Conflicting Evidence
For over a year now, Ricardo Delgado, Pablo Campra, and others, such as the late Andreas Noack, have been claiming that COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.
Spectroscopy analysis reveals 99.5% graphene oxide in Moderna vaccination vial
In a new interview for Palabras y Verdades, La Quinta Columna clarified the doubt about the percentage of graphene oxide in the vaccination vials. When they talked about it being present in 99% or almost 100%, they were referring specifically to what is obtained after analyzing the contents employing the spectroscopy technique. It is not that the whole vial is graphene, but that when the liquid is purified, the signals obtained from this filtrate show that it is 99.5% graphene.
That said. Yesterday we learned that Argentine researchers have analyzed a vial of Moderna's vaccine and also found graphene oxide in it. And also 99.5% by spectroscopy. This is news in progress, and as soon as there's more Orwell City will share it.
This topic was actually raised as a question in the EU Parliament by Sergio Berlato:
Time for the truth on the presence of graphene in the COVID-19 vaccines
This past August, Steve Kirsch’s colleagues performed an analysis on four vaccine vials, two from Moderna and two from Pfizer:
Surprisingly, the vaccines were blanks. They didn’t find any phosphorus in them at all.
He found PEG, but no phosphorus which means he found the lipid nanoparticles, but no payload or preservative. A bunch of blanks. No mRNA.
Some people speculate that it’s because there was breakdown of the mRNA because it wasn’t kept at temperature. Nice theory, but that would violate the laws of physics: stable elements don’t break down. If there was mRNA in the vials, we’d find phosphorus, it doesn’t matter if the strands are broken or degraded. Stable elements don’t degrade.
Do I believe all the vials are blanks? No! If they were all blanks, we wouldn’t have this many vaccine injured.
Nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, have a sugar-phosphate backbone. Even if mRNA in a sample is extremely degraded, elemental phosphorus should still be present. Accordingly, there should be a phosphorus peak in the sample under spectroscopic analysis. No such phosphorus peak was present in the samples they analyzed.
Kevin McCairn’s team performed their own spectroscopic analysis. These were the results:
Vaccine Fraud Alert – June 13th 2022 Pfizer & Moderna Contain No RNA
Recent testing (SEM/EDX analysis) on vaccines conducted by Dr. Kevin W. McCairn Ph.D. finds that both Pfizer & Moderna vaccines failed to register elemental signatures for Nitrogen and Phosphorous! Normal mRNA contains significant quantities of Nitrogen which forms Purines ((A)denine, (G)uanine) & Pyrimadines (Uracil, Cytosine), which should be linked to a sugar-phosphate backbone
They didn’t find peaks for phosphorus or nitrogen. What they found appeared to be a saline solution with various metals in it. No graphene, but no mRNA, either.
Last week, the Spectator in Australia published this article, about self-assembling structures in vaccine samples that quit self-assembling when placed in a Faraday cage.
So is there graphene oxide in the Pfizer shots? What Nixon found, and filmed, is bizarre to say the least. Inside a droplet of vaccine are strange mechanical structures. They seem motionless at first but when Nixon used time-lapse photography to condense 48 hours of footage into two minutes, it showed what appear to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and micro chips. These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag. Nixon’s findings are similar to those of teams in New Zealand, Germany, Spain and South Korea.
Self-assembly of nanoparticles by way of energy harvesting is a topic of ongoing research. The actual technical term for this sort of thing is nanoarchitectonics:
STAM - Self-assembly as a key player for materials nanoarchitectonics
The development of science and technology of advanced materials using nanoscale units can be conducted by a novel concept involving combination of nanotechnology methodology with various research disciplines, especially supramolecular chemistry. The novel concept is called ‘nanoarchitectonics’ where self-assembly processes are crucial in many cases involving a wide range of component materials.
There’s still plenty of room at the bottom
In a lecture at the American Physical Society in 1959 titled ‘There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom’, Richard Feynman argued that huge possibilities come from working in the world of molecules and atoms. He dreamed of ultra-small computers, cars running under a microscope, and medical machines working in our body.
These dreams are now coming true. In 2017, we had the first World Nanocar Race in Toulouse, France. Six teams from around the world manipulated nanometre-size cars to run on a metal surface under a scanning tunnelling microscope. A nanocar is 2 billion times smaller than a usual car, corresponding to the size difference between a rice grain and the Earth. Feynman only imagined cars 4000 times smaller than normal. However, few of the nanocars resembled cars, and none were powered by their own motors. There’s still plenty of room for improvement.
A lot of this has to do with the behavior of things like quantum dots and 2D materials at the nanoscale, and is very arcane:
It is possible that all of these conflicting analyses are each, individually true, if we suppose that different batches of the vaccine may contain different “experiments”. Some might contain graphene. Others might be placebos, or contain nothing more than an assortment of toxic metals, which would be enough to charge their manufacturers with fraud.
Right now, because of the conflicting narratives and the limited data, it is difficult to make a judgment call. Answering this question definitively will require more analysis of the vaccine vials. Vastly more. Different batches, from different geographic locations.
This is very tricky to do legally. The vaccine manufacturers’ contracts with our governments don’t actually allow independent analysis of the vials and their contents. This is very troublesome, because there are reports that many of the vials have degraded, low-purity mRNA in them (if any at all):

In June, Trial Site News published a bombshell investigative report on the leaked European Medicine Agency (EMA) emails and other Pfizer-related confidential reports, which exposed concerning facts in the run-up to the authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. It revealed:
A politically driven race between key regulators in their rush to authorize the vaccine.
By late November 2020, regulators including, US FDA, European Medicines Agency, Health Canada and the UK’s MHRA, were all aware of the significant loss of RNA integrity of the commercial batches (~55% mRNA integrity) of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine compared to the clinical ones (~78% mRNA integrity). This was classified by EMA as a “major objection” along with observed visible particles, which were classified as “impurities.”
A leaked 26 November PowerPoint presentation of a meeting between Pfizer-BioNTech and the EMA revealed how this major objection was shockingly ‘resolved’- the RNA integrity specification was simply lowered to 50%, therefore half of all mRNA molecules in the commercial batches were allowed to be truncated (not intact).
The potential implications of the RNA integrity loss in terms of safety and efficacy were unknown.
A Substack article on Let’s Be Clear covers this issue of nucleic acid purity and integrity:
So did AllTheRisks:
It’s quite clear that Moderna and Pfizer haven’t exactly been honest about the safety or quality of their products.
There is a lot of information here that needs to be collated, and new info is emerging every week. If this scandal slowly snowballing in the background was widely known, the scale of the backlash would be biblical.
A few weeks ago, a reader asked if there was definitive proof that the shots contain graphene. There isn’t. In fact, there isn’t even any definitive proof they contain mRNA, either. People are having adverse reactions to these vaccines, however, so there has to be a specific mechanism behind these injuries.
Graphene or not, mRNA or not, we need transparency and accountability, and we need it now. Not only should the COVID-19 vaccine campaigns immediately cease, there should be full inquiries and broad independent analysis of the contents of these vaccines, because from where I sit, the CEOs of Moderna and Pfizer ought to be in prison.
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Pfizer and Moderna and the people behind this whole experiment did exactly that - they experimented with obviously different products on a very large number of people. Some seemingly got saline solution while others were plainly poisoned. Lots of people died within hours to days of the jab. Who is ever going to find out the truth about this disaster? I hope you do !
Lack of transparency alone should make everyone suspicious. The lack of controls and jabbing pregnant women without clinical trials,should outrage every physician out there , (whether an ob/gyn or not). It’s clearly a ruthless depopulate bioweapon.