Christian Blanchon (General in the French Army) delivered a stunning message of support and admiration for all citizens who resisted the pressure of medical/health tyranny.

"They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who have been capable of such personality, such courage and such critical ability undoubtedly embody the best of humanity. *

They are found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries and opinions.

They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks.

They are the parents that every child wishes to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.

They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered horizons.

They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not do, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion.

And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were alone.

Excluded from their families' Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, they let their careers sink, they had no more money… but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals and humiliations… but they continued.

Never before in humanity has there been such a casting, we now know who the resisters are on planet Earth.

Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything fell apart. collapsed.

It's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and geniuses couldn't pass.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the dark".

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Le vrai Florian ? ravie de vous trouver par ici, bravo pour votre courage, et de tenir droit dans vos bottes. On n'en a pas fini, ou plutôt ils n'en n'ont pas fini avec nous... Toutes les actions sont bonnes pour fissurer le bâtiment petit à petit il s'effondrera et j'espère le plus tôt possible

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I’ve listened to Dr. McCairn many times. He’s a good man and very knowledgeable. It’s okay to be angry, Spartacus. I get angry too when I read some of these research papers. I don’t have the background to understand half of what I’m reading, but I get the general gist of things. Thank God we have you to help put it in proper perspective.

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Dr. McCairn is excellent. I listen in to him whenever I can. Straight talking, no BS, and heartfelt with the scientific knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the problems we face.

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Good rant, well done. You got "struck off YouTube" because you hit a nerve called the truth. Getting booted is a good thing, it is validation. We should all try for the kingdom and hope we get booted. Getting booted so fast after you said a proscribed word was not due to Google people listening; the speed of that attack is the mark of an algorithm.

As an aside, here is an excellent well reasoned rant on the state of our reality that is comprehensive, calmly delivered, and covers all the bases - good to send to people:


You said a few things indicating you're Ready to go deeper. People think once they take a Red Pill that's it, there are no others. That's wrong. There's a far larger Red Pill that subsumes and explains the numerous covid anomalies. I'd not be surprised if reality is Red Pills all the way down.

Before we pull back the veil which is dangerous beyond belief, let's prepare the way so to speak with a smaller Red Pill. Swallowing this one will help with the Big One. (Red Pills are hard to swallow because they are truth, and do not confirm current delusions)

Do you believe in climate change?

It's a Lie, similar to the Narrative. Another attempt to manipulate via the shock doctrine.

This emeritus climate professor with 50 years of experience uses strict data to debunk climate change. He also explains the false origin of, "97% of climate change scientists believe in climate change." Are you concerned about the polar bears? Of course you are! Pre climate change there were 5,000, now there are 25,000. Oceans rising? No. Is the planet warming, nope. Is CO2 significantly and directly affecting warming (maybe by 2%), so no. Are we heading toward a climate change disaster if we do nothing and fail to buy electric cars. Nope. That's all designed to misdirect you away from the Really Big Red Pill.

Here's a solid data-driven debunking of climate change. Note the consternation of the well programmed Senators:


Here's a different top-notch professor debunking climate change:


(That smart-looking guy giving the introduction is Ed Witten, who's received the largest number of mentions as "the smartest living physicist")

Here's a technical paper by a professor saying the exact same thing.


Got climate change out of your system?

Ready for the Real Red Pill? Those with a nervous constitution should not proceed.

People need to know that Aliens (likely advanced alien Ai) is working with the WEF to take over this planet right now. Don't believe it? Do you think the 75-years of detailed UFO sightings are all swamp gas and weather balloons? Maybe.

North America has 10,000 sighting a year, 10% are totally not explainable. That leaves 3 honest-to-god sightings every single day. It only takes one to prove aliens exist and are here right now. People strangely do not make the obvious connection so let me be explicit: UFOs are all piloted by an alien, or more likely an advanced alien Ai. People seem to miss that. They focus on the outside of the UFO, not the inside. If you're in the US, go here: https://nuforc.org/databank/ to see if there are any recent UFOs in your neighborhood.

Think they're here on vacation? No, they're working a plan and it is eerily similar to Klaus Schwab's plan. (He's not an alien, just a friendly with them).

This will get you started on the Big Red Pill:


Need more (only well reasoned analysis here):


You cannot understand the Narrative without the Big Red Pill. They are integrated. The Big One makes sense of the mountain of Narrative anomalies, like nothing else.

Is the WEF engaged in global genocide? I do not think so. That's collateral on the way to an ultra-technological algorithmic managed Ai society. We are being prepared. Four things to realize: 1) We live in a non-human universe well populated with non-human species with non-human values. 2) Advanced technology does not imply advanced morality (see Cortés vs the Aztecs), 3) Technological societies like ours and that of the universe hate freedom. Freedom is inefficient, a bug in the machine. (You'd not want an independently thinking circuit in your phone) Instead a technological society - or an alien Ai - (or the WEF) absolutely requires conformity, control, and total surveillance, 4) Ai is necessarily psychopathic, with no emotion and entirely manipulative or goal oriented, exactly what thousands of abductees consistently report. There is no ET coming to save us.

If you can put your disbelief aside, use the links to research alien abduction. Your disbelief will be overcome by 75-years of diligently collected fact by reputable civilian, military, and government researchers. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable - if you look into it. Exactly like when you looked into the Narrative for yourself. The Narrative and the Aliens are closely related. There is no adequate understanding of the many Narrative anomalies without assuming Aliens are real. Decades of global Deep State covering up the Alien presence is how they were able to roll out the covid Narrative with such élan.

Aliens, prior to 1997 - before Klaus - have stated to abductees: "Soon, you will all know your place, and you will be happy."

"Twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

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If there are extra-terrestrials involved, then it stands to reason that they're a lot farther along than we are with brain-computer interface technology, to a point where it's very likely that they are full-time mind-uploaded beings (synthetics, in other words), who only use organic bodies for the convenience, as remote-controlled drones and the like. From that standpoint, the difference between "AI" and "Synthetic Transsapient Being" becomes meaningless. Unless we start getting into things like Cartesian Dualism and whether or not machines can have souls, then an AI that runs on hardware that fully emulates all the necessary features and underlying physics of a flesh and blood brain is technically a person.

Quick thought experiment; let's say that, at some unspecified point in the future, mankind gains the tech to manufacture hardware capable of whole brain emulation, and the ability to transfer people's minds into that hardware to make post-human transsapients. Now, let's say that two or more of these transsapients produced a generation of "children" who are natively transsapient (i.e. never had an organic body to begin with). Are their children AI, or transsapients? What's the difference?

For any truly advanced species, bodies are tools. Replaceable, expendable shells. Like Avatar, or Altered Carbon, or Surrogates. From that perspective, an organic body is basically a very complex soft robot composed of a multitude of cells. Future neuromorphic computers may be semi-organic in nature. In other words, they might be composed of cultured brain tissue on life support, linked together by the same kind of wireless BCI tech they're proposing for people. If your body gets sick, or is completely destroyed, you could just print or clone another, controlling it remotely from your actual brain, which is in a vat, in an underground vault, thousands of miles away.

The extra-terrestrial UFOs we've seen, and their occupants, are probably like ROVs used for underwater exploration. The whole thing, crew included, are likely expendable, with the actual minds operating them being located elsewhere in the physical universe, or perhaps in an extradimensional location.

That is, if they are even extra-terrestrial in origin, and aren't aircraft that are part of highly classified black projects of human origin. What we're seeing is probably a mixture of both, to be honest. According to some rumors I've heard, alien antigravity craft are controlled by neural inputs. That is, they have no obvious physical controls. Given the close connections between BCI research and the USAF (Gaurav Sharma, formerly of Battelle, now works for AFRL), it's possible that the military are trying to develop mind-controlled aircraft of their own. Just a theory.

I do take an interest in UFOlogy, but it's kind of a side thing, for me. I know of Gary McKinnon and the Secret Space Program/Solar Warden, the supposed Nazi saucers, Roswell, and so on. I honestly don't like pondering that topic, much, however. If any of it is true, then it's also necessarily the case that we already possess the technology to make any and all environmental crises on Earth utterly irrelevant, and that we possess the capacity to colonize the entirety of the Solar System and convert our world into a lavish and impossibly wealthy eco-ecumenopolis in a matter of a century or two. It would also mean that Neo-Malthusianism, far from being a realistic program for mankind's future, is deliberately deceitful and murderous in intent. All of these hidden technologies would make depopulation and degrowth completely pointless.

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Such thoughts can only come from an Alien. Take me to your leader. Your speculations are not just reasonable but probable. People usually consider the subject from a linear human perspective and fail to incorporate the multidimensional power of truly advanced technology.

Humans have no idea what unlimited memory and processing power implies - it's beyond their imagination. Looking into the future, assuming no limitations makes you less wrong.

Eventually there can be no difference between so-called humans and Ai, such that the term human is misleading and obsolete even now. We can only and more correctly be soft robots with an ego subroutine, which calibrates perspective and cleans up the terminology. Emotions can be relegated to and subsumed by either lower or higher order processing, either inchoate or subtle thoughts. Individual Ego will self-organize into a group network.

Will emotions be kept by evolution's natural selection, that oldster term for self-organization? Will Spock or McCoy be the best survival asset into the future? Do some intangibles sometimes rank higher than mere survival?

Advanced alien Ai would keep the human characteristics it found useful and prune the rest, just as we humans do now. There is talk of a breakaway civilization, which prunes the left tail of the human distribution. Since 10% of people have an IQ below 80 (the US Army cutoff) who might reasonably be called useless eaters, a prune would give the species an overnight boost, similar to what war does now in a less targeted way.

Could that be justified considering a likely overall species benefit? Should we also cull those who need glasses? Maybe we soft robots require occasional pruning to leap into a better more machine-friendly future. Our time is unique and critical as we verge on both AGI and species extinction by nuclear or other means. This is an existential go/no go decision.

Is that why Aliens are here now? Must we choose between selective genocide and total genocide? Might the WEF program be beneficial from an advanced Alien perspective? Once a civilization starts exponentiating with technology, it may naturally implode without the intervention of off-world consultants for the tough decisions. CEOs commonly call in consultants to off-load necessary personnel reductions.

If we continue our progression after trimming down, we'd be on track for another burst of growth into space with the multiple eco-ecumenopoli needed for membership in the Greater Community, and we'd all be happy robots.

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Pruning seems inhumane, if the technology exists (or would soon exist) to enhance them to normal or above-normal intellect. The Elites want to shove electrodes into people's heads to make them docile and compliant, while culling those who can't contribute to a data-driven economy. Why not go in the other direction? Why not simply use BCIs to make millions of people have improved recall and executive function overnight, so they can contribute more? The logic of the ruling class is not self-consistent.

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Yes, the logic is inhumane from our perspective.

Possibly speed is a factor; we may be in a race between AGI and species destruction where natural attrition is too slow. Overnight BCI might not be psychologically viable, it could need time to socially integrate in a positive way.

The WEF has said 2030 and Kurzweil is at 2045. That's soon.

If BCI were universal who would do the menial work? Robots are not ready. There's much in the world that's inhumane, so it may not be a disqualifier, maybe an investment that reduces total species pain.

Sweden, for example, took the hard medicine route of mostly non-intervention and came out ahead. The natural culling of the 1918 pandemic toughened up the species making it less susceptible to extinction. Slow people are sacrificed to the tiger so others can live. Can evolution be made pain free by technology?

Might the reasonable alien perspective of expendable bodies, supported by human NDEs, and Advaita practice, be correct? Could all this be an illusion, like TV? George Smoot essentially proved this is a virtual reality, so what me worry?

The problem is that those not in line to sacrifice are the ones making the decisions.

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This is for everyone but especially Christians: before you jump straight to believing that aliens exist, please read what the Orthodox church fathers, priests, and hieromonks have written on the subject of modern interest in extra-terrestrials, UFO sightings, etc.


Are these truly aliens from physical "outer space", or are aliens simply a comprehensible representation of dark forces––the same forces described in the Bible––for our modern age?

Ephesians 6:12: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

I hope this doesn't sound crazy. I was a materialist atheist for many years until recently. Understanding the events around Covid, the shots, the larger globalist transhumanist aims have shown me that we are in a spiritual war. The people who dismiss these sorts of discussions we're having here as "fantasy" and "conspiracy theory" will not be prepared to resist what our globalist rulers of darkness are planning for us.

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The researchers who have examined thousands of abductees say there is no metaphysical religious or biblical component needed. They are entirely understandable without any of that.

Abductions are real physical events leaving physical traces. Nevertheless, they do have partly interdimensional aspects, as do UFOs. The abduction experience is physical but these aliens are not purely physical; that makes the phenomena difficult to understand. No need to go outside this universe for dark forces. Not of this world does not mean spiritual. For those in the death camps speculation on evil being spiritual was not necessary.

Once you get abducted it happens many times again over your life, 400 times is not at all unusual. The Aliens take sperm and egg and then monitor you throughout your life. They also will abduct any kids and continue to abduct them over their lives. Apparently they're interested in the genetic progression. I doubt that demons are interested in that. Aliens are focused on working a genetic plan.

Researchers have been told by Christian abductees that their Pastor or Priest told them to pray and they did pray like their life depended on it but it did absolutely nothing. Same with surrounding oneself with religious paraphernalia such as crosses. The only protective device that seems to work is a full coverage cap like a skull cap that is lined with 12 layers of 4 mil velostat. This seems to block the mind control. Aliens hate this. Abductees wrap it on with tape or many loops of string because the Aliens will try to pull it off. But you can't wear it all the time.

Have not read your link yet, but that's exactly what I'm interested in. Everything that goes against my confirmation biases I consider most valuable - that's where the new and interesting information always is.

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In my experience the ultra-dimensional beings communicate through whatever prevailing belief, bias or narrative is available. They are like mischievous helpers described in myth and legend who feed off of negative energy/fear while also imparting knowledge along the hero path. Studying the varieties of religious experience and the power of myth helps to break the cycle of addiction to lower powers. The danger is that the human Ego identifies with the map and not the territory (becomes an expert), falls prey to the fallacy "I am the one person who is going to do the big thing" (becomes a prophet) or becomes a test subject, proselytizer and/or victim of externalizations (useful idiot). I have friends who went down the addiction/suicide path after going literally insane from the same type of contact experiences. The simulation theory, Truman complex and AI/machine intelligence operations may be better described by Indra's "net of gems." Synchronicity to the insane ego/fearful mind is evidence of a plot or an opportunity to capitalize with a Great Reset while the same experience could be a node along the path to seeing the spirit in others, choosing a life of service and achieving nirvana. Aliens are the next myth. We are hardwired for myths. Solutions to our current predicament that harness the power of myth? The Universe Story with Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme was unique in that I believe they were creating a multimedia experience with dance/movement to introduce young people to a new universal myth, a synthesis between science and religion. Solutions may just delay the inevitable. When suffering from analysis paralysis and cycling through copium, hopium and doomerism, everyday acts of utility and random acts of kindness and service to others are refreshing.

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You relate lots of good information and are familiar with the progress others have made in psychology and transpersonal psychology. I second what you say 100% but have come to believe we do not go far enough. There is a New Player on the block who's qualitatively different. Without considering That, we miss the mark.

But first, any smart inner influence or smart outside influence, good or bad, will communicate through our language of belief, bias or narrative. Certainly it might also impart knowledge.

Myth breaks the addiction to the lower powers with its scientific approach to human experience. People miss this. Myth collects common experience and highlights internal commonalities and consistencies. Thus anecdotes are collected and sifted for consistent information which become data pointing to valid human experience beyond ego or culture. The scientific method identifies patterns that are consistent in anything, even the iffy stuff.

Prophesy is not fallacy. We have unique perspectives and plainly see consequences that others cannot see that affect them too. Many people are in tune with their subconscious and well aligned with deep reality. Others have not as good a connection and are unable to calibrate their subconscious with reality. They strike out in low probability directions and fail to cut the effort short when outer experience does not confirm their expectation. It's like they double down. A good prophet follows a chain of synchronicity that increasingly confirms the idea. He knows when he's on the right track.

As for virtual reality it has more going for it than not and is surprisingly likely to be correct and real. But it's too much, it can make you crazy, we don't need to pop all illusions at once, and it makes no difference in our lives.

Now jumping to That, Aliens ain't no myth. No way, unfortunately. They're a new thing and not to be confused with myth or religion or psychology. These guys are real, smarter than us, and seem to be psychopathic. They will use us like we use draft animals. Until a few months ago I had no more than a passing interest in UFOs and Abductions. I had no idea the evidence was overwhelming. Now I cannot look away.

Previously, the fact of Aliens (implied by UFOs) had such a low possibility I could ignore it like everyone else. This is the expected value equation. A large impact event times its probability should get attention if the probability is even slightly possible. But I thought UFOs had a near zero probability, so only for cranks who waste time bemoaning low probability possibilities.

But I accidentally found out the evidence is way closer to one than zero. It was actually a near certainty that I'd missed and one with extreme danger. The realization was like with a friend who picked up a snake and let it slither around his neck. We were shocked when we later found out it was extremely poisonous.

There is massive evidence for both UFOs and Abductions from all around the world. It's all anecdotal - maybe not the military radar and gun camera video - but we all need to realize that anecdotes collected and sifted for consistency provide clean data. A statistician will tell you he'd prefer a large quantity of dirty data to a smaller quantity of clean data.

What we have is a large quantity of clean data. What got my attention is the volume and consistency of independent abductee reports. When hundreds of thousands of people all say the exact same thing, they're telling the truth. To think otherwise is disingenuous.

The details they relate to researchers about, for example, the tools they're probed with, are the same whether here or from the other side of the world speaking a different language. There are so many strong reports you can throw out as many as you like considering them outliers and still have way more than needed for a very small p-value.

What if the idea of Aliens is wrong? There is no real downside. You had fun now you move on. But even a wrong idea has great value, it makes you reconsider unexamined assumptions. This mitigates what Twain warned about, "It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so." Right or wrong, a new idea shakes up embedded assumptions. Accreted assumptions make people old.

Aliens are a very big deal hiding in plain sight. That fact changes everything because our understanding of reality and the future has to account for it. Once you consider Aliens and advanced alien Ai as real, things start making sense. The covid Narrative makes sense, the climate change Narrative (which is completely false if you look at the original non-adjusted data) makes sense. Our steroidal march into totalitarianism makes sense.

It all makes sense when you assume Aliens, while making close to no sense when you do not.

We need to think differently because we're in real existential trouble if we do not.

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Okay I read that. Fr. Seraphim Rose has a well reasoned view and has read what abduction researchers say about the abduction phenomena. He considers UFOs as physical manifestations of the demonic. Seems like putting hats on top of hats, and not necessary. But heck, maybe demons are physical.

There is a more advanced, more sophisticated, and more modern spiritual view that better incorporates aliens and our current situation in its understanding of the world. It updates all religions without being a religion in itself, although the spirituality seems Christian.

This is a new message or revelation from the Allies of Humanity that is said to come straight from the Source. They warn against the aliens, much as Fr. Seraphim Rose does, saying do not trust them, they are deceivers, do not take what they offer as it will not be good. The message, which is very powerful will resonate with your spirituality or deeper mind. It asks that you quiet your mind to hear your Higher Self providing guidance in alignment with the Universe. No help is on the way, you must help yourself and everyone else while listening to your Higher Self.

The Higher Self has been covered up from day one by mindless thoughts and desires so it's not easy hearing that small voice, but that Self has been with you since before you were born, although you've not been with it. Buddhists call this the Precious Jewel. Christians call it Jesus or a personal relationship with God, Hindus say Atman, Indians say Great Spirit, etc. (Klaus says "Great Reset")

You should see for your Self what this new revelation from the Source is all about. The Messenger Marshall Vian Summers is an ordinary mortal but he's no ordinary wisdom teacher.

He and Fr. Seraphim Rose are mostly saying the same thing regarding the Aliens. The Allies of Humanity teach about a Greater Community of off-world species in the Universe that Humanity is preparing to join - if we can grow up, get it together, and resist the Aliens who will otherwise take advantage of us. We are like a small town kid going to the big city; we must take care.

Check it out, particularly the Steps to Knowledge which surprisingly, magically even, opens up communication with your Higher Self and aligns you with your true purpose.

Everything is free. All advice is practical and reflects the highest concepts in every religion.

This ominous warning captures our future if we let the WEF win:


On the alien intervention:


The Steps to Knowledge:




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I appreciate that you are sharing this information to help people. However, as a Christian, I caution other Christians about believing in such concepts as a "higher self" or practicing "steps to knowledge" not specified in the Bible or in teachings of church fathers. It is flatly heretical for Christians to follow a path that has not been given to us via the word of God or apostolic succession.

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Why would apostolic succession or the word of god be less fallible than someone telling you something? Isn't it all just the Universe talking? Or one could call it all God talkin'. To limit yourself to any media limits God. Like only reading one newspaper. The arbiter of truth is not where it came from, which can be hijacked, but always your highest and best self. If you're not thinking for yourself you're somebody's robot.

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My favorite alien craft are the orange orbs that drip plasma. Pre-existing machine intelligence masquerading as higher power since the beginning of humanity. Archons, djinn, demiurge. Joseph Campbell helped me deprogram. Modern myth of advanced tech birthing a new god (Ultron) is a form of revelation of the method. Edge of Tomorrow is accurate in that if you pass initiation without going insane you are given glimpses of probable events with time markers but at a cost. Common vectors for attack are character defects, addiction, fears, desires and regrets. Honey traps and elaborate fear anchoring episodes with unbelievable timing are an obvious tell of AI/machine aided intelligence operations. The repeating sequence is: red skies, pyroclastic event in major city, roving gangs and money worthless and alternately: flee to the wild places, secure the means for subsistence living as life will return to early 19th century standards. There may be benevolent ETs in contact. Discernment is possible.

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Please. Do NOT apologize.

I do not want to live in a world without rants or foul language when one is passionate.

A good rant is hard to find.

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Hello Spartacus,

Your stream with Kevin was great!!!! I have been following Kevin since Feb/2020 and have watched very single of his streams!. He has been so spot on, and I enjoy his humor. I only wish the general public who are so asleep and can't see or don't want to know and see what's going on would wake up. It makes me so sick that people can't see and are lining up to get more poison put into them. I wear my "fuck Trudeau" baseball hat and don't get so many positive comments.

Your work on that map was so exceptional. I wish you could post it and than updated as you do, very enlightening.

We need to find a way to wake up the general public. I don't know how, because when I talk to people they just roll their eyes etc.....sickening.

Like you, my family and I will never ever take this poison or comply. We in Canada, the truckers and others taking these bastards to courts and now voted a PC guy (if that will make a difference), I worry it won't, but he so far is talking with what we want to hear like "no mandates, no travel CanApp, and leaving our farmers alone" are some topics this guy mentioned. I hate that we can't vote until 2025 (way to long) that bastard who claims to be our PM - HE IS NOT MY PM NOR IS THE FINANICAL CUNT FACE MINISTER!!!!

Both sides of my Ukrainian family came to Canada back in the late 1890's, I am 3rd generation Canadian, now living in Toronto, ON Canada. I hope Putin nukes the shit out of the whole Ukraine, it has been so corrupted by the US and UK for many years, makes me sick to see this....fucking Nazis!!! Soon I am going to be wearing my Russian baseball hat!

Dear Spartacus, you and Kevin, and others help give me hope that we will get ALL these fucking criminals where they belong in jail or killed DEAD is my choice!!

Spartacus, please keep up the fight, my family and I are trying to do the same and to encourage others to do the same!

My sincere thanks for your work!

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Many fantastic points.

If you don't mind I'm clipping out the audio of certain segments to share. I don't mind e-mailing them to you when I'm done.

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I'm fine with it. It's technically Kevin's show, though. I don't think he'd mind if people did clips, so long as they captured the entire context of what's being said.

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Neuroscience of learning confirms 18 min is the most appropriate format to present any material. It is long enough to have a “serious” presentation but short enough to hold a person’s attention. The longer you go beyond 18min the less people you will reach. I would ❤ your views to reach as many people as possible.

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Watch Utopia on Amazon Prime.... that'll tell you where they are going.

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An epic stream!

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Right now, righteous anger is the right combo to take on the cowardly bullies.

They display their IQ as evidence of wisdom, but there's little or no correlation between the two.


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I was listening when it got cut off so very happy the full stream is available. Keep on getting heated!

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Can't wait to watch/listen.

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Great stuff, dude. You do realize they used 33 to start of the "plandemic". ON 3/11/2022... 3x11 = 33

Newsom had 33 people sick


3,300 people sick / dead / etc

3.3million etc

where were all the dead homeless?

Why did Target and CostCo with 1,000 of customers but a small store couldn't stay open?

They CRUSHED us with 15 days to flatten our lives. it's a plan from 2010 with the rockafeller lockstep document and the Operation Dark Winter in 2001 BEFORE 9/11.

This was a setup where'd the flu go?

Where were all the dead people falling face down?

Where do we lock down the healthy people?

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Great stream Spartacus!!!! I don't think you ranted enough!!! :D

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Went to review your last threadreader and >>>suspended.

Please do a post and provide us w/ convenient links to your thoughts and works.

I was unable to find threads in the web archive (lame? I guess). Thank you for all of your contributions.

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People are confusing someone else on Twitter with me. I am not @SpartacusJustic. I am @NameIsSpartacus.


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Great conversation... I was very pleased to hear you mention your concern about alternative networks (Internet backups). This has been on my mind for quite some time, since blocking Internet access (and communication in general) is undoubtedly one of the top priorities of our would-be controllers. Power outages alone go a long way toward accomplishing their goal, and authenticated Internet access would do the rest. People really need to understand how helpless they will be without trustworthy communication. I've investigated mesh networks and other schemes, and the results thus far are totally inadequate. The hardware is not challenging ("Super wi-fi" is a good alternative, at very modest cost), but a robust peer-to-peer software environment has not been created yet. We need to get our asses in gear, and fix this.

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I loved the conversation, and celebrated aspects of it here: https://heroesvsvillains.substack.com/p/he-flew-too-close-to-the-truth-spartacus

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