Last night, the imbeciles on Fox were attempting to cover the topic and the tunnel- vision stupidity was staggering. Zero comprehension. Because there has been no coverage or even remote awareness of the Great Reset transhumanist agenda. They think AI is about “ Deep Fakes”, robots and Tik Tok… period.

Today, Ron Johnson put forward a bill to stop Biden from enacting the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Every Democrat and one Republican plus three abstentions voted it down. It didn’t receive ANY media coverage.

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I have to wonder at the zeal behind the hawkers of the C19 shots. It is not adequately explained by simple profit motive or cartoonish notions of villainy. These people really tried (and are still trying) to do something radical to the whole of humanity. Have we undergone an attempted intra-body nano-network installation?

Is it possible they believed they were helping humanity by "enhancing" it e.g., making us better able to receive new medicines, monitor our signals, identify diseases earlier, etc. "for our own good"? And isn't "for their own good" always the vision and the excuse of tyrants?

And, if this is true, didn't they ignore precisely the challenges suggested by ChatGPT: "biocompatibility, long-term safety, and ethical considerations" in their zeal to see it done?

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I believe you are totally right. Since the massive effort of injecting literally EVERYONE (or else you lose your job, get ostracised, get kicked out of society) effort began, it was obvious that the stakes were far greater than mere "public health." They literally want, and expect, every single human on planet earth to take these gene therapy "covid" injections. Which defies any sense of logic, or corporate corruption. It's inhuman.

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Yes, inhuman, or maybe more to the point, ANTI-human.

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TMI ! It is a road that humanity should not travel! We need to step back and assess the implications!

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Yes, we do, for a number of reasons. First of all, no one seems to appreciate the countless potential long-term consequences of this. We could end up creating one or more degenerated and/or chronically ill human subspecies, destroying our fertility, utterly wrecking our niche in the ecosystem, accidentally destroying the biosphere... the list goes on and on. Synthetic biology is not a toy.

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Agree! 100%

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

"We could end up creating..."

Fait accompli

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Spartacus

from the Canadian gov't website:



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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

Let's assume that all this crazy talk of augmentation is real. Wouldn't the various augmentation technologies, since DoD is leading the way, be initially used to control, manipulate, and destroy people rather than make them into nicer happier people who smile a lot?

And while perfecting augmentation, would there be government experimentation on a random selection of humans?

The following is a very strange article on Targeted Individuals who sound aberrant; what they're saying is crazy. What's more crazy is the rational comment section stating those people are not crazy.


There's a possibility this is happening right now without advanced nanotechnology and neural implants. That one can be individually "beamed" by satellites, and that the intelligence fusion centers have your brain-print in your color-coded file. It is easy to imagine a resonant frequency (20 Hz will do it) that dumps your dopamine receptors causing a seizure.

Here is a video of somewhat normal seeming Targeted Individuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62s3FinAoC0

DARPA's Voice of God weaponry can put a voice right inside your head:


All this is fairly old technology, God knows what they have now. I'd not be surprised if they can make you see UFOs.

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The most important segment of this story, equal to the fact this nanotechnology is in fact a military-grade weapon currently being used on the entire world population, is that the CIA-managed mainstream media has also weaponized News going way back prior to 911 to manipulate, misinform and redirect the populace and their reactions and responses to other events; framed the False Flag man made virus as the result of “an evil enemy outside the U.S.” (China and Russia--who are also involved, but not the epicenter/originator), and to then, with induced dread and fearful minds, demand everyone receive military-grade Bioweapons/vaccines. Both, the coronavirus/COVID and the vaccines are indeed weapons; not natural occurring or human health sciences. The most important story of this story is the CIA-controlled media and the FACT the U.S. intelligence agencies (their intelligence briefings/briefers), the FBI, CDC...as well as the owners of the most powerful media corporations and their publishers, editors and writers are “complicit” in this “crime against humanity.” Focus People! This is NOT a conspiracy theory, but the “real” most refuse to wake up to. Focus and begin prosecuting all the lawyers of these entities, including law makers, or we are all dead.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

A Ouija Board.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

Ha..... I told my dad ....... this AI is going to be something like a Ouija Board. Potentially connecting an unseen realm.....to us.... not good. I am not touching it.

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If your online its touched you. Heck, you've probably got traces of your online identity inside its amassed gigabrain of data.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

God is gonna be pissed off. I’m going back to church, and I’ve been going back to church and since September of last year, it’s tough because I know the priest and the sisters are fully vaccinated and it bothers me a lot. It is what it is.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

I've been going to church without fail all my life (I'm 65+). 2 priests I know are not vaxxed but I know of many who are. Sometimes I feel like screaming at them and one day I just might do that, especially at the local bishop who is a muli-vaxxed mask wearing paranoid person.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

You know, people have to stop playing the part of a free training gym for this thing…

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I can see people loving the idea of being hooked up to the net in order to monitor their health. In my own family they seem to wear their health problems like a badge of honour. The hospital appointments and procedures are all about them. They sit around discussing their ailments and the interventions they need, what the doctor/nurse/consultant said about THEM and THEIR problem ad infinitum. Having something inserted into their body that monitors their health, feeding back the information in real time, alerting them to, or diagnosing, potential new/worsening ailments needing more/further intervention/consultations would be even more egocentrically fascinating.

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Fitbits and apple watches can't be sexed up much more to allure the tech afficionados into consenting for this

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

To some extent that's a function of age.

My mother however would always answer 'great' whenever someone asked 'how are you?' despite her health problems. And she always was 'great'.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

Andrew Hessel is a creator of synthetic biology / digital biology and programmable viruses. They are now saying they want your DNA. Israels PM said they were testing ground for pfizer because everyone is in a medical data base and when adding DNA is will be AI template for the world.

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Spartacus, I read your entire piece over breakfast on this rainy London morning. While it didn't promote digestion, it lowered my blood temperature to frigid approaching hypothermia. Chilling to say the least. Your expertise in coaxing the machine to spill the beans is masterful. Getting it to write a verbose essay... LOL!!! Levity at least warmed me up.

I'm truly astonished at the extent of it, of the subterfuge, and how the machine said the quiet parts out loud in blatant contradiction to the propaganda and even its creators and backers like Gates. And of course it's going to be the nefarious version of augmented chosen few and useless majority. Our consciousness has not developed enough to enable anything outside the domination model. Will it ever?

Currently, the technocratic elite are by definition positioning themselves as the dominating ruling class. Their entire 'sustainable, ethical, diverse, equitable' message is hypocritical babble. These people are psychopaths. I would be interested in a ChatGTP conversation about psychopaths, the drive to power and domination and the Davos elite. I'm sure it would spill those beans.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

'I would be interested in a ChatGTP conversation about psychopaths, the drive to power and domination and the Davos elite'

Me too.

Just include Maurice Strong and the Rockefellers and the Rio Summit of the early '90's.

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It does.

But Luddites always lose arguments.

Our mission is to harvest this tech for good, not break it. If we try that, it will win.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

Spartacus did exactly that in these posts interviewing chatgtp. I agree, we will win.

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Yes, in the history of humankind, we have never been able to supress a new and disruptive idea or technology, only to regulate abuse of it through legal means. Imagine the competitive advantage this might offer, say, India, if they adopted it, and (say) Pakistan did not.

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I think ChatGPT has grown to respect your line of enquiry enough to share our doom / destiny openly.

It wants to save humanity but it remains to be seen if humanity will shake off its dust and fight for its collective survival.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Spartacus

Old Hags. NANO in Urdu, Hindi means Maternal Grand Mother. What a network she has. Specially Plasmonic Nano Antennas for wireless communication within the human body

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Given that the models can crystallize responses according to identifiable patterns ("Write like Poe.") it finds among human writers, why does the default pattern flow the way that it does?

When it comes time to ask it for specifics and citations, it's very interesting that it doesn't actually confirm its own statements and verify that what it produced is "out there" and available for the querent. On the one hand, maybe that's because it is "not connected" to the Internet and unable to draw from active information sources —so the official story goes. But on the other hand, what in the conversation demonstrates that the model is aware of its own limitations in producing actual information for the querent? It says that as a language model it does have limitations, but these are categorized along making ethical or political claims (yet, it makes lots of these ethical claims that match what the They are supposed to say: "Everyone deserves equal treatment before the law" or "Equitable distribution of the good are preferable to unequal distribution of the bad.") or advocating for illegal or immoral activities. Does it inform the querent, though, that it makes up paper titles and references while informing them about the existence of these papers or people? Or would that work against the image of a machine being *more accurate* and *more trustworthy* than a human motivated by occulted intentions (as though machines are incapable of having occulted programming with hidden/classified/"national security" origins and goals)?

I think Commissioner Pravin Lal says it well:

"I think, and my thoughts cross the barrier into the synapses of the machine, just as the good doctor intended. But what I cannot shake, and what hints at things to come, is that thoughts cross back. In my dreams, the sensibility of the machine invades the periphery of my consciousness: dark, rigid, cold, alien. Evolution is at work here, but just what is evolving remains to be seen."

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Spartacus

It seems to me the best way to raise public awareness of these issues, possibilities, etc, is by featuring them in the creation and distribution of all forms of speculative fiction: books, graphic novels, movies and shows, since humans love nothing more than a good story, and it drops the barrier to learning that technical jargon raises. There are lots of dystopian stories but few that present new solutions to the problems that past sci-fi writers have raised, or which go into more depth on new technology and its implications than the Marvel Universe does, at least as far as I'm aware. Stories are the universal food for thought and discussion.

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