Thanks Spartacus. Good work.

I have been tracking this closely, reading all those papers, and treating with vitamin-d and antivirals since the beginning, before the Chinese government admitted it existed.

I was fired in October 2021 for non-vaccination.

This is a well presented overview of the vast knowledge we have accumulated about this virus.

It's the mRNA "vaccines" that may already be set to do the greater and ongoing damage , including to future generations.

John Day MD https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/

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Great article. I remember your original article published (among other places) on zerohedge and I am hooked. I did personally work on getting healthier prior to catching Covid.

Do you think that Covid-19 is a live vaccine, that is deattenuating to a much deadlier form?

The great pushback against early treatment is extremely frightening.

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You didn't discuss the earliest phases of infection through the epithelial cells. What do you think of nasal/mouth/throat rinses to lessen the replication after known exposure of earliest of symptoms? My husband and I are in our mid 50s, but active and lean. I have JRA (45 years) and take Enbrel and NDAID. When my daughter was symptomatic and with positive test and NOT isolated in our house (how cruel!), we upped vitamins and gargled and sinus rinsed with salted purified water and small amount iodine 3x a day for 3 days. Husband no symptoms. I had a scratchy throat and nose a couple of days.

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Absolutely - anyone were following the REAL science of COVID-19 should ultimately end up round about here on this page. Amazing work!

Thanks to you all, and if not part of ICENI - Jikky Kjj, Walter M Chesnut, Clucky and all the other passionate researchers recently looking at this objectively for us all.

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Great article thanks!

So what do you do if you get flu like symptoms (but haven't tested for COVID). Most people wouldn't go into hospital at this point, they would just stay in bed. So what would the advice for this situation be and what medication/supplements to take? High dosages of Vit D and C?

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High dosages are not necessary. Moderate, reasonable amounts will do it. Personally, I recommend an antioxidant stack of 5000 IU Vitamin D once daily, plus NAC, glycine, selenium, kutki powder, curcumin, quercetin, resveratrol, and zinc. Additionally, 40mg of famotidine and 25mg diphenhydramine (Pepcid and Benadryl, which are available OTC in the US), which can safely be doubled to 80mg famotidine and 50mg diphenhydramine if spaced out reasonably, with at least six hours between them.


People don't quite get it yet. They are looking at everything except antioxidant effects. They give people famotidine and conclude "it must be a histamine reaction/mastocytosis that makes COVID-19 so severe!", and while that cannot be conclusively ruled out, it is also true that many of these things they're repurposing for COVID-19 are also ROS scavengers/Fenton interrupters:


I am convinced that many aspects of severe COVID-19 can be described in terms of lethal oxidative stress.

The thing is, all of these things (deficiency in vitamin D, selenium, glutathione) can be traced to malnutrition. Look up the prevalence of vitamin deficiency in developed countries. It's appalling.

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Thanks! That's a lot of antioxidants! Do you take them all every day or just if ill?

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Mostly just when sick. The rest of the time, I recommend a balanced and nutrient-rich diet instead of supplements, because the vitamins in food have some of the highest bioavailability you can get. Vitamin D, cysteine, and selenium are crucial, but you can get those in highly bioavailable form from oily fish like salmon or tuna, sunflower seeds, and Brazil nuts.

What's making COVID-19 more severe is the habitual consumption of empty carbohydrates (i.e. processed grains and filler cooked in palm oil and dusted with salt and paprika and sold as snack crackers), also known as the Standard American Diet or SAD diet, and the resulting micronutrient deficiencies that leave one vulnerable to immune dysregulation. One study found that a high-quality diet may lessen the severity of COVID-19 by 41%.


Because of the necessity of many micronutrients in regulating biochemical processes related to the immune system, there is a close relationship between micronutrient status and sepsis:



In many developed countries, Vitamin D deficiency is a huge problem. Over 40% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient:


Frankly, our diets are terrible.

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Great information! thanks!

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What about for children? Can they take all those antioxidants as well?

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It should be alright, but with half the dosage. Personally, I'm not worried about children as a group at all. They don't get severe COVID-19 very often unless they have pre-existing endothelial dysfunction from obesity. Little kids have very efficient endothelial nitric oxide synthase enzymes and produce lots of nitric oxide, which is actually quite antiviral against this particular type of virus.

This is an old SARS paper, but it's thought to be true for SARS-CoV-2 as well, due to the many structural similarities in the Spike:


As people age, eNOS makes less and less nitric oxide. Also, African-Americans as a group are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 due in part to lower NO synthesis. Also, excess oxidative stress consumes NO (the so-called "NO/ONOO-" loop I've described in this and in previous articles, where superoxide forms peroxynitrite and uncouples eNOS).



Some COVID-19 papers suggest a diet including beets (rich in dietary nitrate) to raise NO as a preventive measure:


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Great! I appreciate all your time!

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I cannot thank you enough. There was no one willing to speak with me at the hospital I am at. (Internists , Infectious disease) to discuss mechanisms of disease process. Interestingly, a few general surgeons, talked with me and they understood and wanted to talk more. Nobody was willing to have grand rounds to get better educated. Spartacus, when you have completed these topics , I will go to the medical education department and ask if I can do a lecture to the staff. Thanks again and anxiously awaiting part 2.

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After we traced out the pathways of COVID-19, the "neutrophil degranulation/DAMP buildup/redox loop" hypothesis of the virus's pathogenesis seemed the most likely explanation for what is seen in COVID-19 patients. Those who are suffering from severe COVID-19 basically all have low nitric oxide, low glutathione, low selenium, and low Vitamin D levels coupled with elevated nitrotyrosine and other oxidative stress biomarkers, with pre-existing endothelial dysfunction (diabetes, obesity, hypertension, old age, etc.) as the greatest predictor of illness severity. All these things point the finger directly at redox.



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Thank you again Spartacus. Explains the lethality of disease in the at risk population.

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By the way, just a quick update; I added links/references to the treatments section you might want to see.

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Thank you Spartacus for the updates and your thoughtfulness.

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This is brilliant!

Large chunks of are over my head..but..2 quick questions.

1/"MERS is a lethal disease, with a case fatality rate in the area of 30%, but it is thankfully quite rare, and this mortality figure may be an overestimate due to under-surveillance."

If its under-surveillance why couldn`t the case fatality rate be possibly higher?

2/What is your science background?


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I, personally, have an engineering background, but am effectively the scribe of the group. ICENI includes a number of biologists and virologists, all of whom have chosen to remain anonymous.

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Thanks !

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By the way, to answer your other question, it's because under-surveillance would be likely to miss a greater proportion of infections that resulted in survival, rather than death. If someone thinks they've just got the flu, they're unlikely to seek medical attention for it, so it goes unrecorded. For instance, there were 2578 cases of MERS and 888 deaths, so the CFR is 34.4%. However, if there happened to be another 50,000 undetected infections that resolved without death, for instance, the IFR would be 1.68%. The way IFR is estimated is by doing seroprevalence studies where they try and figure out how many people in a population have antibodies to a pathogen. For COVID-19, the seroprevalence is actually very high in many places, and people's immune systems are already adapting to the presence of SARS-CoV-2 as an endemic pathogen.

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Thank you for getting all this important information down on paper. I think this will end up being very useful to lots of people. 👍🏽❤️

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I talked to a bomber pilot a couple of years ago


4 min ago

A very interesting gentleman, affected by the war ww2.

The great backpeddle is starting along with the great retrenching and refortifying. Luckily for the planet there are honourable scientist doctor researchers in the world. people that stood against the corporate profiteers. We are greatful.

As we know now the machine of distraction is spinning up and I think working well.

We must not be distracted with all the superfluous studies the if / ands /or whats.

Does Ivermectin work, does Hydroxy work, were there protocols available to treat. When were the WHO/CDC/FDA made aware.

If the answer is yes. If those treatments/ prophylaxis were suppressed then murder has been committed. Nothing else matters right now. We must prove our case. Period.

Who committed those murders

Who participated in the great lie, news media of course, doctors, legislators etc…

How do we make people accountable, there is a way that won’t destroy society. I will offer my suggestion in another posting.

I asked that bomber pilot about flak, he said it was somewhat effective. A plane would fly into a cloud of flak which led to the occasional mission failure. The most common thing flak did was to distract and force the plane of course.

Lets not let the flak distract or force us off course.

Is Ivermectin effective, does Hydroxy work, where their treatment options, when did they know.


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Can you provide any proof of the existence of this entity callled vírus?

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If we assumed that SARS-CoV-2 did not exist, then that would mean that 500,000+ published journal articles by thousands of PhDs at the tops of their respective fields are describing something nonexistent.


That seems extremely unlikely.

If you're arguing about whether or not viruses exist and whether or not they can infect cells (Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory), that's basically a lost cause. Viruses do exist and do infect and replicate in living cells. It is impossible for a virus to satisfy Koch's Postulates because viruses are obligate parasites and need living cells and their machinery to reproduce. That is, you can't have a pure culture of viruses and expect them to replicate.


Viral infection can be confirmed by simple immunofluorescence staining techniques.


The notion of "Terrain Theory" is, scientifically, a lost cause. It flies in the face of all evidence.

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So, the short answer is "no", right? Thanks. Virology is a religion, not a branch of Science. Regards.

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I'm sorry, but you are categorically incorrect. Virology is a science, viruses do exist, they are parasitic free-floating genetic material, they do infect living cells and insert their genetic material in them, and they do replicate despite not being fully alive. I don't blame you for not wanting to believe it; it's a rather perturbing fact that these things exist and are harmful to the human body. By all means, pick up a textbook and see for yourself:


The position that viruses do not exist is indefensible, like believing in a flat earth. It's complete nonsense.

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Terrain theory is nonsense, sorry. Viruses do exist, and are contagious. If you put someone in the same room as someone else with smallpox or measles, they will eventually develop the same infection. "Terrain theory" could only be nurtured by people who grew up in a sterile environment, having little concept of disease transmission because of how few diseases we actually get. If you've ever had a cold or flu, it's because you breathed in viral particles from someone else's cough.

Again, it is impossible to make a pure culture of viruses. They have no organelles and cannot replicate their proteins without the help of ribosomes in living cells. Experimenters have inserted genes inside viruses, introduced those viruses into cell cultures, waited for them to transfect those genes into living cells, and then verified by genetic testing that the genetic material was integrated into the cells.


Germ theory accurately predicts every aspect of viral infection. Terrain theory predicts nothing and is nonsense on-par with homeopathy.

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Measles. That reminds me of something. This German virologist offers a prize of 100.000 Euros for anyone who proves that the illness is caused by a vírus. Easy money, hu? Why don't you give it a try?


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Mar 25, 2022
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Thanks for the tip! I'll have to give it a try.

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Hmm, why is my comment "removed"? I have not deleted it.

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I deleted it. No offense meant by it, but recent events have given me cause to cut off any association with certain online venues. Therefore, any comments explicitly mentioning them by name will be deleted. My apologies.

We aren't the only ones watching. There are people who would gladly trawl through these comments to try and dig up dirt on us.

I will say one thing; the boron supplements do seem to have helped. I can't thank you enough for that. The swelling in my fingers has gone down a lot.

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I see - no worries, I will watch my words next time :)

Happy to hear that B helped.

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Please do! Some people go with borax but fructoborate, for example, is easily available as a supplement. Consider the role of borate complexes in plants: they protect and strengthen the tissue, the same thing as in animals.

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Mar 6, 2022
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Indeed. Many SARS vaccine attempts in animal studies were total failures. Some even induced immune sensitization. This will be covered in the next part.

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