Noted. You are doing an amazing work Spartacus! Thank you.

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Please contact me at rsheftall@gmail.com. you are listed in my book: "Heroes and Villains: The COVID-19 Book of Lists". Thank you Spartacus.

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I sent an email just now via Protonmail. Thanks for the mention!

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Thanks, S. More coming through email.

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The talk was unadulterated enjoyment.

You were very articulate, organised and prepared! Going forward it would be great if you could consider having a format of short and sharp on topic series of educational conversations. The ones that fits within 15-30 min MAX. Keep it concise, simple but not simpler that it needs to be and cover ONE issue/topic/idea at the time. That way people can search and listen what they are intrested in and when they have time. Knowledge on demand. Bite size webinars. We could also use it for tweets. It will make it easier for a wider audience to connect and benefit of your breadth of insights.

I love you both and sometimes over 1h talk is a killer even for me.

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It's insane how deep all of this goes. "Deep Biopolitics" is something that touches every aspect of human society in a holistic and broad way. It's a topic that almost seems to rebel against the very idea of condensed information. I am only just beginning to grapple with the implications. I have a lot of research to do.

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Totally agree. No buts. I am not promoting "condensed information". I am suggesting you consider structuring it in ways that facilitate understanding and "stickiness" of concepts. There are ways that this can be facilitated. Adult learning theory + neuroscience of learning. If you wish, maybe I could email you and/or Kev some material on how adults learn and what neuroscience of learning "suggests" are the ways we can help people learn. I worked in that field for the last 15 years so I could share some insights. I am assuming your intent is to educate people.Being mindful of how to structure info in ways that lure the learners into content while increasing its stickiness...well...let me know if you wish and I could probably email you (short & sharp) guidance used in public and private sector on how to structure learning.

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Sure, why not? I can be reached at weareiceni@protonmail.com

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Hi Bibi, I’d be interested in this information too. Any chance you can email to me too please? I’ve been out of formal education for well over two decades but I feel I’ve learnt a lot more in the past two years alongside (often instead of!!) working full time than I did in four years under/post graduate study. I’m certainly more motivated to study and have developed an interest in and passion for subjects I was largely ignorant of.

I’m nearing 50 and my fact retention isn’t quite what it was! I also find myself disappearing down side alleys and rabbit holes. So much to learn and so many interconnected mazes on info. I also find it hard (mainly because I haven’t tried) to ‘structure’ research and learning, partly due to the interconnectedness and partly because I’m jumping between so many platforms. It’s confusing! Twitter, substack, what’s app groups, Telegram, a host of websites and podcasters that use a variety of channels from the highly regulated YouTube to rumble, odysee, twitch, etc, etc.

I’m drowning but enjoying it. Petrified of the future (for my children rather than my own) but simultaneously enjoying the buzz, the challenge of learning, the detective work involved in joining the dots in an attempt to expose and overthrow our draconian overlords.

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You stated my experience totally, as well. Nice comment! I am thinking like you, how can we organize this firehose of learning so we can stay on top of things? I have some ideas, but no training. Some of my ideas I cannot even phrase correctly. Thinking Housatonic(Mark) could help us here. Doesn't it feel wonderful when your brain is 'in the zone'?

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You may want to contact Patrick Jordan of vaccinefraud.com

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I linked the talk in 3 forums I inhabit. Added links for the moral bio enhancement and the 300 book in Kindle form as well as picking it up to back fill my 'conspiracy well'.

Everyone needs to start linking up and doing cross overs like Rixey and Dowd. DocKek (Pena) and Wolfe. Who could sit with Tim Pool?

Gates also bought rail lines.

Good job.

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I loved this show. You guys were great. Thanks for including so many references and links; some of us think that's icing on the cake.

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Spartacus, I’m interested in your opinion on Walter Chestnut’s work on substack! Thanks . Positive science there I believe.

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Yep, he's in my recommendations. Excellent intel on some of the more complex aspects of the proteinopathy potentially being induced by the virus and the vaccines, even if the conclusions he draws are often horrifying.


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Thanks Spartacus ! 😎🌞

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Great chat covering a lot of ground but not sure if being a perfect compliment for my quilting doesn't put me in a minority for a full five hours. Love you both in discussion but have one big complaint & that is using Google as your search engine when they're the enemy & awesome alternatives exist.

If we aim to build some parallel social structures we need autonomous info networks. Try Presearch which has Blockchain structure, lots of spiffy tech tools and results like it's 2006 again.

Please nag Kevin & everyone else you know to give up on Google too, thanks!! :~) https://www.presearch.io/about

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I've searched these same papers so many times, off the top of my head, I know which search engines put them at the top of the first page, and which ones don't. I really should be bookmarking and snapshotting all of this, to be quite honest. Thanks for the search engine recommendation, though. I'll have to try that out.

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Bookmarking is good but since so much disappears my strategy is to check to see references have a saved copy at Wayback & save to my own Internet Archive archive. That makes finding references super fast and has current copies so when sites vanish or modify we have the evidence locked down. If you get a toolbar button it will redirect 404 Not Found to saved copy IF someone saved it. Try it you'll like it and do valuable backup with two clicks!


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Spartacus, I love what you do. But the chance of many of us (including yours truly) listening to a five hour livestream is zero. (Some of us are visual learners -- I never listen to/watch podcasts/videos/whatever. Among other issues information/time density is far too low.)

I am hoping that when you have such a piece, you can run it through an autotranscriber and post the results (they are cheap/free). While not perfect they are easily close enough for those of us who read extensively to get what we need from the piece. And it will broaden the audience for something like this by a large amount.

Thanks for all you do. Wish you wrote more!

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Opened my eyes about many aspects of the ongoing crimes that I was unaware of.

Is there a link to the story about wireless tech to influence fruit fly nervous systems?

(I want to share this with a young researcher).

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There is a lot of info out there on this. Look up Rice University's MOANA and Battelle's BrainSTORMs, as well as DARPA's N3 program in general. You can pull up a lot on wireless BCI tech using "nanotransducers for neuromodulation" as keywords. Basically, nanotransducers are tiny nanoparticles (around ~20nm in size, smaller than a virus) that are similar to quantum dots, and they're designed to change the membrane potential of neurons by taking external wireless energy and using it to open ion channels. They're not "nanobots". They have no moving parts or circuitry of any kind. The precision of the system is basically down to how accurately you can localize the externally-delivered wireless energy to specific brain regions. Any kind of wireless energy that can be absorbed by the nanotransducer will work; various proposals involve using ultrasound, electromagnetism, RF, infrared light, et cetera. Anything that can get through the cranium. For Battelle's BrainSTORMs, for instance, their plan was to power their MeNT nanotransducers using electromagnetic resonant coupling, delivered by a helmet with a very precise grid of electromagnets. It's basically a Wacom tablet that goes on someone's head.










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Thank you! I wrote an article sharing these most helpful replies:


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These are great leads, Spartacus! Thank you!

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No problem at all.

DARPA's N3 program is after a nanotransducer-based two-way BCI, which means that they want nanotransducers that are capable of retransmitting their status to an external receiver. Realistically, this would require a helmet worn on the subject's head, in order to have any degree of fine resolution. The purpose of the wireless nanotransducer tech is to avoid performing a craniotomy and resecting the dura to expose the brain before implanting electrodes in it, like Neuralink or a Utah array. In other words, they want to develop a brain-computer interface that is surgery-free and injectable.

BCIs do have valid hypothetical uses, like treating blindness and paralysis, or controlling prosthetic limbs. However, with any device that is capable of neuromodulation, there are serious ethical risks that must be addressed, like violating basic cognitive autonomy by directly altering people's emotional states with an Affective BCI.



There are also a lot of basic privacy and safety issues with having a wireless, internet-enabled device with a direct link to your brain. Such devices could be used as lie detectors, they could allow hackers to steal one's health data and information on one's mental state and extort them, or they could be used by intelligence agencies to surreptitiously alter someone's thoughts.

With two-way BCIs, there are other, even more outlandish possibilities, here, like using human brains as a botnet and stealing neural processing power to run Deep Learning applications.

The most concerning aspect of all of this is the recent development of the neurowarfare paradigm, where nation-states are viewing the idea of altering the mental states of an enemy nation's citizens directly through "less-lethal" neuromodulation weapons as acceptable (and not a violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention or the Biological Weapons Convention). James Giordano and Charles Morgan's speeches at West Point's Modern Warfare Institute are chilling to listen to:



There is a concerted push by military and national security figures to leverage increasingly advanced biotech to directly manipulate the mental state of an adversary without even firing a shot. This is a very dangerous precedent, because of the subtle nature and difficulty of attribution of such attacks. It widens the playing field to include plenty of people who aren't uniformed combatants. In fact, it appears that they are considering the civilian populations of rival powers as valid targets. If every nation-state is attacking every other state's population with neuroweapons, this leads to an obvious issue where the State is, itself, in a condition of perpetual warfare with humanity to preserve its own existence at our expense.



When all of these factors are taken together, it is difficult to trust anyone in power with something like wireless BCI tech, which promises a conduit directly into people's minds.

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Thoughts on JJC and cDNA infectious clone theory.

I know Baric did this with MERS some time ago

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Can't comment on that because I don't think we really have any solid proof either way as to whether or not SARS-CoV-2 was produced by artificial recombination or serial passaging. One would think that if the former were the case, it would have left more telltales in the genome. The presence of the gp120-like motif and furin cleavage site are suspicious, but as far as I know, those regions don't bear the hallmarks of obvious tampering, otherwise. If they did, then the question of a lab leak (or intentional release) would have been solved years ago.

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Thank you

This is the deepest rabbit hole I have ever been down but I have learned so much from so many.

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Excellent discussion!

As to a motive for "pushing" the reset, i.e., ten yrs too early, check out Ben Davidson's YT channel. He has a lot of evidence and reasoning for there being an approaching Earth-wide cataclysm on a 12ka cycle likely to kick-off in the late 30's to mid 40's. Check it out before discounting, this guy is no fool. An up-to-date take on catastrophism, which is a suppressed area of science that dates back a few centuries but now is supported by a wealth of scientific evidence. If you aren't familiar w/ the subject, your science acumen will make it a quick study as long as you are open to the evidence. It's vast and encompasses multiple fields of science and academic research, but my point here is that it is w/o doubt that "the elites" are aware of this future (and past) and so goes very far in explaining why they would feel inclined to push the panic/reset button, even beyond the imminent collapse of the world economic "system", i.e., the global organized crime system.

His channel delivers a very concise daily morning space weather update (10 years+) and more lately additional short pieces with responses to "disaster" questions. There are very good feature length pieces on subjects of climate science, cosmology, etc., but this playlist will bring one up to speed quickly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2decDcEJqo&list=PLHSoxioQtwZcVcFC85TxEEiirgfXwhfsw

Spartacus, I think you need to review and consider this material. Very entertainingly presented, I might say. And can also freak you out and shake up/change one's "world view", literally.

Thanks for your post.

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I made it through the first three hours. I will listen to the replay. Thanks for all your work

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Enjoyed the insight and knowledge you share . I break it up into segments. Thanks.

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Where did the iron go*, the dopamine issue with SARS-CoV-2 toxic Spike protein and the mindless science, leading to more thoughts on 'Died Suddenly'.mejbcart

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