4th Livestream with Kevin McCairn
Guests included Charles Rixey, Walter Chesnut, Jessica Rose, Johanna Deinert, Jonathan Couey, Mathew Crawford
We had a round table discussion this past week that involved numerous figures in the resistance and went in-depth on a wide range of topics over the course of four and a half hours.
SARS Insurgency Round Table - 2022-09-24
We covered some aspects of COVID patho and some big-picture things as well, pertaining to the vaccine and the overall situation with all the censorship. There’s a lot of good stuff in there.
Recently Dr. McCairn and Charles Rixey were on Clyde Lewis’ Ground Zero Radio program. It was a phenomenal program. The more we share the message, the more listeners we attract, the more opportunities we have to get the truth out. The truth will be known. Thank you to everyone brave enough to take the risk and speak the truth. Never forget. Fauci did not act alone. There are others who facilitated this evil. They need to be exposed. Some of them need to face charges in a court of law. Blessed are the whistleblowers.
thanks for posting.
interesting theories by WMC ... wondered what are your thoughts if you could put in layman terms? thanks in advance.