No New Normal
Coolchewlew and his crew at No New Normal have put together a rather excellent community on Mighty Networks to discuss COVID-19, the ridiculous vaccine mandates and travel restrictions, adverse effects from the vaccines, and so on. He also runs community voice chats now and then. Feel free to meet up with us there!
Coolchewlew also has a Substack of his own, at No New Normal Union Journal:
Subscriptions for Supporters
You might have noticed that we’ve enabled payment options on the Substack. These plans are for supporters who wish to donate to the cause.
I must emphasize this; we will never paywall any content, ever. All articles, old and new, previous and forthcoming, will remain available for free subscribers to read and comment on. To do otherwise would be to go against the very intent of this Substack.
We at ICENI are fundamentally opposed to the very concept of paywalls, especially among mainstream news services. They have a very pernicious effect which few have taken into consideration; they make it difficult to compare and contrast messaging from different sources. Paywalls on mainstream news sites like NYT, WSJ, Reuters, and so on, serve to conceal the degree to which mainstream news outlets parrot each other, walling subscribers off into their own boxes.
Few can afford to subscribe to all news outlets simultaneously, therefore, except for those who go great lengths to bypass paywalls, or who have deep pockets, they won’t notice the alarming synchronicity between various sources.
If you like what we have to offer, feel free to become a supporter. However, it’s not necessary to view our articles. Those will always be available to free subscribers, as well.
Millions of people have been put into financial hardship by the Deep State criminals who have instigated this mess, and fleecing people for cash, especially under these dire circumstances, would be immoral.
We believe news should be free, and available to be freely discussed by all, and we will continue to publish updates on new developments regarding the pandemic as soon as new information is available.
Stay tuned.
Thank you, Spartacus.
Some 'stack authors have a "buy me a coffee" option - (they spell it "Kofi," not "coffee") in addition to the yearly or monthly subscription options. If I weren't in financial straits, I'd definitely buy a monthly subscription to your 'stack, but I honestly can't afford to do so these days. It'd be great to be able to give you a one-time donation, at any time, ideally often, in lieu of purchasing an ongoing subscription.
A huge thanks for keeping all of the reading content free, as well as the ability to post! Your subscription fees are very fair, and I hope to be able to subscribe with my next paycheck. However, I am blessed to have a paycheck coming in, but a lot of each one seems to go to the D.C. crowd so they can "give it as Ukraine Aid", then have it flow back into their pockets. Too bad we can't choose what our tax dollars are spent on. But I digress.
All of that being said, a one time donation option would be nice too.