeks, very pallow cheeks, resember Burns from Simpsons.

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Lol, yes, but to elaborate upon your satire just a bit more- this is the thinking of the plebian, ground level parasite who considers himself our overlords! ; ))

Next level up- the deluded and deranged by the thoughts of endless power over legions of Hackable animals, leaping into battle at their beck and call, or reduced to Carbon based robots, working away in the Borg tradition for the ravings of the latest lunatic mind, in Charge,

And finally, another level up, (or into the madness,) once again-

(to continue the satire, of course,) is the one groveling at the feet of his/her alter to Satan, committing the worshipful acts of "pulling off legs, disembowlments, etc." to achieve approval of their "god," and who thinks nothing of of throwing bits of themselves into it's maw as well.

Sorry, not enough coffee, yet, to get into my characters heads, and write from their points of view (not sure I'd go there with the coffee, either!) but perhaps we need to examine these mentally ill people just a bit more.

: ))

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Brilliant my good Substacker - you have have described my attitude perfectly. We are indeed Gods to the 99%: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/gods-rule-data-war-consult-vaxx-apathy?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I shall repost you for the benefit of my geriatric readers.

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Dead solid perfect.

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